For the most part, the articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the earliest.
- A Crime Still in Progress: The Media and the Collusion Fraud
- Who Made Hollywood Icons Moral Authorities?
- The Ongoing Spectacle of Media Bias & Incompetence
- 'Richard Jewell,' Nick Sandmann & the Media Mob
- 27 Problems With Media's Latest Failed Attack on Bill Barr
- Sharyl Attkisson Refiles Spying Suit, Exposes Big Deep State Players
- Sanders Supporters Shocked to Find Bias at CNN
- McSally vs. CNN's Partisan Clowns
- Of Course: Media Smears 2nd Amend. Protestors
- The Media Is Devoted to Not Covering Biden's Corruption
- BOMBSHELL: NYT Reportedly Killed Story Revealing Obama Meeting w/Whistleblower on Bidens & Burisma
- Kobe Bryant Killed
- CNN Mocks Trump Supporters
- CNN Now Making Ads for Trump
- CNN Helps to Ensure Trump's Re-Election
- NYT Bolton Leak Author is a Democrat Hack
- Out of Control Media Bias! (on Impeachment)
- No Surprise: NFL Halftime Show Again Vulgar and Disgusting...
- ...An Orgy?!
- #MeToo: I Was Sexually Harassed by the NFL, JLo, and Fox TV
- A Prayer for Rush Limbaugh
- Watch the Media Meltdown Over Caucus Chaos
- Inside Social Media's War Against Pro-Life Information
- The NY Times Hate America Project
- SHOCKER: Media Libs Hate Trump's Post-Acquittal Speech
- A New Fake News Record?
- The Media’s Bernie Sanders Makeover Begins
- Hey Mainstream Media: Ilhan Omar Married Her Brother!
- George Stephanopoulos Helps Katie Hill Declare Victimhood After 'Throuple' Scandal
- Local Newspapers Are Dying Because They Don’t Represent America
- Drive-Bys Hope the Coronavirus Will Get Trump
- Big Tech’s Civilization-Busting Bias
- Media Can't Keep Politics Out of Coronavirus Coverage
- Math is Hard for Liberals
- Media Leftists Ghoulishly Cheer the Coronavirus as 'Trump's Katrina'
- Media Wuhan Virus Hysteria Stokes Public Panic
- Leftist Media Protects Urban Mobs
- Wuhan Virus Panic Reveals the Price We're Paying for the Death of Journalism
- "Viral" Lies from The New York Times
- The Manchurian Media
- All the Democrat Media's Dangerous Coronavirus Lies
- The Politicized Derangement of the Dem-Media Complex
- Biased Press Does China's Bidding on COVID-19
- No, CNN, 'Humanity' Not to Blame for Virus. China Is
- Good News Amidst Media-Driven Nihilism
- As Trump’s Polls Rise, Media Censors Briefings
- During Wuhan Virus Shutdown, Snapchat, Teen Vogue Promote Porn to Teens
- What the Media Isn't Telling You About Our Coronavirus Numbers
- Media's Top Lies & Spins About COVID-19
- Media Hypocrisy: Kavanaugh vs. Biden Rumor Coverage
- Coronavirus Consequences and Media Malpractice
- Serious Consequences to the Media's Virus Alarmism
- NY Times Edits Sexual Assault Story at Request of the Biden Campaign
- Trump Uses Presser Video to Educate the Media--and They HATE It!
- Why the Left-Wing Media Ignores Tara Reade
- Media Owes Justice Kavanaugh a Major Apology
- Media's Coverage of Kavanaugh Was Criminal
- How the Media Spins the Wuhan Virus
- "Psychotic" Anti-Trumper Rewrites Wuhan Virus History
- Hollywood Smears Phyllis Schlafly
- Fake News on Light and Disinfectant
- Media’s Covid-19 Fear Mongering Disastrous for America
- Crazed Dr. Fauci Says Sports Will Not Happen This Year – Wants to Isolate Players – Foolish Maniac will Bankrupt America If He’s Not Stopped
- Media Blatantly Lying About Trump's Virus Response
- The Media Racket & the Coronavirus Numbers Game
- Chicago Media vs. the Ice-Cream Man
- Data Expert Slams Media's Virus Numbers
- Media Leftists Addicted to Wuhan Virus "Fear Porn"
- Even LA Times Notes How Deadly is the Shutdown
- Media Know "Obamagate" a Huge Scandal
- How Dem Operatives Fed Russia Hoax to Media
- Play Ball!
- To Defend Biden, Media Eat Their Own
- The Media IS the Virus
- NY Protester to Reporter: "You're the Virus!"
- The Wuhan Flu and Its Media Allies
- Conservative Media Dance to the Same Old Racial Narrative Tune
- CNN's Tapper Was a Obamagate Co-Conspirator
- Data Expert Corrects Media's Virus Reporting
- Virus Truths vs. Media Hysteria
- Home Depot Co-Founder: Media Has Done A ‘Wonderful Job Frightening America’
- The "Chris Cuomo Virus"
- The Game of Truth
- Poisonous 'Resistance Journalism'
- The Media's Covid Hysteria and the Power of Fear
- The Doctrine of Media Untruth
- Media's Lies Hurt Us Far Worse Than Trump's Tweets
- Big Tech Continues to Censor PragerU
- Minneapolis on Fire
- Minneapolis Police Station Burned
- Leftist Reporters Ignore the Riotous Truth
- Minneapolis Meltdown Spreads
- Riots, Destruction, and Death Across America
- Thugs & Rioters Do Injustice to George Floyd
- No One Should Confuse Riots With Protests
- Every Riot Apologist Needs to Hear This Black Woman
- Minneapolis Goes Bagdhad
- The Terrifying Collapse of Rule of Law Across America
- The Brutality on Blacks That's Ignored
- Stop Allowing the Media to Incite Riots
- America Burns Again
- Infiltrating Antifa
- The NFL Takes a Knee
- Media Scoffs at Massacre of African Christians
- NFL Players Should Think Hard Before They Take A Knee
- Liberal Media Cultivates Racism & Hate in America
- "COPS" Cancelled
- Sports in a "Woke" Utopia
- Another Police Shooting, More Chaos in Atlanta
- Media’s Latest Coronavirus Lie
- Mainstream #FakeNews Media CAN’T STOP LYING About Coronavirus
- Dean Cain Smokes Hollywood's Cancel Culture
- Bias-Free Alternative to Twitter is Growing
- We Digitized the Mob, and There's No Place to Hide
- Origins, Funding of BLM Ignored by Media
- Media is Lying About the ‘Second Wave’ of Coronavirus
- Media Still Pushing Covid "Panic Porn"
- 6 Weeks, 6 Cities, 600 Murders
- Leftist Thugs Kill 8 YO in ATL
- The "Inconvenient" Death of a Seattle Protester
- WNBA, NFL Show BLM Stands for "Bigoted Lynch Mob"
- The Definitive Guide to the Media's Wuhan Virus Malfeasance and Malpractice
- Redskins Cave to the Woke
- NY Times' Editor Issues Scathing Resignation
- Media Silent on U.S. Coronavirus Case Fatality Rate
- The NFL Is on the Brink
- America's Reporters and Editors Are Liars
- New Memos Expose Massive Errors in New York Times' Anti-Trump Story
- Portland Riots Continue
- Media Malpractice on COVID Numbers
- Never Forget Who Hyped the Corrupt Steele Dossier
- Our Dying Media Wants to Kill America
- FBI Notes Show Media Collusion to Create Russia Hoax
- Baseball Takes a Knee...
- ...Goes Woke
- Big Tech Censors Physicians' Wuhan Virus Truths
- Baseball Betrays America
- Netflix Pushes Transgender Agenda With Kids Show
- Journalism Bows to the Mob
- The Sickening Hypocrisy of the NBA
- "Woke" Sports Bombs With Fans
- Oprah Promotes Racism
- George Floyd Bodycam Leak Highlights Press Collusion With Government Leftists
- Rampant Violence/Looting in Chicago Cont.
- Fox Sports Analyst: No Need to Cancel College Football!
- To Keep the Race Fires Stoked, NBA's Popovich Repeats Multiple Michael Brown Lies
- Cancelled: Big Ten Caves to the Fear Porn
- Arguments Against Playing College Football Are Nonsensical Garbage
- Cannon Hinnant Is a Victim of Systemic Racism
- Big 10 Used Flawed Data to Cancel Football
- On Kevin Clinesmith, Drive-by Media Beclowns Itself
- Co-Conspiring in the Hoax, Media Misreports Spygate News
- Snopes Lies
- LeBron James Promotes Racism
- CNN Fools Bemoan the Bite from the Rabid Wolves of Rebellion
- On Riots: The NY Times Hits the Panic Button
- L. Lin Wood--Nick Sandmann's Lawyer--to Defend Kyle Rittenhouse
- To Further the Leftist Agenda, Media Ignores the Facts in Multiple Shootings
- Are the NBA and MLB Boycotting Themselves Out of Business?
- The Media Lynching of Kyle Rittenhouse
- The Media Are Lying About the Election Again
- The Big 10: America's Clown Conference
- Netflix's Cuties is Even Worse Than Imagined...
- ...IMBD Warns: "Lawfully Defined as Pedophilia"
- Netflix Proves Why the Entertainment Industry Needs to Die
- Can Pro Sports Survive The Great Awokening?
- Media Helps Biden's 'Wizard of Oz' Campaign
- Google Pushes Conservative Sites Far Down Search Lists
- More Covid Panic Porn From the Washington Post
- Media Continues to Lie on Breonna Taylor Case
- Chris Wallace Fiddles as BLM, Antifa Burn Our Country
- Is Chris Wallace a White Supremacist?
- The Media Didn't Mind When Biden Was the Debate "Bully"
- Massive Tax Hypocrisy at The New York Times
- The Shame of Chris Wallace
- When the Media Ask Trump to Denounce White Supremacy, They’re Accusing Him Of It
- Corrupt Media Continues to Smear Trump as a Racist
- The Media's Corrupt Obsession With White Supremacy
- Democrats Want You to Pay the Media’s Bills
- Big Tech Censoring Scientists' Anti-Lockdown Declaration
- Collusion!: Twitter and Facebook Supress Hunter Biden Story
- Big Tech Covers for the Biden Campaign
- Big Tech's Corrupt Censorship
- Big Tech's Masquerade is Over
- Hunter Biden's Emails Again Exposes Twitter's Hypocrisy
- Behind the Big Tech Blackout of Biden Family Corruption
- Amazon Censors a Black Conservative
- Biden's Media Malarkey Machine
- Are the FakeNews Polls a Setup for Post-Election Chaos?
- Twitter Censors Dr. Atlas's Views on Masks
- If Biden Lies and the Media Ignore It, Does He Make a Sound?
- A Sordid Conspiracy to Deceive the American Electorate
- Biden and the Lying Press
- Left-Wing Media Trying to Drag Biden Across the Finish Line
- The Media's Suppression of Hunter Biden Expose Is the Biggest Scandal
- Yes Leslie Stahl, the Obama-Biden Administration Spied on Trump
- How the Media Is Rigging the Election for Biden
- Media Was Lying All Along About the State of the Race
- Media Isn't Making Mistakes, the Dishonesty Is Intentional
- Fox News' Election Debacle
- Media Are Doing All They Can to Help Joe Biden Claim Victory
- Media Loved it When Stacy Abrams Challenged Election Results
- Fox News Blew It, Grassroots Backlash Overwhelming
- Parler and the Backlash Against Big Tech
- Remember When Dems & Media 'Trashed' Trump's Transition?
- Trump-Hating Media Wants Us to Move On. I Don't Think So
- CHILLING Leftist Media Coordination Exposed!
- How to Save Journalism: Manual Labor
- The End of Sports?
- Why I Left Facebook -- & Why You Should Too
- Media Is Trash. Their Words Are Worth Nothing
- Sarah Fuller Publicity Stunt Scores In Culture War
- Big Tech’s Big Utopian Lies
- Leftmedia Uses COVID to Justify Authoritarianism
- Media Elites, Not Trump Backers, Detached From Reality
- The Hallmark Channel is Using Christmas to Promote the Evil LGBT Agenda
- Hunter Biden News Embarrasses Media Defenders
- Vanderbilt's Stunts & China's War on Our Competitive Spirit
- The Propaganda of Silence
- The Media Has Never Been More Dangerous
- Even with COVID Vaccines, Media Can't Help But Fuel American Panic
- The Sin of Suppression in Our 2020 Election
- Christmas Movies Show What Hollywoke Gets Wrong
- A Year's Worth of Media Malfeasance
- A Pandemic of Misinformation
- Media Ignores Kamala's Kwanzaa Lie
- The BBC's Lie of Biblical Proportions
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
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