For the most part, the articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the earliest.
- Gorsuch Slams Activist Judges
- Ginsburg, Sotomayor Are the Most Political Justices
- Schumer’s Threats to Justices Not Just Idle Talk
- Fed. Judge Bows to LGBT Propaganda
- Judge Sullivan's Bizarre, Politicized Order Is a Travesty
- Supreme Court Invents New LGBT Rights...
- ...Scalia Rolling Over in His Grave
- Perverting America
- SCOTUS Decision (Bostock) Redefining Sex Will Wreak Havoc
- Gorsuch's Judicial Activism
- Appeals Court Orders Flynn Case Dismissed
- Aftermath of Bostock: A Cultural Seismic Shift
- With Abortion Decision, Roberts Again Betrays Constitution
- SCOTUS Backs Taxpayer Funding for Religious Schools
- Five Justices vs. the People
- The Supreme Court Needs a Hermeneutics Lesson
- SCOTUS Protects Religious Freedom--Twice
- America’s Reign Of Judges Has Left Us With An Unrecognizable Constitution
- Ginsburg Dies
- Ramifications of Ginsburg Politicizing the Court
- Replace Ginsburg NOW
- McConnell: Trump's Nominee Will Get a Vote
- Top 5 Candidates to Replace Ginsburg
- Senate Must Confirm Ginsburg Successor Before Election
- No Reason GOP Shouldn't Fill SCOTUS Vacancy
- The Leading Candidates
- The Stalinization of Ruth Bader Ginsberg
- Amy Barrett--NOW, If Not Sooner
- Graham on SCOTUS: Dems Reap What They Sow
- The Notorious Views of the Notorious RBG
- Multiple Reports: Trump to Pick Amy Barrett
- Democrat's Judicial Norm Is Personal Destruction
- Amy Coney Barrett and the Zealots
- Democrats Take Aim At Amy Coney Barrett
- When the Dogma Lives Loudly
- Amy Barrett Proves All the Left's Lies About Women
- Amy Coney Barrett and the Bigotry of Liberals
- Leftists Memorialize Bader Ginsburg with 20,000 Tampons
- Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed and Sworn In
- Justice Alito: Covid Restrictions a Constitutional Stress Test
- Will The Supreme Court Finally Defend Religious Liberty From Pandemic Tyrants?
- John Roberts is a Judicial and Political Coward
- The Supreme Court & the Electoral Coup
2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2008-2013
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