Alas, as you almost certainly well know by now, it’s Pervert—aka “Pride”— Month again. Whenever you hear “Pride Month,” remember, this is the kind of thing the LGBTMYNAMISLEGION apologists take “pride” in (warning: graphic content):
Drag Queen dances for children in Dallas, Texas.
— Isabella Riley (@isabellarileyus) June 4, 2022
Tragically, as one observer noted, this was not even the
worst footage from the “Drag The Kids To Pride” event in Dallas, Texas. Along
with these vile actions, in
their own words, these “Drag Demon Queens” have declared, “This is
going to be the grooming of the next generation. We are trying to groom the
next generation to not see the way that they just did.”
No one should be surprised that these fools are now openly
telling us that they are “grooming” the next generation into the evil LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION
agenda. We’ve
been on this path for years. What was long (and rightly) seen as
immoral—and even
laughed at by numerous
Hollywood leftists—and more recently something that needed to be treated and
cured, is now promoted and celebrated.
And as anyone not named CornPop well knows, the Democrat
Party seems to be fully on-board with every new perversion the
LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION apologists can dream up. In addition to anything they can
accomplish legislatively in support of this evil agenda, one of the leading
Democrats in America, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, will make a
promotional reappearance on RuPaul Andre Charles’ TV show, RuPaul’s
Drag Race.
In describing drag, RuPaul has correctly noted that it is a
“very, very political” act because it “challenges the status quo.” He further
adds, “Drag says ‘I'm a shapeshifter, I do whatever the hell I want at any
given time.’” Of course, “I do whatever the hell I want at any given time” is
an admission that one fully embraces the godless
Pagan philosophy of “Do as Thou Wilt.” This godlessness is the foundational
principle of the modern left.
There is nothing more “status quo,” or put another way,
there is nothing in the history of the universe with
more precedent than what is a male or female, and what is marriage. In
other words, if you want to wage a war on the truth, marriage and sex (the noun
and the verb) would be—and in America have certainly proved to be—prime
Emboldened by the wicked
ruling from the Supreme Court of the United States (SCOTUS) in Obergefell,
which legally redefined marriage throughout America, the left is attempting to
do the same with the definition of male and female. As Matt Walsh’s recent and
excellent documentary What
is a Woman reveals, they are well on their way to accomplishing this. Again,
the SCOTUS is aiding and abetting this evil effort.
In its 2020 ruling on Bostock v. Clayton County, the
SCOTUS “unilaterally
redefined” the word “sex” to mean “sexual orientation” or “gender
identity.” Since that ruling, the SCOTUS has added Justice Ketanji Brown
Jackson who, in her Senate confirmation hearing, refused
to define what is a woman.
The disasters that such abandonment of foundational truths portend
can hardly be imagined. Yes, we already have rampant disease, drug use, and despair
in the homosexual community, adopted children robbed of a mother or father, men
in women’s restrooms, men taking trophies (and money) from women, girls in the
Boy Scouts, a Drag
Demon Queen in charge of our nuclear waste, and so on. Just 20 years ago, if
you warned that the evil LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION agenda was going to lead to such, many—if
not most—Americans would’ve dismissed you as a hysterical, hyperbolic loon.
Yet, here we are, and headed to who knows what!
The only way out of these disasters is for more and more individual
Americans to decide that they want to be on the right side of the truth in
these grave matters. This also means that those of us who already understand
the truth here must speak and act frequently and boldly for the truth. We must
not be ashamed to do so!
We need more like the few Tampa Bay Rays’ baseball players who
refused to wear the LGBTMYNAMEISLEGION logos on their uniforms as their
team celebrated Pervert Month. Franklin Graham rightly recognized the Rays’
players on his Facebook
page when he declared,
I appreciate these Tampa Bay Rays players who said no to endorsing and celebrating sin during Saturday night’s game…Followers of Jesus Christ must love everyone, but also stand with the truth of God’s Word and share that truth with a lost and dying world.
What a shame more MLB players (and other team employees and owners)
didn’t join these men in the simple gesture of not promoting sin. If you
haven’t already been in the position of these Tampa Bay Rays’ players, you
likely soon will be, and like Shadrach,
Meshach, and Abednego, you will have to choose.
Unlike the brave Jews who disobeyed King Nebuchadnezzar’s
immoral decree, you almost certainly will not face death for standing up for
what is right, but you almost certainly will face some sort of ridicule or
persecution as you stand for the truth. This is especially true as you stand
against the lies of the enemy on matters in the sexual realm.
Don’t be surprised at what you might face in this sin-sick
world. The higher your profile, and the braver your stance, the more danger you
will face. As
Brett Kavanaugh recently learned—because of how the left perceives he will
rule on abortion—SCOTUS justices who are on the right side of the truth now
face the reality that their lives, and the lives of those near and dear to
them, may be in danger from those who hate the truth. (Like homosexuality and
“transgenderism,” abortion
is a sexual issue.)
Marriage is the oldest institution in the history of
humanity—older than God’s covenant with the nation of Israel, older than The
Law, older than the church, and older than any government. Marriage is one of
the earliest truths revealed by God. About the only truth older than
what is marriage is what is a male and what is a female. No amount of protest,
no volume of deceit, no laws of men will ever change these important, eternal
truths. The sooner each of us embraces this, the better off the world will be.
(See this column at American Thinker and The Blue State Conservative.)
Copyright 2022, Trevor Grant ThomasAt the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America
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