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Sunday, August 17, 2014

Ferguson, MO: More Tragic Fruit of Liberalism

After a day of calm, upon the release of the surveillance video that purportedly shows Michael Brown, the young man whose death sparked the violence in Ferguson, MO, robbing a convenience store, the protests and looting erupted again. According to St Louis news reports, as the looting occurred, "police dressed in riot gear mainly stood and watched, apparently under orders not to engage."

The Obama justice department did not want the video released, because, you know, when more facts and information to a crime become available, that's always a reason for more looting and violence. Missouri's Democratic governor, Jay Nixon, has now announced a curfew in Ferguson. Many feared that a curfew would just spark more confrontations with law enforcement.

But not to worry, Captain Ronald Johnson, the state Highway Patrol officer now in charge of Ferguson security, is going to treat curfew breakers like they are now treating looters. "We won’t enforce it with trucks, we won’t enforce it with tear gas, we will enforce it with communication," Captain Johnson said. "We will be telling people, 'It’s time to go home.'" After all, a good talking to is what those breaking the law in Ferguson have needed all along.

Patricia Bynes, a black Democratic committeewoman for Ferguson Township, on Saturday said, "I don’t know what the answer is, but there has to be [some] type of response because it’s only getting worse out there. People are fed up with police brutality and police harassment. There is still so much racism and discrimination in this region, ingrained in the business world and the communities. This is what happens when institutional racism continues." Imagine that!--A Democrat excusing criminal behavior with cries of "racism!" Of course, she is not alone. I won't bother you with links to prove such--just search the internet for "Ferguson and racism" and see for yourself.

We keep hearing about how, though Ferguson is about 70% black, only one out of seven city council members are black. Of course, we are supposed to believe that this is due to racism. Perhaps it's because the Democratic machine has yet to sufficiently corrupt the Ferguson election process. I wonder how the Ferguson vote went on the last two presidential elections. Wanna bet? St. Louis County (which does not contain the city of St. Louis), which contains Ferguson, was one of only three Missouri counties to go for Obama in the 2012 presidential election. 

The fact is that Ferguson is and has been somewhat of a mess for the very same reasons virtually every other urban area in America is a mess: liberalism. As I noted in April of this year, the political machine in most every large U.S. city is dominated by democrats. As Kevin Williamson of National Review pointed out a couple of days ago, "Ferguson was hardly a happy suburban garden spot [before] the shooting of Michael Brown."

Williamson also points out that 40% of the births in St. Louis County are out of wedlock. What do you think Michael Brown's home life was like? News reports identify his mother as Lesley McSpadden and his father as Michael Brown, Sr. Doesn't quite sound like a happily married couple does it?

As I noted, the unbridled liberalism present in many U.S. cities has been complicit in the destruction of the families in these cities. Not only that, as I've also noted, such liberalism has bred crime, violence, dependence, and poverty. 

Williamson adds, "The more progressive the city, the worse a place it is to be poor and/or black. The most pronounced economic inequality in the United States is not in some Republican redoubt in Texas but in San Francisco, an extraordinarily expensive city in which half of all black households make do with less than $25,000 a year. Blacks in San Francisco are arrested on drug felonies at ten times their share of the general population. At 6 percent of the population, they represent 40 percent of those arrested for homicides."

In other words, whether its the violence in Ferguson or drugs in San Francisco, liberals are reaping what they have sown. The sooner the citizens of such places realize this, the better off we will all be.

Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World


  1. I'm going to pray for you Trevor. I'm going to pray hard. I'm going to pray for the poor family that suffers unavoidably under the arrogant and egotistical rants of a man who would dare to call out the parents of an unarmed young man slain in a police action that is currently under investigation by the FBI. The example you have set here is a tragedy for your community and your family. This is not an example of the ministry of Jesus Christ. No, this is the ministry of smear and division.

    You cite something you call "the release of a surveillance video that purportedly shows Michael Brown, the young man whose death sparked the violence in Ferguson, MO, robbing a convenience store." Then you say "The Obama justice department did not want the video released, because, you know, when more FACTS and information to a crime become available, that's always a reason for more looting and violence" (emphasis mine).

    So Trevor, it it a fact or is it only a purported event? Has the video been confirmed by experts in a court of law? This should be easy for a man schooled in logic and mathematics. You are trying as usual to have your cake and eat it too. In respect to the video, nothing is a fact until it has been confirmed in a court of law. But you are not one to miss an opportunity to smear by inference. You're not one to pass up an opportunity to insult the family of a young man slain in a potentially criminal police killing. You speak now even though very few facts have been confirmed or established because you intend to control the message, and you're willing to break some eggs to do it.

    Allow me to quote an example of your behavior: "News reports identify his mother as Lesley McSpadden and his father as Michael Brown, Sr. Doesn't quite sound like a happily married couple does it?"

    Ronald Reagan's first wife was named Jane Wyman. Would you use the same hatchet-job logic you used above to infer they were not married because they did not share the same last name? Would you smugly infer their children were criminals on the same twisted basis? Why do you continuously use these double standards to smear and hurt?

    Look, I'm not defending lawless crowds or looting, -but it is not behavior unique to minorities. This mob behavior is similar to that of white racists and many southern politicians during school integration of the 1960's. Where are your comments on that similarity and the tendency of humanity to repeat bad examples of social behavior?

    Lastly, quote: "In other words, whether its the violence in Ferguson or drugs in San Francisco, liberals are reaping what they have soon."

    I believe the word is sown. Whatever a man shall sow, that also shall he reap. You are sowing division and discord. What shall you reap in the coming harvest?

  2. Thanks for the prayer (I need all I can get!) and the editing! ("soon" instead of "sown" is the result of Michelle not editing this piece.)

    I don't now for sure whether or not it is Brown in the video, but it most likely is. Irregardless, as you imply, the rioting and lawlessness is inexcusable. What's more, I'm not blaming Brown's parents for his death or the riots. I'm blaming liberalism. Really it all comes down to one thing: sin. And as most of us well know, most liberals are not about to attribute bad behavior to something called "sin."

    I also don't think that the police are completely innocent in this matter. Several conservative pundits have pointed this out, and I've linked to some of them.

  3. "Soon" instead of "sown" is the result of Michelle not editing this piece."

    Oh... I was ready to attribute it to the typical auto-correcting spellcheck technology used by smart phones and tablets these days. It's called being "autocorrected".


    'I'm not blaming Brown's parents for his death or the riots. I'm blaming liberalism."

    Oh. I feel much better now. Didn't know that liberalism had names like Lesley McSpadden and Michael Brown. Thanks for clarifying.

    "Most liberals are not about to attribute bad behavior to something called 'sin'."

    Well then please allow me to be the first liberal to point up this disingenuous article as a moral crime and a sin. Pointing fingers and casting aspersions is not something Jesus did to save souls. But then Jesus wasn't posing as an observant Christian to further a political agenda...

  4. A humorous afterthought:

    I'd be remiss if I didn't make the observation that the current situation in Ferguson reminds me of the 1968 Democratic Convention.

    That said, I have heard that many arrested leaders of "uncivil" protest tactics in Ferguson have been identified as outsiders who don't live in the town or the county. Some of those arrested may not live in the state.

    This does seem to parallel events surrounding the 2000 Florida recount during the Bush vs Gore campaign. One particular photo taken of protesters at the Florida recount location (protesters attempting to harass and shut down the recount) revealed through photo identification at least 10 GOP activists and republican congressional aides (in one shot) who had been flown in from Washington to do the deed. GOP spokespeople later admitted that at least 750 Republican activists had been sent into South Florida from around the country to oppose the recount, -with the party picking up the tab for a number of them.

    Photo with ID caps:

    And the story here:

    What madness is this?

    It makes me wonder who has encouraged these outsiders to move in and make trouble in Ferguson. It does seem clear which side that protest is currently serving -yours.

  5. Yes, outsiders--including the media--are certainly playing a huge role here. The "Ferguson, Facts, and Factors" piece above does a good job detailing this.

    Also, it seems that Brown was much more aggressive than we were initially led to believe--at least according to WSB via the Wash. Post. I wonder how the Brown as an "innocent victim" narrative got started.

    As far as whose "side" this serves, there's only one "side" that matters: the truth.

  6. The truth? -Is that what all those GOP activists and congressional aides were flown into Florida to find? -See photo I linked.

    Gee Trevor... somehow I doubt it.

    In the end, hopefully Americans will have the whole, unmanipulated truth regarding the incident in Ferguson.

    If you view the photo with ID caps I linked, go ahead and click the link underneath for "next photo". That's the new seal of the GOP. I think you'll get a laugh. These are difficult times, and at this point we all need some humor.

  7. It looks like Brown had pot in his system. I wonder what the pro "wacky weed" crowd will have to say about this? The whole thing is sad. These outside thugs are making things much worse. How exactly does looting a business help the Brown or the black cause!--Herman2008 (Crazy AOL account gives me strange id names or numbers.)

  8. Yeah, funny photo. Yes Herman, looting does't help the "Brown or the black." (Clever funny!)

    How about this one: “I’m proud of us. We deserve this, and this is what’s supposed to happen when there’s injustice in your community,” DeAndre Smith told The Post. “St. Louis — not going to take this anymore.” (See here: http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2014/08/19/it-has-to-stop-more-than-30-arrested-after-another-violent-night-in-ferguson/)

    Not funny! Very sad.

  9. I should have noted, the quote above was from a Ferguson looter.
