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Tuesday, May 28, 2019

With Abortion and Socialism, Democrats Are Peddling Slavery Again

In 1860, with the election of Abraham Lincoln as U.S. President, the newly-formed Republican Party controlled the U.S. House, Senate, and presidency. As was the case with most every state in what would become the Confederacy, my home state of Georgia cited slavery, republicans, and the election of Lincoln as its reasons for seceding:
A brief history of the rise, progress, and policy of anti-slavery and the political organization into whose hands the administration of the federal government has been committed [the republicans] will fully justify the pronounced verdict of the people of Georgia [who voted to secede]. The party of Lincoln, called the Republican Party under its present name and organization, is of recent origin. It is admitted to be an anti-slavery party. . . . The prohibition of slavery in the territories, hostility to it everywhere, the equality of the black and white races, disregard of all constitutional guarantees in its favor, were boldly proclaimed by its leaders and applauded by its followers. . . . [T]he abolitionists and their allies in the northern states have been engaged in constant efforts to subvert our institutions.
The Confederate States of America was formed at the Montgomery Convention in February, 1861. For the southern states—and anyone else in the world paying attention—the agenda of the newly formed (and electorally victorious) Republican Party agenda was clear. Every party platform since the creation of the Republican Party had forcefully denounced slavery. After the infamous Dred Scott ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court in 1857, the subsequent Republican platform strongly condemned the ruling and reaffirmed the right of Congress to ban slavery in the territories. On the other hand, the corresponding Democrat platforms praised the Dred Scott ruling and condemned all efforts to end slavery in the U.S.

With its recent unashamed embrace of socialism—they used to avoid such talk—along with its decades-long devotion to killing children in the womb, the modern Democrat Party is again aligning itself with ideologies and institutions that have little to no regard for vast swaths of humanity. Since the dawn of the twentieth century, socialism—the economic system of communist countries—and abortion are responsible for the deaths of hundreds of millions of human beings.

As Breitbart reported late last year, with nearly 42 million killed in their mothers’ wombs, abortion was the leading cause of death worldwide in 2018. Since the infamous Roe v. Wade decision in 1973, the abortion holocaust has claimed the lives of over 60 million American children. Given such horrific numbers, with unborn children being the most innocent and helpless among us, and given that a mother’s womb should be one of the safest places in the universe, the plight of the unborn is the greatest civil rights battle of all time.

Yet the modern Democrat Party has never been more hostile to unborn children. As soon as they took control of the U.S. House this year, sex-worshipping democrats wasted little time in revealing their wicked and perverse priorities. In an attempt to end the partial government shutdown, democrats’ initial legislative funding proposal sent to the republican-controlled Senate repealed the pro-life “Mexico-City Policy” and provided $37.5 million for the pro-abortion United Nations Population Fund.

Days later, democrats in New York stood and cheered after Democrat Governor Andrew Cuomo signed into law legislation that allows for the killing of children in the womb right up to the moment of birth. In other words, the culture and ideology that gave us the gruesome Kermit Gosnell passed legislation that will only create more infanticidal fools.

Not to be outdone in their efforts to kill the most innocent and helpless among us, soon after the New York infanticide bill was signed into law, Virginia democrats proposed their version of an after-birth abortion bill. Distracting from his blackface scandal, Virginia’s governor, democrat Ralph Northam, infamously defended the legislation. Republican Senator Ben Sasse put it well when he noted,
In just a few years pro-abortion zealots went from ‘safe, legal, and rare’ to ‘keep the newborns comfortable while the doctor debates infanticide.’
That democrats are now debating infanticide shouldn’t be very surprising, as no less than Barack Obama himself helped push them along this evil path. Hoping to follow Mr. Obama as the next democrat president, virtually every democrat candidate for U.S. President supports what could only be described as infanticide. Martin Luther King Jr.’s niece, Alveda King, was exactly right when she asked and answered:
How can the "Dream" survive if we murder the children? Every aborted baby is like a slave in the womb of his or her mother. The mother decides his or her fate.
As the Nazis did with the Jews, and as pro-slavery Americans did with black Africans, modern abortion apologists have de-humanized those they find undesirable or those whose lives they want complete control over. On Fox News’ The Story, author and commentator Rachel Campos-Duffy compared abortion to slavery:
Our country has been divided since [1973] when Roe vs. Wade was passed, and I believe that in my lifetime, the only way this is going to be resolved is Roe v. Wade [being] overturned. It’s going to go back to the states because this issue is as fundamental as an issue was back in the middle of the 1800s called slavery. This is an issue about who gets to decide who is human enough so they can do whatever they want with that person, or the person they’re saying is not a person. This is such a fundamental human rights issue.
Like abortion, socialism is a “fundamental human rights issue.” In the last 125 years, only socialism rivals abortion in the slaughter of human beings, and like abortion, socialism is a form of slavery. In 1884, in his seminal work The Man Versus the State, philosopher and political theorist Herbert Spencer warned of “The Coming Slavery.” He wrote,
All socialism involves slavery…The degree of his slavery varies according to the ratio between that which he is forced to yield up and that which he is allowed to retain; and it matters not whether his master is a single person or a society. If, without option, he has to labour for the society, and receives from the general stock such portion as the society awards him, he becomes a slave to the society. Socialistic arrangements necessitate an enslavement of this kind…There seems no getting people to accept the truth…that the welfare of a society and the justice of its arrangements are at bottom dependent on the characters of its members; and that improvement in neither can take place without that improvement in character which results from carrying on peaceful industry under the restraints imposed by an orderly social life. The belief, not only of the socialists but also of those so-called Liberals who are diligently preparing the way for them, is that by due skill an ill-working humanity may be framed into well-working institutions. It is a delusion. The defective natures of citizens will show themselves in the bad acting of whatever social structure they are arranged into. There is no political alchemy by which you can get golden conduct out of leaden instincts. [Emphasis mine.]
One hundred and thirty-five years ago, Spencer—one of the most widely read philosophers of his time and “the single most famous European intellectual in the closing decades of the nineteenth century”—warned the world of what socialists would bring and who was “diligently preparing the way for them.”

Nevertheless, thanks mostly to socialist regimes, the twentieth century was the world’s bloodiest. From China’s Zedong and the Soviet Union’s Stalin to Cuba’s Castro, the twentieth century is littered with godless socialists who attempted to enslave and murder their way to Utopia. Tens of millions died in the forced-labor camps that socialism requires. Tens of millions more died in the poverty and starvation that socialism inevitably produces.

Many leading democrats today unashamedly embrace socialism, including some running for president. Those democrats who have yet to stoop to praising socialism openly have many policy proposals that are indistinguishable from what one would find in a socialist state. Yet modern American democrats insist their version of state control of most every facet of our lives will be different.

Tragically, as has been the case with abortion, many Americans seem to have bought into democrats’ socialist propaganda. According to a recent Gallup poll, a growing number of Americans have embraced at least some form of socialism. This is mostly due to the increasing number of democrats who view socialism favorably. As the same Gallup poll also notes, since 2010, a majority of democrats have had a favorable view of socialism. A similar Gallup poll last year revealed that a significantly larger number of democrats (57% to 47%) now prefer (“have a positive view of”) socialism over capitalism.

All the information we now have at our finger tips—including the nasty scenes from Venezuela—and it seems the lure of spending other people’s money—like the lure of (supposed) sex without consequences—still proves too much for too many. It took a civil war to rid the U.S. of the institution of slavery. Let us hope and pray that, in spite of what some are forecasting, it doesn’t get to that with abortion or socialism. 

(See this column at American Thinker.)

Copyright 2019, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Why This White Woman Voted for Brian Kemp

In 1951, a white baby girl was born in a small hospital in Ogbomosho, Nigeria, West Africa. She was raised among the Nigerian people by missionary parents—parents who dedicated their lives to ministering to and sharing the Gospel with people of color. My mom’s family came back to the States when she was a teenager, and they settled here in Georgia, where her parents taught at various colleges and public schools. She met my dad in beautiful Cleveland, Georgia when they were both in their mid-teens. They married at 18, and the rest, as they say, is history.

Mom loved Nigeria and the Nigerian people. She considered that “home” for many years after she returned to the U.S. As far as I know—and I’ve known her for 45 years now—there isn’t a racist bone in her body. My dad was a pastor and counselor for decades before he was killed tragically in a DUI in 2015. My parents love people—of all colors and shapes and sizes—and they instilled that love in their four children. My husband Trevor Thomas and I are, in turn, teaching our four children to love God and to love all people as well.

I turned 18 in 1991, and I was excited beyond words to participate in my first presidential election the following year. I campaigned for George H.W. Bush. I made signs at the local Republican Party headquarters to help welcome him to Gainesville on his Whistle Stop Train Tour. I cried when he lost to Bill Clinton.

In the 1996 election cycle, I campaigned early on for a brilliant, articulate, conservative Harvard PhD and United Nations Ambassador by the name of Alan Keyes. Of course he was—and still is—a black man. Sadly, Keyes didn’t make it out of the primaries. Herman Cain and Ben Carson are other “people of color” who I believe would have made outstanding presidents, and I would have supported them wholeheartedly if they had made it to their respective general elections.

In last year’s race for governor, we the people of the great state of Georgia were faced with a choice, though not a difficult choice at all, in my humble opinion—a conservative white man or a liberal black woman. Imagine for a moment that the characteristics had been reversed. Had Stacy Abrams been a pro-life, pro-small business, pro-biblical marriage, pro-2nd Amendment, pro-liberty candidate, and Kemp had been the socialist, pro-abortionist, anti-gun, anti-small business candidate, I would have crawled to the polls on my hands and knees, if necessary, to vote for Abrams.

However, Kemp is the conservative and Abrams is the liberal. It’s as simple as that. It matters not a twit that he is a white man and she is a black woman. I will vote for a candidate with conservative values over a liberal candidate at any time of the day or week or year. I couldn’t care less what color the candidate’s skin happens to be. It truly is what’s on the inside that counts.

Apparently, the Women’s March leader, Linda Sarsour, blames me for Georgia’s recent “Heartbeat Bill,” which outlaws abortion after a fetal heartbeat can be detected. On May 14, she tweeted,
While folks are debating tactics to respond to Georgia’s heartbeat bill, let’s remember that 76% of the white Women electorate in GA (more than white men) voted for Brian Kemp over Stacey Abrams. That’s where the work needs to happen. WW continue to uphold the patriarchy.
Unfortunately, Sarsour’s racist rant here is typical rhetoric from today’s left. I wish we could move on to more important issues that affect all Americans instead of dwelling on such insignificant differences as skin color. But it seems as though democrats will continue to play the race card in order to win voters to their side and gain political power. Since there is no substance to Sarsour’s argument, she is forced to stoop to slimy, deceptive tactics like race-baiting.

So yes, Linda Sarsour, this white woman voted unashamedly for Brian Kemp, and I would most definitely do it again, in a heartbeat. But it wasn’t to uphold “the patriarchy,” as you foolishly proclaim, and neither was it because Kemp is white. You completely miss the forest for the trees when you tout that ignorant garbage. As long as and whenever I have the opportunity to vote for a candidate who stands for truth, justice (for all—born and unborn), and the American way, you can bet your liberal bottom borrowed dollar that he or she will have my support. Red and yellow, black and white, we are all precious in the God’s sight, but some are much more deserving of my vote than others.

(See this column at American Thinker.)

Copyright 2019, Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas
Michelle Fitzpatrick Thomas is a Christ follower, wife to and chief editor for Trevor Thomas, and a homeschooling mom to four amazing children. She is the author of the brand new Through Deep Waters: Finding Healing and Hope in Devastating Grief and Debt-Free Living in a Debt-Filled World. Her website is KingdomCrossing.com, and she can be reached by email at michelle@kingdomcrossing.com.

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

When Infanticidal Democrats Are Accidentally Correct on Abortion

Recent words by notorious democrats again prove the old adage: even a broken clock is right twice a day. In this case, we have had two democrats in less than two weeks accidentally speaking truth to one of the gravest moral issues of our time.

First of all, we have Alabama state representative John Rogers (D). At the beginning of this month, the republican-controlled Alabama House overwhelmingly passed (74-3) pro-life legislation that would make abortion a felony except in cases where the life of the mother is at risk. The bill will likely not become law, as it will probably die in the Alabama Senate. Aware of this, pro-life lawmakers hope to use the legislation as a means to overturn Roe.

In debating the bill, while attempting to defend the indefensible—the killing of unborn children—representative Rogers made clear the democrats’ position when it comes to the most helpless and innocent among us when he declared,
Some kids are unwanted, so you kill them now or you kill them later. You bring them in the world unwanted, unloved, you send them to the electric chair. So, you kill them now or you kill them later.
Note that Rogers here provides us with several bits of rare clarity when it comes to democrats and the unborn. Repeatedly using the word “kill,” Rogers reminds us what an abortion actually results in: the death of a human being. As a popular pro-life refrain goes, “If it isn’t a life, then why do you have to kill it?”

Also, Representative Rogers failed to resort to the anthropomorphically ambiguous language so common among those who wish to sanitize what is really happening when an abortion occurs. Instead, Rogers made the mistake of referring to unborn children as “kids.” To protect the “right” to kill children in the womb, for decades those corrupted by liberalism have sought to dehumanize the unborn.

Thus, we often hear children in the womb described as a “zygote,” “embryo,” or “fetus.” Though these terms are medically correct, the left employs such language in order to avoid using the more humanizing words such as “baby,” “child,” or “kid.” What’s more, in order to hide their evil behavior toward children in the womb and to further dehumanize the unborn, the left will often abandon medically accurate terminology for unborn human beings and simply make stuff up.

In 2015, writing about the scandal involving Planned Parenthood and the selling of baby parts, Jen Gunter of The New Republic declared, “These are not ‘baby parts.’” She prefers that the “tissue specimen” be referred to, not as a fetus or an embryo, but as a “product of conception.” Gunter declared that the term “baby” doesn’t apply until birth.

Likewise, on CNN recently, breaking trend with democrats who have been accidentally correct on life in the womb, while debating “heartbeat bills” that have become law across the U.S., former Speaker of the New York City Council, Christine Quinn—a democrat, of course—said,
When a woman gets pregnant, that is not a human being inside of her. It is part of her body, and this is about a woman having full agency and control of her body and making decisions about her body and what is part of her body with medical professionals.
Thus, the so-called “party of science” again reveals just how much stupidity they will stoop to in order to justify their perverse sexual agenda.

Speaking of stupid, Alyssa Milano has tweeted again. Rightfully ignoring the threats of the ignorant Hollywood elite, Governor Brian Kemp recently signed Georgia’s version of a fetal heartbeat bill into law. Like so many others on the Hollywood left, because of the favorable tax laws passed by Georgia conservatives, Milano finds herself working in Georgia. Being a full-fledged member of the sex-crazed ignorant Hollywood elite, Milano can’t seem to help interjecting herself into Georgia politics.

After Governor Kemp signed the heartbeat bill into law, Milano decided it was time for action. On May 10, through her Twitter account, Milano called for a “sex strike.” She tweeted:
Our reproductive rights are being erased. Until women have legal control over our own bodies we just cannot risk pregnancy. JOIN ME by not having sex until we get bodily autonomy back. I’m calling for a #SexStrike. Pass it on.
It seems that liberals are more clueless about biology than we thought. Seemingly unaware of the irony of her call, pro-life conservatives on Twitter soon clued her in:

Of course, the world would be a much better place if Milano and her ilk—men and women alike—would remain on a “sex strike,” at least until they are in a committed marital relationship. Sadly, this is not the plan. As a Milano supporter in the New York Post reveals, the real desire for pro-abortionists is to turn states like Georgia into states like New York. Because, “if you’re in a place where you can still have abortions, like New York State,” then one can “f— all you want!”

And thus, we see Ms. Milano produce even more unintended truth from the left! Without stating so in such clear terms, for decades the left has sold their wicked sexual agenda upon the notion that if voters will just elect democrats, then one can “f— all you want!” This has resulted in not only a war on the unborn, but a war on marriage, the family, and the ultimate target of the modern left: the truth.

(See this column at American Thinker.)

Copyright 2019, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America