Of course, this is what happens when you’ve forgotten, ignored, or even embraced what is sin. This is what happens when “You live your truth” is the prevailing moral position. No one should be surprised that politicians who support the “right” to kill children in the womb, who championed the legal redefinition of the oldest institution in the history of humanity, and who now pretend that we can no longer rely on science, or common sense, or even simply our eyes to tell us who is a male and who is a female, would display open animus to people whose faith tells them such positions are immoral, and who live according to the notion that there is such a thing as absolute truth.
After all, if something is immoral, then perhaps it should be illegal—or at least not lawfully forced upon the unwilling. If there is such a thing as absolute truth, then perhaps our laws should reflect this truth. Democrats just can’t take the chance that such thinking will prevail in our legislatures, our courts, our classrooms, or even our churches. Thus, unless Christians can manage to get themselves elected—and bypass the scrutiny of hostile democrat overlords—our role in our government is increasingly imperiled.
This is especially true of Christians who wish to serve in the judiciary. Because liberals have long seen the courts as a “super-legislature” that they can use to enact their perverse agenda, tragically, Brett Kavanaugh will be far from the last Christian conservative judge who will draw the wicked ire of deceitful democrats who wish to derail such nominations.
Before Justice Kavanaugh, there were Robert Bork, Clarence Thomas, and Amy Coney Barrett and her loud “dogma.” Now we have “Sir” Brian C. Buescher of the Knights of Columbus. Democrat Senators Kamala Harris and Mazie Hirono recently and strongly implied that Judge Buescher’s membership in the two million-strong, 136-year-old Catholic service organization makes him unfit for the federal courts.
Of course what really troubled the Senate democrats is the position of the Knights of Columbus on abortion and marriage. Never mind that such positions are perfectly in line with centuries-old teachings of the Catholic Church and that disqualification on such grounds would bar from public service every Catholic who actually adheres to the Church’s teachings. As Matthew Continetti rightly notes,
My concern is the anti-Catholic sentiment manifest in the Democratic Party. Last March, Feinstein demanded to know if Michael Scudder, now confirmed to the Seventh Circuit, worked with his parish ‘to establish a residential crisis pregnancy center.” Last May, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse of Rhode Island asked Peter J. Phipps, now confirmed as a district court judge, about the Knights. Last October, Feinstein, Harris, and three other Democrats wanted to know about the relationship between Fourth Circuit nominee Allison Jones Rushing and the Alliance Defending Freedom, a Christian nonprofit that supports religious liberty. Last November, Feinstein asked Third Circuit nominee Paul Matey, “If confirmed, will you recuse yourself from all cases in which the Knights of Columbus have taken a position?”Right-minded Catholics should thank God that Trump was elected. As Rod Dreher reported, just prior to the 2016 election, a “new Wikileaks dump from Clinton campaign chief John Podesta’s emails reveals that Podesta created a couple of activist groups for the sake of undermining the Catholic bishops and the Church’s authority.” As Thomas Peters tweeted, “the head of Clinton’s campaign has been organizing to fracture a major religion.” Or, as Dreher rightly noted,
[A]t the senior level of the Democratic Party’s brain trust, a Clinton political operative — a Catholic! — created front groups specifically to undermine the authority of the Catholic bishops, and to separate the bishops from the people, as well as to secretly undermine Catholic teaching to make it more friendly to the Democratic Party’s agenda. Podesta ought to be excommunicated.As Continetti also notes, democrats have not limited their religious bigotry to just Catholics or the courts:
Baptists and Episcopalians are also under scrutiny. In June 2017, Bernie Sanders clashed with Russell Vought, now acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, over a blog post Vought had written regarding Islam that several Muslim groups considered Islamophobic. “I'm a Christian, and I believe in a Christian set of principles based on my faith,” Vought said. By the end of the exchange, Sanders said, “I would simply say, Mr. Chairman, that this nominee is really not someone who is what this country is supposed to be about.” Vought is an elder in his church, married, and has two daughters.Democrats also largely opposed Mike Pompeo’s nomination as Secretary of State because of how his Christian faith informs and impacts his politics. Pompeo—a Presbyterian—has served as a deacon, is open about his faith, and has also indicated that he actually believes what the Bible says when it comes to life, sex, and marriage. In November of 2017, Senator Sheldon Whitehouse, a Democrat from Rhode Island, critically questioned federal district court nominee Trevor McFadden—an Anglican—over his church’s traditional (biblical) teachings on marriage and the family.
Leftist pundits and homosexual apologists (typically one-and-the-same and almost always democrats) were recently aghast, and seemingly shocked, that the Second Lady (wife of the Vice President), Karen Pence, actually lives out her Christian faith. What provoked the wrath of the left here is the fact that Mrs. Pence is returning to teach at a Christian school where the dogma of wicked LGBT movement is rightly regarded as sin.
Along with targeting Christians who believe what the Bible reveals on the significant moral issues of our time, modern democrats have also targeted Jews and the nation of Israel. It is not a stretch to say, as Monica Showalter recently did, that “The left has made itself a fount of anti-Semitism, with all major currents of its poison coming from its direction. Democrats have normalized it, promoted its participants and celebrated its advocates.”
The black left—almost exclusively democrats—as John Perazzo recently noted, is littered with racists and anti-Semites. These Jew-haters are not mere race pimps and publicity prostitutes à la Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but they are also elected democrats. As Warren Henry revealed last year prior to the 2018 midterms, “democrats are fielding even more anti-Semitic candidates for Congress.” They’re not just running, but winning.
As Henry points out, Michigan representative Rashida Tlaib—who profanely promised to impeach President Trump—“is representative of the Democratic Party’s gradual march beyond the embrace of candidates and officials who criticize Israeli policy or its current government to a much uglier place in politics.” Like a growing number of democrats in Congress, Tliab supports a “one-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, along with the “boycott, divestment, sanctions” (BDS) movement.
As Mr. Henry also notes,
This is also why the left hates Christianity. Authentic Christianity points people to the truth. As a California church recently and faithfully declared, “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still a sin. The culture may change, the Bible does not.” Not many years ago in America, such a church sign would’ve been met, not with protests, but a chorus of “Tell us something we don’t know!” In today’s perverse world, such truth is protested, and the pastor behind posting the sign is forced to resign.
The left’s perversions and deceit seem to know no bounds, thus we are left stating and debating what was once almost universally accepted. This is what results when a major political party of the world’s most powerful nation is so often on the wrong side of the truth.
(See this column at American Thinker.)
Copyright 2019, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America
Along with targeting Christians who believe what the Bible reveals on the significant moral issues of our time, modern democrats have also targeted Jews and the nation of Israel. It is not a stretch to say, as Monica Showalter recently did, that “The left has made itself a fount of anti-Semitism, with all major currents of its poison coming from its direction. Democrats have normalized it, promoted its participants and celebrated its advocates.”
The black left—almost exclusively democrats—as John Perazzo recently noted, is littered with racists and anti-Semites. These Jew-haters are not mere race pimps and publicity prostitutes à la Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson, but they are also elected democrats. As Warren Henry revealed last year prior to the 2018 midterms, “democrats are fielding even more anti-Semitic candidates for Congress.” They’re not just running, but winning.
As Henry points out, Michigan representative Rashida Tlaib—who profanely promised to impeach President Trump—“is representative of the Democratic Party’s gradual march beyond the embrace of candidates and officials who criticize Israeli policy or its current government to a much uglier place in politics.” Like a growing number of democrats in Congress, Tliab supports a “one-state solution” to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, along with the “boycott, divestment, sanctions” (BDS) movement.
As Mr. Henry also notes,
To put this trend into context, consider that the U.S. State Department has adopted a “working definition” of anti-Semitism, as a member of the International Holocaust Remembrance Alliance. The “working definition” provides illustrations of anti-Semitism, including “denying the Jewish people their right to self-determination, e.g., by claiming that the existence of a State of Israel is a racist endeavor” and “applying double standards by requiring of it a behavior not expected or demanded of any other democratic nation.”As Marc Greendorfer recently revealed,
The founders and leaders of the BDS movement support a “one-state solution” that destroys Israel as Jewish state. The movement is the intellectual descendant of the 1945 Arab boycott, which did not distinguish between Jews and Israel. It is based on the premise that Israel is a racist apartheid state requiring the sort of action once taken against South Africa.
While BDS has risen in the United States, so has anti-Semitism. Anti-Semitic incidents have spiked from a low point of 751 incidents in 2013 to nearly 2,000 in 2017. It is no coincidence that the spread of a movement that demonizes Jews has had the same effect in the U.S. that similar campaigns had in the last 2,000 years.As its proponents and leaders make clear, the real agenda of BDS is the destruction of Israel. Robert P. George of Princeton warns, leading democrats will soon altogether turn on Israel. The modern left hates Israel because the existence of a nation called Israel is one of the greatest evidences that the God of the Bible is real. They hate God—or at least the idea that there is a righteous God to whom we owe our very lives, to whom we are accountable, and whose Word we are to follow—so they hate Israel.
This is also why the left hates Christianity. Authentic Christianity points people to the truth. As a California church recently and faithfully declared, “Bruce Jenner is still a man. Homosexuality is still a sin. The culture may change, the Bible does not.” Not many years ago in America, such a church sign would’ve been met, not with protests, but a chorus of “Tell us something we don’t know!” In today’s perverse world, such truth is protested, and the pastor behind posting the sign is forced to resign.
The left’s perversions and deceit seem to know no bounds, thus we are left stating and debating what was once almost universally accepted. This is what results when a major political party of the world’s most powerful nation is so often on the wrong side of the truth.
(See this column at American Thinker.)
Copyright 2019, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America
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