I’ve reached that stage of life that, on occasion, I’m asked for life advice. My best, most succinct answer is this: Follow Jesus and don’t vote for Democrats. The reason for the former part of my statement is widely known, and the reason for the latter is simple: The Democrat Party is one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today.
spite of this, there is some foolish thing called “Evangelicals for Harris.” (Until
the Democrat coup, they were known as “Evangelicals for Biden.”) This is
supposedly an organization of Christians who have decided to vote for Kamala Harris
for President of the United States because “Orange man bad,” and are
encouraging other Christians, or, more likely so-called Christians, to do the
Support from one of Billy
Graham’s grandchildren
has recently brought the organization a bit of media attention. On their website, the anti-Trump group declares, “Evangelicals don’t
have to change who they are, they just need to reaffirm who they are by voting
for someone who better reflects Christian values.” That statement alone should
completely disqualify “Evangelicals for Harris” from any serious consideration
by any sincere Christian.
The Democrat Party—especially the national leadership—is almost
completely devoid of anything that “reflects Christian values.” As
I have often noted, and as we
saw with slavery in nineteenth century America, the modern
Democrat Party is on the wrong
side of virtually every significant moral issue of our time.
Democrats have long been wrong on sex, wrong on marriage,
wrong on life, wrong on the family, wrong on economics, wrong on the climate, wrong
on crime and punishment, wrong on immigration, wrong on faith, and so on. And
they haven’t merely been wrong, Democrats have made numerous laws and enacted countless
policies rooted in their many wrongs.
Most of these laws and policies are in clear and direct
contradiction to what Christianity teaches. For example, the
truth on marriage—that it is only the union of one man and one woman for
life—is one of the oldest truths in the history of humanity. Very early in
Scripture (Genesis
chapter two), God reveals the truth on marriage.
Also, marriage is the oldest institution in the history of
humanity—older than God’s covenant with the nation of Israel, older than The
Law, older than the church. If ANYTHING is true, marriage as the union of one
man and one woman is true. Yet, five justices on the U.S. Supreme Court
corrupted by a liberal worldview redefined marriage in U.S. law for all of
America. Never have so few destroyed so much in America in such a short time. (Recall,
there was no hand wringing in the drive-by media over this profound but very
narrow ruling.)
About the only fact in human history older than marriage is the
truth on what is a male and what is a female. Yet again, Democrats across
America deny this plain, simple truth and insist on forcing the rest of
us—again, via the courts, legislatures, and executive branches—to accommodate
and even affirm their wicked lies and perversions in this grave matter.
This evil hasn’t merely resulted in men and boys taking
trophies and prizes from female athletes. Unsuspecting, naïve, and deceived children
are being mutilated in the name of this perversion and Democrats are insisting
on even enforcing disagreeing parents to play along! What’s more, government, military,
corporate, and educational policies are being changed to accommodate democrat
delusions on who is a male and who is a female.
Likewise, Democrats continue to insist on enforcing their “green
energy” fantasies on the rest of the U.S. It seems most American Democrats are
more committed to their green agenda than they anything within Christianity. The
only “leadership” revealed
on the website for “Evangelicals for Harris” shows Jim Ball. His bio on the
page declares,
The Rev. Jim Ball, Ph.D., is author of Global Warming
and the Risen LORD. For 20 years he formerly served as a senior executive
in a Christian environmental organization. The architect of the “What
Would Jesus Drive” educational campaign and the key organizer and national
spokesperson for the Evangelical Climate Initiative, Jim has testified before
Congress and appeared on ABC’s Good Morning America, Fox, CNN, and NPR. He has
been featured in the New York Times, and honored by Rolling Stone magazine as
one of their environmental “Warriors and Heroes,” and by Time magazine as one
of its climate change “innovators.”
Mr. Ball sounds like a reverend in the “New
Religion of the First World Elites.” In other words, he sounds more like
he’s devoted to the Church of Climate Change than he is to Christianity. Of
course, Democrats have foolishly attempted sweeping change in U.S. energy
policy in the name of “saving the planet” from false idea that man-caused
climate change is harming it.
Of all the Democrat’s bad ideas, there is likely none that’s
more financially devastating than an attempted (it
can’t really happen) transition to “green energy.” What the failed
Biden-Harris administration has already “accomplished” in this area of the
American economy has been a considerable burden to U.S. citizens. Higher gas
prices have plagued the Biden-Harris administration and have significantly
contributed to inflation throughout the U.S.
These are merely three examples of what Democrats and their
foolish anti-Christian, anti-capitalist, pro-authoritarian policies have done
to America. The harm to our country and culture wrought by the Democrat Party
is near-immeasurable and massively immoral, and Christians should have nothing
to do with it.
(See this column at American Thinker.)
Copyright 2024, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle
and Magnificence of America
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