For the most part, the articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the earliest, for each year listed.
- On Damar Hamlin’s Collapse: It’s Mindlessly Obedient Vaccine Fanatics Who Are Cruel
- Foolish COVID Policies Made Hospitals Worse
- Question That Terrifies Branch Covidians: Why Has Covid Spared Africa (Only 6% Are Vaxxed)?
- COVID-19 is the Largest, Most Sophisticated Propaganda Operation in History
- No-Lockdown Sweden Tied for Lowest All-Causes Mortality
- The Scientific Case Against Facemasks
- The Epidemic of #DiedSuddenly
- Randomized Controlled Trials: Masks Do Nothing...
- ...Will the Mandaters Apologize?
- Women Are Sacrifices for Pfizer’s "Greater Good"
- Fauci, et al, Now Quietly Tell the Truth on COVID (and Flu) Vaccines
- I'm Pro-Science. That's Why I'm Anti-Mask
- Medical Expert Warns: COVID Vaccine Brings Higher Heart Risk, Little Benefit To Young Men
- Landmark Study Vindicates Everyone Who Touted Natural Immunity to COVID-19
- Approximately Zero: The Value Provided by Wearing Masks
- Pro-Science = Anti-Mask
- U.S. Energy Dept.: Chinese Lab Leak Most Likely Origin of Covid-19 Pandemic
- 10 Myths From COVID "Experts" Now Debunked
- Wuhan Smoking Gun
- Connecting the COVID Dots (The Biggest Scandal in American History)
- Asking the Wrong COVID Questions
- ADHD is Not Real
- Your “Health Insurance” Isn’t Insurance
- Why the Left is Pro-Mask
- San Francisco: Wear a Mask or Go To Prison
- The Great COVID Lie Machine
- 3 Years to Slow The Spread: Covid Hysteria & the Creation of a Never-Ending Crisis
- The Mask Ignorance of the "Maskaholics"
- Fauci on Film is Still Flinging Fear-Mongering Flim-Flam
- Leftist Authors: COVID Lockdowns Were an Unmitigated, Unnecessary Disaster
- Obamacare: 13 Years In and Still Killing Americans
- UK Health Officials Admit: No Evidence Face Masks Protected Vulnerable From Covid
- NY Times Makes Stunning Admission on Sweden's Pandemic Response
- What Happened in Hospitals During Covid?
- COVID "Experts" Were the Crisis
- Covid Hospital Protocols Destroyed Thousands of American Families
- "Some People Locked Down Something"
- Spin Doctors: Fauci, Weingarten Try to Rewrite History on Disastrous COVID-19 Lockdowns
- Why You Should NOT Get the Flu Vaccine
- New Study Details the Many Harmful Results of Regular Masking
- The CDC Can't Quit COVID
- Weed Is Literally Blowing Young Men's Minds
- Justice Gorsuch (Rightly) Torches Government's COVID Reactions
- Unfollowing the Left's COVID "Science": 300 COVID Articles Pulled
- "Flattening the Curve" Was Always a Lie
- Was the Biden Administration Involved in Suppression on Covid?
- Landmark Study: COVID Lockdown Costs FAR Outweighed Benefits
- The Truth About "Puberty Blockers"
- Case Closed: COVID Was a Lab Leak
- Democrats STILL Clinging to Mandatory Masking of Children!
- COVIDiocy (Part 18,888): Contact Tracing
- $400 Billion in COVID Relief, Vanished to Fraud
- Emails Show Biden Admin KNEW Vaccines Didn't Stop COVID as Early as January 2021
- CDC Jumps the Shark, Advises "Trans People" on "Chestfeeding"
- CDC Altered Death Certificates to Remove 'COVID Vaccine' as Cause
- Covid Censorship Proved to Be Extremely Deadly
- The Great Covid Laundering
- Fate Comes for a Prominent COVID Mask/Vaccine Fanatic
- How Long Will the (COVID) Lies Persist?
- The (COVID) Lies We Were Told
- If You Were A Sheep During Covid, Admit You Were Wrong and Do Better Next Time
- Another "Right Wing Conspiracy Theory" (COVID Deaths VASTLY Overcounted) Proves True!...
- ...The New York Times Paragraph 17
- The Lockdown America (the World?) Really Needs
- Queen COVID Proximally
- No, You Don't Have ADHD
- Facebook Files Exposed: Biden White House Dictated to Facebook Who to Censor (on COVID)
- Fauci Now Facing "Official Criminal Referral" Due to COVID Lies
- Covert Covid in California
- COVID: No Science Then, No Science Now
- Major New Study Reveals: Kids Almost NEVER Transmitted COVID in Schools
- U.S. Needs More Affordable, Ethical Healthcare Options
- Medicaid's Dark Money
- Report: Biden Regime Planning to Reinstate COVID Mask Mandates & Lockdowns
- Nuremburg Trials for the White Coats Who Stoked the COVID Panic?
- The Genesis of the COVID Lie
- The Maskaholics Are Back!
- Masks and Jabs: I WON'T Comply!
- Fauci, Unmasked...Again...
- ...Face Mask Wars: The Fauci Strikes Back...
- ...Even CNN is Now Questioning Fauci's Mask Propaganda
- Maskaholics Attempt a Comeback
- The Religion of Masking
- Dr.'s Finding It "Increasingly Difficult to Distinguish COVID From Allergies or the Common Cold"
- You Just Have a Cold. Don't Empower the Branch Covidians by Taking a COVID Test.
- CDC Confessions
- Did Fauci & the CIA Collude on COVID Origins?
- The Covid Cover-up
- Shocking New Data on the COVID Vaccine and Young Men Who Got Myocarditis
- The Great COVID Cover-Up
- A Powerful, In-Depth Look at Hospitals’ Foolish and Deadly "COVID Protocols"
- COVID Lockdowns: A Giant Experiment & A Horrific Failure
- The "Food Insecurity" Lie
- Addiction is Not a Disease
- Why Are So Many Americans Dying Early? (Hint: It's NOT COVID!)
- COVID Malfeasance "Worse Than You Imagine"
- U.S. COVID Response Was "Unprecedented Disaster"..."Costliest Public-Policy Mistake Ever"
Previous Healthcare headline archives are contained in a post at the end of each year and linked below:
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