As we stand on the verge of Democrats taking control of the federal government, and as emboldened liberals across media, politics, punditry, and the general population seek to silence and punish conservatives—even going so far as to draft legislation that would criminalize the political rallies of their opponents—it seems a good time to take a step back and remind everyone what exactly conservatism is trying to conserve. Or, for those who need a refresher, what conservatism should be conserving.
must conserve the U.S. Constitution. The United States of America is not a
democracy. We are a constitutional republic. As the young United States was
floundering under the weak Articles of Confederation, Founding Fathers such as
Alexander Hamilton and Fisher Ames knew well that in order to “preserve the
Union” and to protect liberty, a sound Constitution was required.
many other magnificent
things, in order to provide for a unique “Union” of a variety of states,
the U.S. Constitution represents a brilliant compromise between large states
and small states on balanced representation in Congress and the manner in which
the U.S. President is chosen. Among many other magnificent things, the Bill of
Rights protects religion, speech, assembly, and the right to bear arms. The
U.S. Constitution is the world’s most enduring charter of government. In 1878, William
Gladstone rightly described our Constitution as “the most wonderful work ever
struck off at a given time by the brain and purpose of man.”
must conserve law and order. “States are laboratories for democracy,” we are
told. Of course, under federalism, this would be the case with local governments
as well, especially large cities. The most repeated and verified political
experiment in U.S. history is this: via liberalism, or leftism—whatever you
want to call it—Democrats have turned American cities into some of the most dangerous,
dirty, and lawless places in the world.
authoritarianism—the ultimate goal for American leftists—the regime is the law.
For American colonists languishing under the British Monarchy, this would be
translated as “the King is the law.” As Thomas Paine put it in Common Sense, “In America, the law is
king.” And the “supreme Law of the Land” in America is the U.S. Constitution.
If the law is ignored, if the Constitution is ignored, chaos reigns—borders are
dangerously porous, the police are reviled, buildings are burned (without
repercussions!), businesses are looted (without repercussions!), elections are
corrupt, and so on.
must conserve capitalism. The U.S. has long been the world’s leading economic
power. Nothing contrived by man is more responsible for this than capitalism. Likewise,
no other economic system the world over has done more to lift people out of
poverty than capitalism. As history has clearly demonstrated, no
economic system has proven better than the free-market economics touted by Adam
Smith in The Wealth of Nations.
Published in 1776, The
Wealth of Nations
would have an almost immediate impact on government financial policy worldwide and
is considered by many to be the most important treatise on economics ever
written. Smith’s seminal work was enthusiastically embraced by America’s
Founding Fathers, and thus capitalism in America was born. Walmart, Ford,
Exxon, IBM, CVS, AT&T, Kroger, Amazon, Facebook, Google, and the like all
owe their existence to American capitalism. Not one of these companies would
exist as they do today without hopeful investors seeking a profitable
return—even Jeff Bezos went to such with his
hat in his hand—and without customers operating in a free market.
must conserve marriage as the union of one man and one woman for life. Again,
marriage is the oldest institution in the history of humanity—older than God's
covenant with the nation of Israel, older than The Law, older than the church.
Marriage is one of the earliest truths revealed by God. If anything is true,
marriage as the union of one man and one woman is true. On this, there can never
be compromise.
Married mothers and fathers are the foundation of every
sound society the world has ever known. No law written by human beings should
ever subvert this ancient and foundational institution. President Ronald Reagan
summed it up well when he noted, “The family has always been the cornerstone of
American society…in the family we learn our first lessons of God and man, love
and discipline, rights and responsibilities…the strength of our families is
vital to the strength of our nation.”
must conserve life. From America’s beginning, it was clear that the “right to
life” was considered “unalienable” by America’s Founders. In other
words, this right is conferred upon us by our Creator, and any effort to take
this away—no matter the stage of life—is a struggle against the One who made us
all and His eternal Law.
The plight of the unborn is the greatest
civil rights battle of all time. Any person who refuses to protect
the most
innocent and helpless among us should never be placed in a position
of power in any nation, but this should especially be the case in the United
States of America.
all, conservatism must conserve that we are “one nation under God.”
Conservatism must conserve the idea that there is a God who created all things,
who is the Author of all life, who is the Lawgiver, the ultimate Arbiter for
what is moral, the final Judge, the Savior of all humanity, and the One to whom
we owe our ultimate and final allegiance. Because all law is rooted in
someone’s idea of what
is moral, conservatives must reject the foolish notion that we
should not “legislate
If conservatism
seeks to conserve anything, it is those things that have been settled
for all time. If
conservatism seeks to conserve anything, it is the idea that there is an
Author of truth and that the laws of mankind and all good government must be
rooted in His Law. If we want our nation to endure as our Founders envisioned
it, these things must be conserved.
(See this column at American Thinker.)
Copyright 2021, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith and
Trevor is the author of The Miracle and Magnificence of America
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