For the most part, the
articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the
- Liberals at Washington Post Push Another False Story
- Media Slams "Fake News" While Peddling Left-Wing Nonsense
- Trump "Lies" and Honest Journalism
- The #BlackLivesMatter Torture Film
- CBS Radio Tries to Reverse the Roles in Chicago Torture Case
- Racists at MTV News
- Bunk From BuzzFeed
- Media Turn Against Their Own Fake News Crusade
- New Fox TV Show Promotes Child Abuse
- The Mick: American Tragedy
- Journalists Are Still Binging On Fake News
- Politics Behind New York Time's Misuse of Language
- Stunning Media Malpractice on Trump's Refugee Order
- The Media's "Me Party"
- CBS Pushes the Transgender Agenda
- The Press vs. The President
- Yes, Today's Mainstream Media is the Enemy of the People
- Facebook Suspends Christian Mom for Quoting the Bible
- News, Fake News, and Very Fake News: A Primer
- Disney's "Gay" Kiss
- Of Course: Media Hypocrisy in Coverage of Sessions' Testimony
- AP Springs to Obama's Defense
- Democrats & the Media Declared War on Trump. He's Fighting Back
- Stay Outside The Shack
- FISA-Gate: The NY Times Revises History
- Faithless Disney, Empty Malick
- The Media's Maddow Disease
- Vimeo Censors Christians on Homosexuality
- "It's Our Job to Tell You What to Think"
- Socialism for Sports Team Owners
- Mainstream Media Suddenly No Longer Interested in Obama Spy Story
- CNN Covers for Democrats
- Don Rickles Dies
- Terror Strikes Sweden, Several Dead
- Truck Plows Into Shopping Crowd
- Media Bias 101
- The Dopes at Snopes
- Another Media Beclowning
- PBS: "Learning" to Love Suicide Bombers
- The Shack Movie: Heretical or Healing?
- O'Reilly Out at Fox
- Hypocrisy In The Anti-O'Reilly Army
- O'Reilly, Ailes, and the Toxic Conservative-Celebrity Culture
- How Carl Sagan Ruined Science
- Behold the Celebrity Enablers of the Hell in Venezuela
- The Golden Age of Phony
- Fake News Poll
- Disney Continues to Pervert
- Dan Rather, Fake Newsman
- ESPN's Radical Chic
- Profiles in Media Hypocrisy
- Fake News, Real Consequences
- Press Salivates Over Impeachment
- The Comical Social Justice Super Hero
- ISIS Savages Go On Rampage in Syria. Dozens Killed or Maimed.
- For the Russians Before They Were Against the Russians
- Democracy Dies in Anonymous Sourcing
- Media Collusion Against Trump
- Leakers & Journalists Are Destroying Our Republic
- YouTube Removes Pro-Life Video
- The Big Money Behind Fake News
- To Paint Muslims in a Positive Light, CNN Creates More Fake News
- Washington Post Peddles Palestinian Propaganda
- YouTube Banned Me, But Not the Imams Preaching Hate
- Corruption & Collusion: Obama, Comey, and the Press
- Comic Critics
- Gunman Attacks GOP Members of Congress
- "Are Those Republicans or Democrats?"
- There to Kill as Many Republicans as Possible
- More Than 50 Shots Fired
- Majority Whip Steve Scalise Shot
- Capitol Police Save the Day
- Shooter ID'd: James T. Hodgkinson
- A Bernie Sanders Supporter
- Belonged to Anti-GOP Groups
- "It's Time to Destroy Trump and Co."
- To Avoid Culpability for Left-Wing Violence, NY Times Again Lies
- Washington Post Suddenly Forgets How the "Climate of Hate" Works
- Trial by Media
- Fake News Tonight
- The NY Times & A Tale of Two Terror Attacks
- CNN Retracts Russia-Collusion Report; Reporters Resign
- Mediaite's Trump Phobia
- The NY Times' Fear-Mongering Propaganda
- Teen Magazines Peddle Pronoun Propaganda
- CNN Retraction Just the Tip of the Fake News Iceberg
- Mainstream Media Wages War on the Truth
- Coming Crash of the Lawless Media
- What CNN's Dox Threat Says About Today's Journalism
- Ted Cruz: Did CNN Break the Law?
- Doin' the CNN Two-Step
- The New York Times is in Trouble
- Media's Mass Hysteria Over "Collusion" is Out of Control
- Popular Kids Show Presents Perverse Liberal "Utopia"
- Teen Vogue Promotes Sodomy to Children
- CNN's Russia Obsession
- ABC Smears Christians
- YouTube Promotes Child Abuse
- American Pravda
- The Media is to Blame for the WNBA's Woes?
- The Hollywood Left Has Gone Silent on Venezuela
- Liberal Media Again Reveals Itself a Fraud
- Acosta Pulls Media's Mask Off
- CNN is Helping Rob Bell Lead People to Hell
- Liberal Media Again Demonstrates Ignorance of the Bible
- Google is Being Evil
- The Shameful Blackout of, Thomas, Sowell, & Williams
- Media Outlets Are Blatantly Lying About the Google Memo
- Google & Lena Dunham: The New Thought Police
- Loretta Lynch, Hillary Clinton, & the Media's Lost Credibility
- It's 1984 at Google
- The Post's Propaganda
- Doing a Google Search for Diversity
- White Supremacists Not the Only Thugs in Charlottesville
- How the Liberal Media Created Charlottesville
- Don't Even Think About Being Evil
- Liberal Media Pleads Ignorance of the "Alt-Left"
- Police Attacked in FL, PA
- CNN on Antifa: Peace Via Violence
- Is Google After Conservative Websites?
- YouTube Censoring Christian Videos
- ESPN: The Worldwide Leader in Liberal Idiocy
- Hurricane Harvey Batters Texas
- More Terror in Europe
- Houston Heroes
- Harvey Pics
- Harvey: History Repeats?
- Hurricane Harvey's Men, Women, and Children
- The Media's Never-Ending Hunt for Right-Wing Violence
- CNN Host Incites Rage at Antifa Rally
- Snopes Accused of Fraud
- Pro-Fatherhood Ad Banned in Australia
- First Lady Hypocrisy
- CNN Caves on Fake Russian News
- Of Course: Mainstream Media Ignores Corruption Trial of Democrat Senator
- Twitter Bans Activist Mother for Her Stand Against Perversion
- Liberals Still Attacking the Redskins
- Watching Irma
- Irma Update
- ESPN's Ugly Hypocrisy
- No One Cares About the Emmy's
- The NFL Faces a Potential Catastrophe
- The NFL Will Regret Social Justice Antics
- 5 Problems With the NFL Anthem Protests
- Concealed Carrier Stops Church Shooter
- Puerto Rico Destroyed
- In Allowing the Anthem Protests, Goodell Ignores NFL Rules
- The Hypocrisy of the NFL
- Classic Media Bias: Tebow vs. Kaepernick
- Shooting in Vegas: 50+ Dead, 200+ Injured
- Vegas Shooter ID'd: Stephen Paddock
- Slow Death of the NFL?
- Vegas Massacre: 58 Dead, 515 Wounded
- Worst Mass Shooting in U.S. History
- CBS Exec "Not Even Sympathetic" Over Vegas Massacre
- Police Struggle to Find Paddock's Motive
- Was Las Vegas a Jihad Attack?
- Jimmy Kimmel: The Tears of a Clown
- The Glass House of the NFL
- Jimmy Kimmel's Clueless Condemnation
- The Chilling and Mysterious Search for the Vegas Shooter's Motive
- NY Times' Sad Effort to Celebrate Communism & Socialism
- Dirty Harvey
- Weinstein's Enablers at Risk
- Twitter Blocks Pro-Lifers---Again
- YouTube Restricts...Mike Rowe?!
- The Harvey Weinstein Story is Worse Than You Think
- Harvey Weinstein: More Proof Hollywood Hates God
- Harvey Weinstein Has Destroyed Hollywood
- A Long Trail of Hypocrisy in the Weinstein Scandal
- NY Times is Reeling After Latest Project Veritas Video
- Surprise!--Hollywood is Littered With Sexual Deviants
- Hollywood's Confederacy of Cowards
- NBC Went to Great Lengths to Protect Harvey Weinstein
- Hollywood Sells Sex & Enables Predators
- Take Back Your Diamonds, Take Back Your Pearls, What Makes You Think I Was One of Weinstein's Girls?
- Weinstein & Hollywood's Diseased Culture
- AP Pushes LGBT Agenda on Pronouns
- Media Ignore Real Democrat Scandals
- The New York Times is Not Hitler, But...
- Russia-Obsessed Media Silent Over Fusion GPS
- Hollywood Outraged at the Monster it Created
- Several NFL Stadiums Half Empty
- 10 Times CNN Told Us as Apple Was a Banana
- Hollywood's Long, Dark History of Sex Abuse and Forced Abortions
- The Facebook Farce
- This---is CNN on Drugs
- More Fake News from The NY Times
- Who Else Does Hollywood Know About?
- Tinseltown Abides Pedophiles
- Changing Hollywood's Toxic Obsession with Sex
- Gunman Kills 26 Inside TX Church
- Shooter ID'd: Devin Patrick Kelley
- In Texas, Two Very American Heroes
- Dan Rather & the Corrupt Media
- Justice: Teen Vogue is Going Out of Print
- Hollywood and Pedophilia
- The Trouble With the Wash. Post's Roy Moore Hit Piece
- Hollywood Sleaze the Least Shocking Thing Ever
- Message Sent: Veterans Day Boycott By NFL Fans
- NYT: White People Are Violent Racists
- Wash. Posts' Pretentions Just Died in the Dark
- Amazon's Alexa is a Far-Left Loon
- New York Times Celebrates the Sexualization of a Child
- "Love Wins" Barbie Doll Pushes Homosexual Agenda
- Hollywood Film Promotes Pederasty
- Matt Lauer Fired for Sexual Misconduct
- The NY Times Finally Admits It's Just a Democrat Super PAC
- The Daily Show Exposes Elizabeth Warren
- ABC & the Price of Fake News
- Fusion GPS, Media in Possible Pay-to-Publish Scheme
- CNN Again Caught Peddling Fake News
- Our Progressive Press
- Showtime vs. Christianity
- The Media’s Reign of Error
- On Christmas, Washington Post Tries to Discredit Jesus
- Panic at the Washington Post
- NY Times Hides Abortion Apologist Gloria Steinem's Defense of Bill Clinton's Sex Abuse
- The Insufferable Nostalgia of a Lying Press
- Denver Deputies Ambushed
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