Yesterday, in historic infamy, over 1,400 members of the Boy
Scouts national council voted (by a 61% to 39% margin) to allow openly
homosexual boys into its ranks. As USA
Today noted, “Since 1991 the Scouts have barred openly gay individuals from
participating in Scouting because it was decided that being gay was incompatible
with being ‘morally straight.’” So now, all of a sudden being “morally
straight” doesn’t necessarily mean being sexually straight.
As is so typical with liberalism, whenever there’s a moral standard
you want to change, just be persistent, loud, and threatening. It only took about 22 years with the
Boy Scouts.
Persistent liberalism has worn down Dekalb
County (in Georgia ). For
now, atheist organizations have sought to get high school graduations out of
area churches. In 2010, a federal judge ruled (based on a lawsuit brought
against a Connecticut
high school) that holding high school graduation ceremonies at a church was
unconstitutional, and ordered the Enfield (CT) school board to find an alternative
In recent years schools in Georgia have faced boycotts from
atheist students and threats from atheist organizations for holding graduations
in churches. This year, Dekalb
County GA
decided that the fight wasn’t worth it. They have decided to pull all
graduations out of local churches. This is in spite of the fact that
alternative venues are often not as convenient or as equipped to hold such
Then there is Sweden . For days now
has suffered nighttime riots at the hands of unruly youths. The young thugs
have set dozens of fires, targeting many cars and even a school. As reported by news, “Community leaders insist that a main reason for the violence is
the high rate of unemployment in immigrant communities, particularly in the
suburb of Husby near central Stockholm ,
one of the worst affected by the nighttime violence.”
Using very sound liberal logic, Swedish Democrats MP Kent
Ekeroth stated, “In Sweden you’ve got welfare, access to the educational system
– up to university level, you got access to public transport, libraries,
healthcare – to everything. And still they feel that they [immigrants] need to
riot through stones and Molotov cocktails. It’s ridiculous and a bad excuse.”
Apparently it has escaped many Swedes that, when you promote
a culture of entitlement, those on the receiving end are likely to erupt when
they don’t get everything they expect. Ingrid Carlqvist, editor in chief of the
Swedish Dispatch International concluded, “The problem is not from the Swedish government or from the
Swedish people. The last 20 years or so, we have seen so many immigrants coming
to Sweden that really don’t
like Sweden .
They do not want to integrate, they do not want to live in [Swedish] society:
Working, paying taxes and so on.”
In a moment of mental clarity, Carlqvist added, “The people
come here now because they know that Sweden will give them money for
nothing. They don’t have to work, they don’t have to pay taxes – they can just
stay here and get a lot of money. That is really a problem.” Yes it is! Carlqvist is correct, however, the environment that has produced this “money
for nothing” culture is a result of the liberal policies favored by the Swedish
people and their politicians. Thus, the Swedes bear the responsibility for
creating such a liberal haven.
(See this column on American Thinker.)
Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
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