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Saturday, December 28, 2024

Democrat Policies Cause a MASSIVE Increase in the Homeless Population

On a recent 𝕏 post, Bernie Sanders lamented the level of homelessness in the U.S. Sanders declared, 

This is the richest country on earth. 770,000 Americans should not be homeless, and 20 million more should not be spending over half their incomes on rent or a mortgage. We need to invest in affordable housing, not Trump’s massive tax breaks for billionaires.
Sanders post was in response to an AP 𝕏 post that revealed that "the U.S. saw an 18.1% increase in homelessness" in 2024. 

Senator Ted Cruz had an excellent response to Sanders: 

California alone has spent BILLIONS of dollars in recent years in order to "fix" homelessness, only to see it increase MASSIVELY! Of course, along with the increase in homelessness comes rampant crime and other undesirable behaviors. No doubt this is one of the many reasons that Trump won back the White House. Also, the issues of homelessness and crime are one of the largest reasons residents are fleeing blue states for red ones. 

The explosion of homelessness in certain parts of the U.S. is just yet another tragic result of what happens when democrats are given unchecked political power. The lesson here is (AGAIN!): DON'T VOTE FOR DEMOCRATS!!!

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Friday, December 13, 2024

Recycling is an Expensive, Wasteful, and Unnecessary SCAM!

But don't merely take my word for it! The great John Stossel reveals the truth behind recycling in the video below. In short, as RedState puts it,

Does recycling work? Sure! On aluminum, cardboard, and glass... but that's about it. Everything else we're "recycling," especially plastics, isn't actually being recycled in ways that are saving the planet. In fact, every time plastic is recycled, it becomes less and less usable.

“Recycling is an industry that uses increasingly expensive labor to produce materials that are worth less and less,” says John Tierney, author of the New York Times Magazine story "Recycling Is Garbage." 

Stossel points out that landfills actually are the better alternative and environmentally safer, thanks to measures taken to make sure they don't leak...This makes the idea that we're running out of space to dump our garbage more sensationalist nonsense than fact.

“If you think of the United States as a football field,” says Tierney, “all the garbage that we will generate in the next 1,000 years would fit inside a tiny fraction of the one-inch line.”

Moreover, if we stopped recycling plastic, the savings we'd have would blow your mind. Stossel says that in his own town, $340 million would be saved a year if the recycling stopped.

The full video is only about seven minutes: 


Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America