For the most part, the
articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the
- Israel: Obama 2008 vs. Obama 2016
- Obama: A Political Corpse
- The Pathetic End of the Obama Era
- California's Madness
- Liberals Struggle Against Reality
- Fleeing Blue America
- Mark Levin Calls Out Kerry/Obama for Attacks on Jews
- The Bloody Lesson of Chicago's 762 Murders
- The Scandals Valarie Jarrett Overlooked
- The Great Hijab Cover-Up Chicago is Breaking
- Only Liberals Need Apply
- Govt. by Faculty Lounge Subject to Repeal
- Delusional Dems of 2017
- The Real Agenda for the "Women's March on Washington"
- The Sessions Smear
- Barack to the Future
- Not All Hate Crimes Are Equal
- Bitter Dems Urging Hillary to Run for Mayor of NYC
- Against the Tyranny of the So-Called "Experts"
- Chicago Video a Window Into a Depraved (Liberal-Led) Culture
- Obama's Legacy of Deceit
- When Do Deficits Matter?
- Congressional Black Caucus (Re)Hangs Painting Depicting Police as Pigs
- The Left Hopes Trump Fails
- Black Pastors Defend Sessions
- Trump & the Death of Utopianism
- Disturbing Lessons From Chicago Beating
- Mr. Obama: No, You Didn't
- Libs Attack Sessions b/c They Fear the Truth
- Tips for Hate-Crime Hoaxers
- How to Kill Everyone on Welfare (In the Name of Liberalism)
- Ted Cruz's Beautiful Defense of Jeff Sessions
- No More Hyphenated Americans
- The Leviathan State Arises
- "Don't Violate My Liberal Bubble"
- Corey Booker: The Histrionics of a Fraud
- Obama Campaigns to the End
- Sore Losers
- CNN Host Blasts John Lewis
- The Truth on Gun Silencers
- The Great Hate-Crime Hysteria
- Trump and the American Divide
- Obama's Disastrous Record on Race
- Joe Biden is No Role Model
- Will Democrats Stand With John Lewis?
- Obama's Fake Legacy: Progress in the Black Community
- When the Left Loses, Expect Riots & Death Threats
- Obama's "Scandal Free Administration" is a Myth
- "Statistical Evidence Not Required"
- Putin, Obama, & Trump
- Obama's Many Scandals
- Sponsors of Anarchy
- How the Left Uses Black History Month
- Obama Pardons Transgender Spy
- What Does It Mean to be a "Mediocre Negro?"
- Trump Must Deal With Obama's Legacy of Racism
- This is What Real Change Looks Like
- Watch Inauguration Live
- Trump's First Executive Orders
- Trump Haters Show True Colors
- Trump's Inaugural Address: Full Speech
- Did Obama Pardon Bradley Manning b/c He's Transgender?
- Dangerous Games
- Trump and Israel
- The Crazy Left's 4-Step Plan to Ensure Trump's Re-Election
- When Race Trumps Truth
- The Horrible New Normal
- The Narcissistic Petulance of "The Resistance"
- Having a Vagina is Not a Political Argument
- America's Second Civil War
- Trump Puts the Squeeze on the Govt. Dollar
- After TPP
- Women's Marchers Unite!
- Is Chuck Schumer a Liar?
- Post-Truth Science
- The Dictatorship of Equality
- How Trump Turned Postmodernism Against Itself
- Donald Trump: America's New CEO
- Vagina-Based Politics Demeans Women
- The Final Obama Scandal
- This is What Post-Christian Dissent Looks Like
- The First Firestorm
- The Democrat Patient
- Tillerson Approved as Secretary of State
- When Normalcy is Revolution
- Berzerkeley Riot
- Fake News, Failed States, and "America First"
- Give Me Your Tired Arguments
- What is the Democrat Party?
- Faculty Liberals Shamefully Defend Rioters
- "Nasty" D.C. March Reveals Godless Nature of Feminism
- Clinton Foundation Collapse Continues
- Boycott the Boycotters
- Democrats Lie Down With Dogs
- More Liberal Hypocrisy in Betsy DeVos Opposition
- George Soros-Funded Group Provoked Berkeley Riot
- The Left Hates You. Act Accordingly.
- The Blood Libels of the Left
- Identity Politics Are Inevitable
- Democrat Party Has Lost Its Mind--and Its Soul
- No, the Future is Not Female
- The U.S. Owes No "Reparations" to Blacks
- The Moronic Crusade Against Ivanka Trump
- A Fact-Free Debate on Trump's Executive Order
- The Queen is Dead
- Obama, Jonathan Chait, and the Hubris of American Liberalism
- The Groves of Fascism
- Elizabeth Warren's Secrets and Lies
- California: Sanctuary for Morons
- Help the Poor Move
- Flynn Resigns as Natl Security Advisor
- The Deplorables Shout Back
- CIA Informant Broke the Law to Take Out Flynn
- What Did Obama Know and When Did He Know It?
- Bumps in the Road: Trump vs. Obama
- Flynn's Political Assassination
- D.C. Scandal Hypocrites
- Liberal Pawns
- Obama Officials "Directly Involved" in the Attacks on Mike Flynn
- The Cover-Up in Search of a Crime
- Trump is the Answer to All That Ails D.C.
- The Wikipedia Purge
- When Obama's National Security Advisor Lied, The Media Laughed
- All Those Little White Lies
- Where Was McCain When Obama Attacked the Free Press?
- Patriot Games
- CPAC's Milo Disgrace
- Dear Conservatives: Defend Principles, Not Personalities
- Obama's Incompetence & Chaos Far Eclipsed Trump's
- The Trump Effect
- Trump Smashes Obama's Small-Donor Fundraising Record
- Conservatives: Choose Your Mascots Wisely
- Is Pelosi's Mind Failing?
- Conservatism in the Age of Trump
- CPAC: Bannon Lays Out the Agenda
- Trump's Conservative CPAC Speech
- Down With the Administrative State
- Shocker: Soda Taxes Lead to Pay Cuts and Job Losses
- Big Government is Ever Growing, On the Sly
- Democrats Do the Same Dance
- Meet the Terrorist Behind the Next Women's March
- Liberalism's Fake Sense of Morality
- The Metaphysics of Trump
- Did Democrats Aid and Abet Terrorists Seeking U.S. Secrets?
- Trump's Speech Leaves Dems in Ruins
- 2/28/2017: The Night the Democrat Party Died?
- Trump's Speech = Very Bad Night for Democrats
- Sessions Recuses Himself from the Russian Inquiry
- Dems Grasping at Straws in Sessions Attack
- The Smearing of Jeff Sessions
- The Revolt of the Attorneys General
- Hey GOP: Stop Giving Rope to the Dems' Lynch Mob
- Sessions Should Not Have Recused Himself
- Democrat Party is Facing a Demographics Crisis
- All the Democrats Who Met With the Russian Ambassador
- Democrat High Priestesses in White
- Trump: Obama Tapped My Phones During the Election
- "This is Nixon/Watergate"
- Dem Red Faces
- Obama Admn. History of Wiretapping
- A Special Prosecutor...For What?
- Pro-Life, Pro Truth
- Obama's Wiretapping of Trump: Updates
- The Wiretapping Story So Far
- Was Obama Wiretapping Sessions Too?!
- Amazing Timeline of Leaks on Trump and Russia
- Clear Evidence Trump was Wiretapped
- Schumer's Plan to Keep Obama's Appointees in Power
- Obama's Spying a Big Problem for Democrats
- Liberals Hate Free Speech
- The Dem-Media Trump-Russia Narrative Just Collapsed
- Lynch Mobs of the Left
- Social Justice Syndrome
- The ACLU vs. Trump
- Did Eric Holder Commit Perjury?
- Millennials Can't Save the Democrat Party
- Eugenics Was a Liberal Cause
- Communism's Last Laugh
- The Dems' Clinton Problem
- About Time: Sessions Fires Obama-Appointed Attorneys
- Democrats Admit Lack of Evidence in Trump/Russia Collusion
- Obama's Lackeys Still Occupy the Pentagon
- No, Red States Are Not Welfare States
- A Day Without Idiots
- Why Corporate Leaders Became Liberal Activists
- The Trouble With Barry
- Another Win for the Grievance Industry
- Yard Sign Displays the Liberal Testament of Lies
- Democrats Fail at Escaping Their Whirlpool of Failures
- The Rich Are the Party of the Left
- Abandon Ivanka Trump's Childcare Plan
- Liberty is Not for Wimps
- A Liberal Coup is in Process
- Deterrence and Human Nature
- Obama Admn. Fast-Tracked After School Satanist Clubs
- Cheating & Lying Donna Brazile Blames the Russians
- Trump Convincing Conservatives
- What Was the Point of Winning the Election?
- Why the CBO Can't Be Trusted
- A Blue State "Secession" Model That Works
- FBI Won't Commit to Investigating Leaks from Obama Operatives
- The Worst Addiction of All: Entitlements
- Trigger Warning Tyrants
- Yes, Obama Investigated Trump
- Time to Stop Taxpayer-Funded Propaganda
- A Republic, If You Can Keep It
- The Root of Democrats' Russia Delusion
- Defund the UN
- John Podesta: In Bed With the Russians All Along
- Dear Politicians: To Promise Free Things is to Lie
- Keep Calm, and Propagandize On
- "Hee Haw" and Trump's "Deplorables"
- Nunes' Spying Revelations Are a Big Deal
- Benghazi Liar Adam Schiff Slimes Devin Nunes
- Drain the IRS Swamp
- Trump Was Right About Obama's Wiretaps
- Replace Paul Ryan as Speaker?
- The Cowardice of Their Convictions
- The Lies That Liberals Tell
- Spy vs. Spy vs. Trump
- Europe: Death by a Thousand Cuts
- The False Compassion of Liberalism
- The Russian Farce
- Next for Trump Should be Jobs and Wages
- Mutlicultural Psychology Test
- Monumental Imbeciles
- Watching Cities Die
- Democratic Vendetta
- Girding GOP Loins for War
- Liberal Fantasylands
- The Enemy Within
- Not One Piece of Evidence that Russia "Hacked the Election"
- In Defense of the Freedom Caucus
- Nunes the Target of a Partisan Smear Campaign
- Dems Dangerous Russia/Election Fraud Meme
- American's Don't Want What Feminists Want
- Why Isn't Hillary in Jail?
- Obama Spied, the Media Lied
- Obama's Natl. Sec. Adv. Ordered "Unmasking" of Trump Team
- Susan Rice "Unmasked" Members of Trump Team During Election
- Ordered Agencies to Produce "Detailed Spreadsheets" Involving Trump
- Susan Rice Unmasked
- Susan Rice Wanted to Advance the Democrat Party
- Nunes Disclosures May Signal a Watergate-Level Scandal
- Obama Admn's Spying Appears Political & Criminal
- Why Wasn't the FBI Involved?
- No "Unmasking" Was Done for Hillary's Campaign
- The Civil War is Here
- Is Profiling Ok?
- Al Gore's Lincoln Lie
- Democrats Seek to Make Enlightenment Die in Darkness
- Nunes Out?
- The Half-Baked Lies of Susan Rice
- Campus Clowns Attack Another Conservative Speaker
- What They Knew & What They Said
- Obama Spying Scandal Isn't Going Away
- The War Against Reality
- The Rotten Obama Record--and Legacy
- Government Makes the Poor Poorer
- Turns Out Obama Was the Real Russian Stooge
- A Spying, Lying Obama Admn.
- Berkeley Hates Free Speech
- "Science": The Cure-All for the Left
- Obama Admn. Spied on Carter Page
- Vulgar Leftist Millennials Stand Up for Communism
- Democrats Aren't the Party of Science
- Lois Lerner Deserves Criminal Charges
- Everyone is Hitler But Me
- Pinkshirts on the Move
- Bill Nye: The Perfect Talking Head for a March Against Science
- The Fallacy of "Openness & Tolerance"
- IRS Scandal: It's Time to Prosecute Lois Lerner
- What's Happening to the Democrat Party?
- Worse Than Racists
- Leftists Detest Patriotism
- Apocalyptic Progressivism
- The Confused, Hapless Democratic Party
- Chelsea Clinton's Cheerleading Cult
- The March to Kill Science
- Venezuela's Socialist Hell
- The March for Science or Secularism?
- Death Squads Rule Venezuela
- Chelsea Clinton: "Little Creep"
- Democrats Double-Down on Losing Path
- No One Owns Science
- All Lies Matter
- It Was All Hillary's Fault
- Police vs. the PC Police
- Science vs Science™
- The March for Science Fiction
- California is Seceding from the Constitution
- More Guns, Less Crime Redux
- Fascists Against Fascism
- Democrats & the "Tolerance" Lie
- A Virtuous Republic Requires a Virtuous People
- No Surprise: Liberal Students are the Least Tolerant
- This Is War
- Liberals & Big Government: No Friend of the Poor
- Democrats vs. Free Speech
- Victims of Communism Day
- The Roots of Liberal Rage
- Limbaugh Grills Pence on the Budget
- My View from Eviction Court
- Follow the Lies
- Trump to Sign Exec. Order on Religious Freedom
- Trump's Exec. Order on Religious Liberty is Worse Than Useless
- Lincoln, Not Jackson
- The Inquisitor's Heirs
- Socialism, The 21st Century Diet Plan
- The True Goal of Feminism
- Big Government is a Human Right?
- Trump Fires Comey
- The Bipartisan Case Against James Comey
- Comey's Successor
- Comey's Fired--Now Indict Hillary
- Comey Deserved to be Fired
- President Troll on the Planet Hysteria
- No, It is Not "Treason"
- Democrats Have Learned Nothing From the Election
- Rush: Trump Must Stop the Leaks
- Clintons: The Pay to Play Family
- Screaming College Liberal Loses It Over Trump Sign
- Killing White People
- "The Objective of Communism Is Total Servitude"
- Crazy Libs Making Life Dangerous for Republicans
- How Liberalism Poisons Our Culture
- The Irrationals: Trump's Opponents Are His Greatest Asset
- James Comey Had to Go
- Why Are Democrats Afraid of the Election Integrity Commission?
- A Special Prosecutor for the Obama Admn.?
- Religious Liberty Should be a Foreign Policy Priority
- The Sabotaging of the President
- Feminism & Intelligence
- Democratic Road Rage
- "The Marketing of Evil"
- The Desperation of the Left
- Laboring Under the Delusions of Democrats
- Impeachment Fever
- Rush: What Crime Has Trump Committed?
- Robert Mueller to Oversee Russia Election Investigation
- Trump vs. Waters: Who Should be Impeached?
- Leakers From the Deep State Need to Face Criminal Charges
- Attempted Sabotage
- Impeachment Talk is Nothing New
- Revolt of CA's "Freeloaders"
- A Coup Attempt, Not a Constitutional Crisis
- Some Black Lives Don't Matter
- NAACP to Embrace Black Lives Matter?
- Significance of Trump's Speech Denouncing Islamic Terrorism
- Trump-Russia-Collusion Story is a Big Lie
- A Legal Double-Standard for Democrats and Republicans
- The Appointment of Mueller as Special Counsel is the Real Constitutional Crisis
- Investigate the Leaks!
- Special Prosecutor for Leaks?
- The Impeachment Delusion
- No More Fake Conservatives
- Unhinged Activists Never Enter the "Real World"
- How Team Obama Tried to Hack the Election
- Extraordinary Delusions & the Madness of Hillary Clinton
- Another Liberal Professor Faces a Liberal Mob
- Obama's Leaking Loyalists
- Liberal "Values" Again Lead to Violence
- Obama's Ratlines to Russia
- Maxine Waters Impeachment Meltdown: Verbally Attacks Conservative Voter
- The Left's Unilateral Suicide Pact
- Kathy Griffin's Liberal Bubble Enabled Her
- Kathy Griffin is Toast. Good.
- Trump Threatening Europe...With the Truth
- Vast Right-Wing Conspiracy 2.0, Russia Edition
- Blind Anti-Trumpism Corrupts the Brain
- The Real Collusion
- Hillary Blames America First
- The Frantic Desire for American Decline
- Anatomy of a Lie: Evolution of the Russian Narrative
- How Liberals Reacted to London Terror
- "Kushnergate" is Another Media Nothing-Burger
- The Roots of Left-Wing Violence
- Anti-Trump Hysteria is Rampant
- It's the Hypocrisy, Stupid
- Run, Hide, ...Blame Trump
- Islamic Carnage and Liberal Complicity
- Comey Confirms Trump Not Under Investigation
- James Comey's Prepared Testimony, Explained
- The Left's Argument that Trump Obstructed Justice Demolished in 4 Minutes
- Comey's Testimony: Much Ado About Nothing
- Comey Confirms: Democrat Pundits Are Wrong
- From Russia With Stupidity
- Comey's Weak Case
- Bernie Sanders Attacks Trump Appointee for Christian Beliefs
- Comey Was Never Investigating Trump & Russia, Yet Left-Wing Media Continued to Lie
- The Impeach Trump Conspiracy
- Why Trump Wins
- Comey: Master of Memos
- Mr. Comey's Not Very Good Day
- Bernie Sanders Shows How Religious Ignorance Breeds Progressive Intolerance
- Liberals Devouring Their Own at Evergreen College
- Comey's Double Standard
- Prosecute Comey?
- The March Against What Now?
- Bowing to Bernie's Secular Gods
- Mueller's Disturbing Left-Wing Staff
- The Democrats' Continue Marching Leftward
- Trump's Accusers Are Snared by Their Own Deceit
- Sessions Exposed the Absurdity of the Liberal Narrative
- When Speech Inspires Violence, Protect Liberty & Restore Virtue
- Baseball Shooter a Wake-Up Call for the Left
- Rewriting American History
- The Left's Incitement to Violence
- The 'Resistance' Goes Live-Fire
- The Violent Political Left
- Why Should We Trust Robert Mueller?
- Big Govt & the Epidemic of Violence
- Democrat's Assassination Porn Must Stop
- The Empire Strikes Back
- How Can You Obstruct a Fraud?
- Decades of Blaming Violence on the Right
- Crush the Resistance
- Investigation About Nothing
- Coulter Goes on Twitter Tirade Against Trump
- Democrat's Deadly Rhetoric
- A Long History of Leftist Hatred
- D.C. Press Confirms: D.C. is a Swamp
- Justice Dept. is Killing Trump
- Investigate the Investigators
- Time for Democrats to Take Responsibility for Their Assassination Porn
- "Resisting" Democracy & Decency
- The Left's Obsession w/Obscenity
- Trump vs. the Deep State
- Bernie Sanders, Theocrat
- The Jihad of the American Left
- Self-Inflicted Stupidity
- In Praise of Gerrymandering
- Dem Lawmaker Admits: "Our Brand is Worse Than Trump"
- The Left's Last Argument: Kill Them!
- LGBT Groups: Exclude Christians from Govt.
- Why Democrats Love Illegals
- Remain Calm Democrats, All Is Well
- Death Party Democrats: Barack and Hillary
- Potemkin Progressivism
- Political Class is Wrong About Everything
- The Banana Republic of Illinois
- Prideful Left Eats Itself
- Death Wish Progressives
- Russia Collusion: Democrat's Paranoid Saga
- Are Illinois and Puerto Rico Our Future?
- Female Democrats Hypocrites on Women's Rights
- Obama's Criminal Enterprise is Collapsing
- The Democratic Party is Doomed
- Still No Collusion Evidence
- Democrats and Republicans Are Not Morally Equivalent
- SPLC Got Rich on "Hate"
- American Freedom was Built on the Christian Faith
- The Great American Rip-Off
- Myth of "A System of White Supremacy"
- Today in Collusion
- The Socialist Temptation
- A Little-Known Story of the Declaration of Independence
- NRA Points Out Leftist Violence, Lib Journalists Outraged
- Founders Didn't Revolt to Get Free Healthcare or Phones
- Freedom & Tyranny: Meaning of Independence Day
- Where Are the Decent Liberals?
- The List of Democrats Who Aren't Crazy
- Politically-Fueled Cop Hatred Claims Another Victim
- GOP Voters Are Not "Voting Against Their Interests"
- Trump Defends Universal Truths in Poland
- John Podesta's Russia Connection
- In Defense of Western Civilization
- The High Price of Liberalism
- False Black Power?
- Yes, Liberals Hate Western Civilization
- Whose West? Which Values?
- Mad Maxine
- Who Killed the Left?
- A Miserable Week for the Left
- Today in Collusion
- When Liberal Policies Flop
- Liberals Cling to the "Russian Collusion" Meme
- Rush: We're Watching People Lose Their Minds
- Trump Jr's Emails Are Damning
- Trump Jr's Meeting Wasn't Collusion--Just Amateur Hour
- Just Another Trump Witch Hunt
- American Left's Downward Spiral
- Did the Democrats Collude with Russia?
- Want to Talk Treason? Okay...
- Where There's Smoke There's Leftism
- Who's Colluding?
- Welfare Leech Goes on Vulgar Tirade
- Democrats Ignoring Vote Fraud
- Millennials Can't Define Socialism
- Scandal of the Liberal Mind
- Nukes Threaten People, Ideas Threaten Civilizations
- The Left Is a Greater Threat to America Than Putin
- Clinton's Russia Dirt
- Today in Collusion
- Roll Back Title IX Madness
- Trump vs. NAACP
- Spicer Resigns as Press Secretary
- Huckabee-Sanders Replaces Spicer
- "Imagine": A Hymn to Progressive Utopia
- Joe Biden: Drunk on Capitalism
- GOP Voters Need to Purge the Party of the DC Liars
- Statism's Violent Wages
- Why Trump Must Eventually Fire Mueller
- Firing Mueller
- Is Jeff Sessions on the Way Out?
- Why the Left Protects Islam
- Western Values Are Superior
- Democrat's Ideas Are the Problem
- Same Old New Democrats
- Let the Democrats be the Transgender Party
- Priebus Out, John Kelly Now Trump's Chief of Staff
- Collusion Collapses; Dem Congressional Espionage Ring Now in the Dock
- Why I Root for Trump & the GOP Congress
- The War on Work--And How to End It
- Socialist Revolution Devours Venezuela
- The Myth of GOP Disunity
- IT Intrigue at the DNC
- Republicans Need to Teach Democrats a "Scandal Lesson"
- Gun Haters Lead a Couple to Ruin
- Who Funded the Fake Trump/Putin Dossier?
- Emails Show It Was Pay-to-Play at Clinton State Dept.
- The Scandal That Matters
- Map Details How Much Trouble Democrats Are In
- Comey's FBI Lied About Clinton-Lynch Meeting
- Here's How to Hunt RINOs
- We're Witnessing a Slow-Rolling Coup
- Liberal's War on the Working Class
- After the Coup, Then What?
- Why Does the Left Suddenly Hate Russia?
- Loretta Lynch's Email Problems Mount
- Could This Man Work at Google?
- How Did the Dems' IT Scandal Suspects Get Here?
- Michelle Obama's School Lunch Guru Busted for Corruption
- Google Firing Reveals: The Left's Identity Politics is Incoherent and Vicious
- Google's "Tolerance" Requires Repression
- Liberty Cannot be Wrapped in a Hijab
- On Charlottesville, Perspective Please
- Trump's Critics Long to Tie Him to Racists
- Condemn the White Supremacists, Mr. President
- Shut Up, Said the Liberal Speech Police
- Thank God for Ted Cruz
- Violent Leftists Attack "Patriot Prayer" Rally in Seattle
- Left's Hopes of "Good Socialism" Die in Venezuela
- Charlottesville & America's Creed
- Black Pastors and Conservative Leaders Defend President Trump
- Violence Hypocrisy
- Russia Collusion Gone Missing
- Where's the Corporate Disavowal of Black Lives Matter?
- Antifa: The Other Evil Political Force
- "Diversity" is Destroying America
- Let's Ban the Democratic Party
- The American Left Loves Communism
- The Liberal Game Revealed
- America's Second Civil War
- The Left Finds America Offensive
- Democrats Search for Another Lost Cause
- Obama 2.0 in 2020
- Buchanan's Shameful Defense of White Supremacy
- Trump Removes Steve Bannon
- When Liberals Club People, It's With Love in Their Hearts
- The New Civil War
- Revising History
- On Charlottesville, Trump, & Anti-Americanism
- Charlottesville Arrest Records Prove Trump Correct
- The Failure of the Communist God
- The Racist Maze
- Liberals Applaud Far-Left Violence
- Reminder: The Southern Poverty Law Center is a Fraud
- Hate on the Left
- Trump's Record on Race
- No Surprise: Antifa Thugs Assault Police in Boston
- The Terrorists of the Left
- The Eclipse...Of Reason
- Historical Hysteria
- Our War Against Memory
- "Far-Right" Extremists Do Not Compare to Jihadists
- The "Resistance" Loses its Mind
- The Terrorists of the Left
- Culture, Not Culture Wars
- Monument Vandals Were Taught to Hate the U.S.
- Parasitic Progressivism on Display
- Who Gets to Define Hate?
- End the Govt. Funding of Islamism
- Hypocrisy in the Progressive War Against the Dead
- America on Trial
- The DNC: America's Most Notorious Hate Group
- SPLC is the Most Dangerous Hate Group in America
- The Left Arms Itself: John Brown Clubs
- The Church of the Left
- Liberals, Shipwrecked
- Agony in Venezuela
- Idiot Millennials Prefer Food Lines & Starvation to "Income Inequality"
- The Kristol Crackup
- The Clownish Commissars of the Culture
- Trump Pardons Sheriff Joe
- Reviling Trump
- KY Governor Calls for Community Prayers
- Radical Libs Continue to Attack Free Speech
- The Racist Attacks on Trump and America
- Liberal Passive-Aggression
- Historical Revisionism
- Monument Madness
- Trump vs. the Enemies of the People
- JP Morgan's Hate List
- Tear Down Antifa
- Flag Hypocrisy
- "All Cultures Are Not Equal"
- Corporate America Sides with the Fascists
- Joe Biden Makes a Fool of Himself Again
- Those Who Don't Fight Evil Fight Statues
- Something's Rotten in the DNC
- Professors Labeled Racist for Encouraging Personal Responsibility
- Antifa is Anti-America
- Racial Lies and Racism
- Stop Making Excuses for Antifa Thuggery
- The FBI Fights the Public Release of Trump Dossier Info
- SPLC & Hate Profiteering
- Are Some Cultures Superior?
- Democrats Own Antifa
- Comey Had Hillary's Back All the Time
- Dem IT Scandal is Worse Than Russia
- Trump Ends Obama's Absurd "Diversity" Regulations
- Idiot Boys of Antifa & the Alt-Right
- Where's the Investigation Into Obama's Unprecedented Political Espionage?
- It's Time to Investigate the FBI
- It Wasn’t Comey’s Decision to Exonerate Hillary – It Was Obama’s
- What Are Democrats So Afraid Of?
- Texas Model of Disaster Recovery
- Standoff Brews Between Senate, FBI Over Trump Dossier
- The Lying Heart of the Left
- Truth...or Lie?
- Obama Rages Against the Constitution
- House Panel Subpoenas FBI, Justice Over Trump Dossier
- Beware the Liberal Narratives & Misinformation
- Dianne Feinstein & the Anti-Catholic Bigots
- Hurricanes & Senatorial Bigotry
- Libs Whitewashing Antifa
- Mr. President, They're Never Going to Like You
- More Intrigue in the Wasserman-Schultz IT Scandal
- Portland PD Purges Gang Database for Lack of Whites
- A Truly Cruel President
- Dems Lust for Single-Payer Could Hand Trump a 2nd Term
- Russia Story Says More About Deep State Than Trump
- Susan Rice Lied About Role in Unmasking
- Was Susan Rice Spying for the Muslim Brotherhood?
- Leftists & Secular Dogma
- Trump Will Regret Cozying Up to Dems
- New Hillary Emails Warrant Special Prosecutor
- Liberal Dogma Lives Loudly
- Real Hate in the Marketplace
- Fundamentally Wrong About Fundamental Rights
- Trump vs. Psychiatrists: Who's Crazier?
- Sessions Returning the DOJ to the Rule of Law
- All the Evidence for Why the SPLC is Not Credible
- Trump Was Right About His Campaign Being Bugged?
- Democrats and Plutocrats
- Cotton is Racist?!
- Russian Collusion is a Delusion
- Trump at the UN: "The Best Speech of the Trump Presidency"
- All of Obama's Wiretappers
- Hillary's New--Ever Growing--List of Lies
- Looks Like Obama Did Spy on Trump--and Apparently Me
- Generation Free Lunch?
- Russia Didn't Hack the Election. Obama Did.
- California vs. Texas: The Poverty Edition
- Unmasking Obama's Abuse of Power
- Obama's Watergate
- The Deep State--Not Trump--Colluded with Russia
- Stephen Curry Can't Have it Both Ways
- Ex-Army Ranger Defies His Team, Stands for the Anthem
- No 1st Amendment Right to do Whatever You Want at Work
- Obama Admn.'s Lying Quartet
- Who's Divisive--the President or the Players?
- NFL Pigskins at the Public Trough
- Kneeling for a Lie
- This is "Taking a Knee"
- Trump's Full Tax Reform Plan
- Life in Nanny Norway
- Hard Data, Hollow Protests
- The Left's Dictator Envy
- Natl. Anthem Protests: Do the Facts Matter?
- Real Men Stand Up
- The War on Free Speech
- Tom Price Resigns
- How Tom Price Was Taken Out
- Blame the NFL, Not Trump
- There Are No Oppressed People in America
- Democrats Are Addicted to Lies
- Tom Price's Real Crime
- The Passionate Non-Sequiturs of the Gun Debate
- Dem Congressman: Gun Control Laws Don't Work
- Vegas Shooting & the Political Vultures
- 100 Years of Communist Disaster
- We Need Fallacy Control Now!
- It's Time to do Nothing About Guns
- Research: Gun Control is Not the Answer
- After Vegas, Democrats Send in the Clowns
- Democrats Have No Idea How to Prevent Mass Shootings
- The Misguided Moral Superiority of Gun Controllers
- The Southern Poverty Hate Center
- Democrats Praised for Lacking "Family Values"
- Harvey Weinstein & the Death of Feminism
- Sessions Issues Sweeping Religious Freedom Guidance
- Collusion & the Trump Dossier
- The Truth About Columbus
- The Pigs of Liberalism
- My Stand Against Fake Feminists
- Columbus Day---and Its Enemies
- The DNC's Weistein Money Laundering Scam
- Democrat Senator: No Law Would've Stopped Vegas Shooter
- A Vicious "Virtue"
- "Indigenous People's Day": A Celebration of Cannibalism, Slavery, & Human Sacrifice
- McConnell Ends Democrat's "Blue Slip" Obstruction
- Our Broken Moral Compass
- Are We All Unconscious Racists?
- How the NFL Lost to Trump
- The Left Just Isn't Right
- The Uses & Abuses of Hate
- Clinton Foundation Keeps Weinstein Cash
- Harvey Weinstein and the Death of Liberal America
- From Social Sciences to Socialism
- The Left's Culture Rape Monster
- Documents Reveal: Clinton's Russia Scandal Dwarfs Trump's
- Democrats and Dictators
- Did Mueller Cover-Up Hillary's Collusion with Russia?
- The Same People Investigating Trump Covered for Clinton
- Adios, California
- Democrats Yelp as Trump Upholds the Constitution
- The Wise and Powerful Words of John Kelly
- Phil Robertson Ask Democrats: Do You Love or Hate Jesus?
- From Russia to Hillary: Bribes, Uranium, & Lies
- Secrets and Lies: Three Russian Stories
- Obama Administration's Uranium One Scandal
- The General Shames the Briefing Room
- Gold Star Widow Releases Audio of Trump Call
- The Fusion Collusion
- Despicable People
- Church, You Have To Take a Stand on Sexuality
- There's No More Institutional Racism in America
- 99% of Union Dues Goes to Leftist Causes & Candidates
- New House Probes: Obama's DOJ and FBI (& Hillary)
- Liberalism is Criminalizing Reality
- Did the FBI Help Pay for the Fake Trump Dossier?
- Collusion, Clinton Style
- Investigating Obama's DOJ
- The Flaking Establishment
- Russian Dossier Story: A Perfect Storm of Liberal Corruption
- 10 Most Important Claims About the Steele Dossier
- Russian Script Flips
- Did the Dems Use Intel Services for Political Gain?
- Did the Democrats Commit Treason?
- Fusion GPS Rocks the Dem Media Complex
- Dirty Hillary
- Watergate on Steroids
- Hail the Queen of Collusion
- Hillary's Dossier
- Clintonian Collusion
- Obama's DOJ Discriminated Against Conservative Groups
- The Leftist Enablers of Perv Photog Terry Richardson
- Investigate This
- We Need an Investigation of the Entire Justice Department
- Pizza Politics
- Progressivism's Counsel of Despair
- Obama Camp Paid $972k to Law Firm that Hired Fusion GPS
- Clinton, Obama, and the Real Russia Collusion
- Trey Gowdy Destroys Mueller, Clinton, Obama's DOJ, & the Democrats
- Implausible Deniability
- Democrats Own the Trump Dossier
- The Mother of All Scandals
- Re-Open the IRS Investigation
- GOP Evangelical Outreach Director Resigns
- The Manafort Indictment
- Where the Russia/Collusion Investigation Now Stands
- Rush: Dossier Funding, What We've Learned
- Explaining the Liberal Cesspool
- The Fake Dossier--Not Russian Collusion--is the Real Election Crime
- Liberal Insurance Scam
- Democrats (Again) Disrespect White Males
- Mueller's Thin Gruel
- Left Has Blood on Its Hands in Manhattan
- Mueller Strikes Out; Dems Go Nuts
- Brazile Confesses: Election Was Rigged
- Democrats Turning on Hillary
- Their America and Ours
- How Democrats Cheated Bernie Sanders and Lied About It
- Democrats: The She-Woman Man-Haters Club
- Congressional Black Caucus: Purveyors of Black Urban Decline
- What the H*ll is Mueller Investigating?
- Liberals Are Everything They Say We Are
- Three California's?
- Sen. Rand Paul Attacked
- Attacker Was Democrat Neighbor
- Again: Good Guy With a Gun Stops Texas Church Shooter
- Spinning in Circles on the Trump Dossier
- How Liberalism Makes Up Stupid
- Guns Stop Church (and other) Massacres
- Why Gun Control Loses
- Was Fusion GPS Paying Journalists to Run Fake News?
- The Politics of Hatred
- Democrat's Tax Cut Delusions
- Ignorance vs. Stupidity
- The Clintons Bankrupted the Democrat Party
- Liberal Author Blackballed for Warning Against Early Daycare
- Corporate Free-Speech Hypocrisy
- Gun Control & Magical Liberal Thinking
- Is the National Anthem Racist?
- What Happened?
- Clinton Crimes Worse Than Watergate
- Thoughts & Prayers for Libs Grieving Over Death of The Narrative
- Democrats: Party of Misogynists
- Russian Lawyer Who Met With Trump Team A Fusion GPS Plant?
- Clinton, Trump, and the Justice Double Standard
- One Moore Hit Piece
- How We Should Look at the Roy Moore Accusations
- Sessions Considering Special Counsel to Investigate Hillary
- Clintons, Obama, Kerry, and Their Pedophile Pals
- Kennedy, Clinton, and Weinstein: A Convenient Reckoning
- Libs Virtually Silent on Sleaze Bob Menendez
- Some Truth for Millennials on Communism
- The Real Fascists in American Politics
- Fusion GPS's Trump Dossier Leaked in Retaliation for Clinton Email Investigation
- The Racist Times
- Liberal's False Reckoning With Bill Clinton
- Senator Al Franken Accused of Sexual Assault
- Great Men and Al Franken
- Sex Scandals: Who's Really to Blame?
- Obama's FBI, Russian Dossier Need a Special Counsel
- A Fair Hearing by a Jury of His Pervs
- Franken Hypocrisy and the Objectification of Women
- MSM Silence on Menendez is Deafening
- Democrats' Depravity Laid Bare by Bill Clinton
- The "Pence Rule" is Looking Good
- Communism's Failed Promise
- President Trump: About Those Al Franken Tweets
- Lois Lerner Fights to Hide the Truth
- Savoring the Democrats' Pervgate Pain
- FBI Has Not Verified Trump Dossier
- Dems' Blame Game
- Liberals Are Horrendous Hypocrites on Women's Rights
- America the Unserious
- 77% of College Educated Dems Can't Tell Difference Between a Boy & a Girl
- 2012: Dems Honored Ted Kennedy as a Champion for Women
- How the Left Uses Shame to Destroy Morality
- Joe Biden's Disturbing Groping of Girls
- Billionaire Socialists: Enemies of Liberty
- The Diversity Fraud
- The Uranium One Noose is Tightening
- Lois Lerner is Worried People Will be Angry When They Find Out What She Really Did
- The Mayflower Compact and the Seeds of American Democracy
- New Claims Against Franken, Conyers
- Democrats' Conyers Conundrum
- The Liberal Ruse of Feminism
- Dems Have Zero Credibility on Sexual Harassment
- Ex-Cop Attacking Roy Moore is a Radical Leftist
- John Conyer's Former Staffers Felt Like "House Servants"
- Trump Mentioned God 8 Times in Thanksgiving Address
- Following the Trump-Russia Dossier Money
- The Rotten Fruit of Radical Feminism & Identity Politics
- Conyers Case Shows What Dems Really Think About Harassment
- Trump White House Keeps Christ in Christmas
- Who Watches the Watchmen?
- Black Self-Sabotage
- No, Republicans Aren't Hypocrites on Values
- Reports: U.S. Embassy is Moving to Jerusalem
- Trump's Pocahontas Trap
- Elizabeth Warren, Progressive Fraud
- Debunking Liberal Lies on Tax Reform
- Trump's Presidency is Far Better Than His Twitter Feed
- Is Rex Done?
- Flynn Pleads Guilty to Lying
- Less to Flynn's Plea Than Meets the Eye
- The Left Erased Morality and Created a Culture of Depravity
- Feminism Enables Abuse
- The Left Chooses Power Over Morals
- Why Isn't It Illegal for the FBI to Lie to Us?
- Flynn's Plea Deal Signals the Weakness of Mueller's Case
- Trump Hater on Mueller's Team
- Deep Meaning of the Mueller Probe
- New Documents Reveal the FBI's Clinton Cover-Up
- Statistical Bigotry
- Flynn Didn't Violate the Logan Act
- Mueller's Probe is Corrupt
- Move the Embassy to Jerusalem
- Cruelty and Sexual Harassment
- Several Senate Dems Call on Franken to Resign
- Jerry Seinfeld Endorses Roy Moore?
- Democrat's Turned King's "Dream" Into a Nightmare
- Left's Sex Assault Scandals Just the Beginning
- When the FBI Obstructed Justice
- This Was Communism, You Fools
- Roy Moore Accuser Admits to Faking Part of Yearbook Signature
- Trump Puts Fact Ahead of Fiction in Israel
- Jerusalem, Now & Eternal
- Ma'am, Can I be Brutally Franken With You?
- Just Which Party Has "No Limiting Principles?"
- Did the Obama DoJ Use the Fake Russia Dossier to Spy on Trump?
- Nikki Haley Sets the UN Straight on Israel
- Why Jerusalem Matters
- The Worst Monopoly of All: Government
- Conyer's Civil War in Detroit's Dirty Dynasty
- Trump's the Moron?
- New Report: WI Dems Conducted Illegal Investigations
- Behold the Political Swamp in Wisconsin
- No King but Caesar
- One Mueller-Investigation Coincidence Too Many
- Fake Truth
- Plan B: Sex
- The FBI's Trump "Insurance"
- What Exactly Was the FBI's Trump "Insurance Policy?"
- Yes, Investigate the Investigators
- Playing to Lose
- The FBI's Ship of Fools
- Did the FBI & the DOJ Plot to Clear Clinton & Defeat Trump?
- A Tale of DOJ Corruption
- Was the (Fake) Steele Dossier Used to Obtain a FISA Warrant Against Trump’s Campaign?
- Did Mueller Improperly Obtain Trump's Emails?
- Obama Enabled Terrorists to Get the Iran Deal
- Obama Turned a Blind Eye to Hezbollah's Crimes
- Mueller's Scorched-Earth Tactics...Again
- Policy Speeches vs. Policy
- The Sorcerer's Apprentices: FBI, DOJ, GPS, DNC
- The Unsilent Coup
- Socialism is Killing the Children of Venezuela
- An Insult the U.S. Won't Forget
- Nancy Pelosi's Apocalyptic Tax-Bill Delusions
- Did Obama Read the Steele Dossier Last August?
- Sessions Orders Investigation of Obama Admn.
- Obama Was a State Sponsor of Terror
- FBI Verifies Almost Nothing in Trump Dossier
- Was the Steele Dossier the FBI's "Insurance Policy"?
- Libs Now Hate the Hallmark Channel
- Sally Yates: Fraud
- Danger in 2018 for the Party of the Rich (Dems)
- Holiday Shopping Boom Illustrates the Difficulty for Democrats
- Liberals Declare War on Thomas the Train
- New Report Reveals Sexual Harassment Rampant in Obama's DOJ
- Did the FBI Conspire to Stop Trump?
- 3rd-World Los Angeles Caught on Camera
- Happy Kwanza! The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI
- The Left is Insane
- Obama's DOJ Used Fake Trump Dossier in Court
- The Escape from Illinois
- Potential Census Question Terrifies Liberals
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