For the most part, the
articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the
- The Infantile Rally Cry of the Left
- Mini-Mutiny Against Boehner
- Democrats Lose the "Torture" Debate
- Dishonesty on Income Inequality
- Maher: Liberals Should Face Truth on Islam
- Blasphemy for Me, But Not For Thee
- Myth of Islamophobia
- Islam, Liberals and Death By Tolerance
- Are GOP Governors Soft on Marriage?
- Je ne Suis pas Charlie
- Paralysis of Europe
- GA's 12-Year-Old Conservative Whiz
- MS to Make Bible Official Book?
- Atlanta Mayor is Acting Like a Dictator
- Jeb Bush and the Gay Agenda
- Dems Climate Change Election
- Jindal's Brilliant Take on Islam
- An "In-Denial" State of the Union (SOTU)
- Obama's Defiant SOTU
- Text/Audio of 2015 SOTU
- Obama Sadly Silent on Islam
- Obama's Sexual Agenda
- Has Bobby Jindal Read the Koran?
- The GOP's Abortion Bill Debacle
- Obama's Free Lunch...AND...Breakfast..AND...
- Uncle Sam is After Your Savings
- This is "Forward?"
- Middle-Class Savings Like Blood in the Water for Liberals
- Barack Obama: Corporate Liberal
- Palin's Self Parody
- My Problem With Sarah Palin
- Obama's College Saving's Plan Debacle
- Decoding the Left
- 5 Ways Liberals Ignore Science
- NASCAR Legend Tells the Truth at National Prayer Breakfast
- The Return of Evil
- The Lie that "Bush Lied"
- "A Congressional Majority is a Terrible Thing to Waste"
- Progressive Panic on Obamacare
- Obama on Islam vs. Christianity
- Franklin Graham Rebukes Obama
- Rev. Wright's Star Pupil
- Obama's Blinding Islamophilia
- David Barton vs. Obama on Christian History
- On Marriage, Obama Lied to Get Elected
- Hypocrites at the SPLC
- You Lie!
- True Lies
- Vox Obama
- Lying Liberals
- Not Bipartisan, Bisexual
- Liberal Narrative Fails in Chapel Hill
- Biden's Creepy Woman-Touching Habit
- We're Not the Enemy
- Our Dangerous Historical Moment
- Even Libs Calling Out Obama on Radical Islam
- Real "Dirty Dozen" at the IRS
- Abolish the Filibuster
- Obama Loves His America
- Scott Walker is the Real Deal
- Liberal Attacks on Scott Walker Reek of Desperation
- The Cancer of Multiculturalism
- Scott Walker Drives Media to Madness
- Walker Wows CPAC Crowd
- Is Liberalism Exhausted?
- Capital Center Boots Pastors b/c of "An Appeal to Heaven"
- Time to "Reclaim Judeo-Christian Heritage"
- American Crusades and Existential Threats
- Cultural Fascism in America
- An Eye for an ISIS
- Conservatism as Counterculture
- CPAC Winners
- The Liberal Circus
- 5 Myths That May Destroy America
- Radical Islam and 2 Other Threats to Our Nation
- Netanyahu Addresses the U.S. Congress
- Liberals as Servants of Sin
- Netanyahu's Grand Slam
- Netanyahu, not Obama, believes in American Exceptionalism
- Classic Clinton Scandal
- "Net Neutrality" Myths
- Is Scott Walker Wimpy on Abortion?
- Stuck in Scandal Land
- Clinton's Sense of Entitlement
- Bibi is the Leader of the Free World
- 300+ Republicans Come Out in Support of Homosexual "Marriage"
- Vice President Biden Defends Homosexuality
- Why Liberals Lie
- Dems War on Women and Blacks
- Does Clinton's Email Flap Mean Trouble for the WH?
- Hillary's Legal Troubles
- A War of Obama's Making
- Why Clinton's Emails Matter
- What Hillary Left Out
- Hillary's Overplayed Woman Card
- The Farcical Ferguson Report
- Clinton's Defense Won't Fly
- A Contrived Controversy
- Democrats Oppose Human Trafficking Bill
- Clinton's "Classified Material" Problem
- Holder's Legacy of Racial Division
- Liberal Admits: "Hands-Up, Don't Shoot" Based On a Lie
- Obama's Humiliating Loss
- A War of Obama's Own Making
- Obama's a Corporate Shill
- Escaping the Cult of Liberalism
- The Left's Ugly Israel Freakout
- Other States Should Follow AL on S.S. "Marriage"
- Surprise: Obama Administration Has Much to Hide
- The Real Price of Lies
- Hillary's Fiasco
- Legalizing Pot is Harming America
- White House Lied on Bergdahl
- Pence Signs Indiana's Religious Liberty Bill
- Why Bergdahl Matters
- Debunking Religious Liberty Myths
- Indiana's Religious Liberty Law Explained
- Harry Reid is Done
- United States of Arabia
- Obama Once Supported Religious Liberty
- Tolerance Hypocrisy
- Civil Rights Gone Awry
- Indiana and the Intolerant Left
- Questions for Indiana's Critics
- Ignorance Abounds on Religious Freedom
- Rand Paul on 1st Amendment
- Liberal Hypocrites on Tolerance & Enforced Morality
- Indiana: A Perfect Storm of Hysteria and Ignorance
- U.N.'s War on Israel
- For Liberals, It's Not About Tolerance
- Arkansas Caving on Religious Freedom Too
- Intolerance of the Hoosier Mob
- Smear Campaign Against Religious Freedom
- Indiana Governor Disappoints on Religion Law
- Jefferson and Jihad
- Israel: Why a Two-State Solution?
- America--Then vs Now. It's Almost Unbelievable
- Defending the Right to Discriminate
- Lusting for Power, Liberals Are Always Looking for an Emergency
- How Did Harry Reid Get Injured?
- This is How Religious Liberty Dies
- Liberal Hysteria Grips America
- Memories Pizza and Real Social Justice
- The Shifting Definition of Religious Freedom
- Senate Panel Rebukes Obama
- Liberal Morality Mirrors That of ISIS
- Wisconsin Liberals Gone Wild
- "Stop Immigration of Muslims from Terror Nations"
- Doing Welfare Reform Right
- Same-Sex "Marriage" and Government Coercion
- Dems Raise Money by Lying About the Climate
- The Clinton Scandal Manual
- Never Forget: Communism Destroys Lives
- Revealed: The War on Wisconsin Conservatives
- The Clinton Cash for Favors Program
- Donald Trump's Yuuge Hypocrisy
- Why Politics is Culture
- Emerging Clinton Foundation Scandal
- The Proof of Clinton's Wrongdoing (from a liberal!)
- Why Baltimore is a Catastrophe
- Baltimore is a Democrat Catastrophe
- Baltimore & Liberalism's Failed Legacy
- The Left's Burning Cities
- Obama vs. Reagan on GDP Growth
- The Progressive Mask Comes Off
- Porn at the EPA
- Excusing Riots, Enabling Injustice
- Obama Quiet on Seattle May-Day Riots
- The Lies of the Left Continue
- Liberals and the Lying Game
- Tell People They're Victims, They'll Act Like Victims
- Liberalism on Trial
- White Racist Cops Plague Baltimore...Wait
- Race, Politics, and Lies
- Venezuela is on the Edge of Collapse
- Liberals' Petri Dish Laid Bare in Baltimore
- Baltimore Prosecutor Mosby is Shockingly Incompetent
- Why the Left Won't Call Rioters "Thugs"
- Texas Governor: God's Law Can't Be Undone By Man's Law
- Why Won't Pamela Geller Shut Up?
- Free Willy!
- Liberals, Try Talking About the Breakdown of the Family
- Politics and Polyamory
- Former Lesbian Petitions Obama
- A Recruiting Poster Worth Remembering
- Libertarians of Convenience
- "Stay Quiet and You'll Be Okay"
- Jeb Bush Defends Christianity
- Why "Clinton Cash" Matters to Us All
- Paul Krugman's Pretense of Economic Knowledge
- The Naked Obamunists
- Liberal's "Braindead" Response to Amtrak Crash
- Why Are We Funding Amtrak?
- The Real Battle
- The Never-Ending Spin on Benghazi
- The Left's New Inequality Boogeyman
- Bush Didn't Lie on Iraq & WMDs
- The New Totalitarians: Change Your Religious Beliefs, Or Else
- New Roots of the IRS Scandal Uncovered
- Benghazi Truth Emerging
- "Just Asking"
- Why Do Liberals Kowtow to Islam?
- The Coercive Liberal Agenda
- "Mattress Girl" the Perfect Icon for Today's Left
- Mr. President: Giving Spiritual Advice to Ministers is Above Your Paygrade
- GOP Must Embrace Evil to Survive?!
- John Adams: Moral Individuals Make for Limited Govt.
- GOP Presidential Candidates Retreating on Marriage?
- Ex-Speaker Hastert Indicted
- Bill Clinton "Award" Yields $500k "Donation" to Clinton Charity
- Hillary Clinton's Libya Emails
- Five Reasons Hastert Scandal is Disgusting
- Feminazis Eating Their Own
- Is it Time for Civil Disobedience?
- The Profound Racism of "Black Lives Matter"
- More Clinton Cash Revelations
- Stalin, Tansgenderism, and Reinventing Reality
- Jenner's Transformation is a Lose-Lose for Libs
- "Does It Do Good?" vs. "Does It Feel Good?"
- Here's What's Driving Inequality
- Black Pastor Calls Al Sharpton a "Pimp"
- Why Connecticut is Self-Destructing
- You Will Be Assimilated
- "Social Justice" Gone Wild
- Black vs. Blue in America
- Hillary and Crony Capitalism
- Restaurants and Crony Capitalism
- Liberals Push Social Issues
- Obama's Anti-Police Ideology
- Micro-Totalitarianism
- When the Left Snarls
- Thank Liberals for Rachel Dolezal
- "Gay Rights Have Made Us Dumber"
- Transgender Tactics of the Left
- The Politicization of Charleston Begins
- What is a "Conservative?"
- Is Donald Trump a Double Agent?
- Don't Stop with the Confederate Flag
- Obama Prefers Lies
- A Symbol of Heritage or Hate?
- Republicans Vow to Replace Obamacare
- Massacres & Magical Thinking
- Scott Walker After Supreme's Perverse Marriage Ruling: Amend the Constitution
- Focus on Obamacare Repeal
- Conservatives Need to Get Real About the Court
- IRS Scandal: Time for a Special Prosecutor
- The Left Will Target Churches
- Progressive Mass Hysteria
- Clinton's Email Story Unravels
- The Left's Declaration of Dependence
- Oregon Gags Same-Sex "Marriage" Opponents
- Clinton's Emails: A Revealing Dispatch
- 4 Myths of July 4
- Conservatives on Celebrating July 4
- If Liberals Really Cared About Black Lives
- 5 Myths About the Founders
- Is Our Revolution Dead?
- Oregon Declares War on Christianity
- Cruz Control?
- San Francisco--Whose Sanctuary?
- Christian Law School to Lose Accreditation Over Homosexuality?
- Hillary Supports Sanctuary Cities
- Bernie Sanders is the Future of the Democrats
- Countering Liberal's Assault on Suburbia
- The Whitest Privilege
- Welcome to Mr. Obama's Neighborhood
- Why Liberals Hate Uber
- Wisconsin's Shame
- Spinning Out Of Control
- Provocative Gay Flag Must Come Down
- Pastors in Politics?
- Obama's Next Target: the Suburbs
- Social Justice for Conservatives
- Obama's Massive Database
- HUD's War on the Suburbs
- Ted Cruz vs. Code Pink
- Hillary Clinton Comes Closer to an Investigation
- Obama Pushes Homosexual Agenda in Kenya
- The Democrats Handout Strategy is Failing
- What's the Point of the GOP's Senate Majority?
- The Coming Democrat Implosion
- Christian Right is the Hope for the GOP
- There's No War on Voting Rights
- Sanctuary Cities for Conservatives?
- Gun Lies
- The Age of Sentiment and Cruelty
- Why History Will Curse the Democrats
- Democrats: They're All Socialists Now
- GOP Led Efforts in States Lead to Defunding of Planned Parenthood
- Ben Carson Gives His Testimony
- The Democrats' Socialist Surge
- Clinton's Empty Email Excuses
- Clinton Email Scandal Gets Serious
- Hillary's Emails: The Vice Slowly Tightens
- Hillary's Server Wiped Clean
- 7 Reasons Clinton's Email Troubles Won't Go Away
- Welcome to Post-Ferguson Policing
- The Hillary Horror Movie, a Sequel
- Hillary's Classified Info Nightmare
- No Surprise: Planned Parenthood Finances Senate Democrats
- 10 Things You Didn't Know Were Racist
- What Trump's Popularity Reveals
- #BlackLivesMatter Misfire
- Hillary's Record of Malfeasance
- The Tired Opportunistic Gun-Control Agenda
- Police Lives Matter
- The "Ferguson Effect" Spreads
- Satan in the Oval Office
- At War with Reality
- The Data Destroyers
- "I Am A Liberal"
- Liberal Columnist Upsets #BlackLivesMatter
- George Will's Cultural Death Wish
- When is Lois Lerner Going to Prison?
- Clinton Records Reveal Up To 150 Classified Emails
- Hillary Clinton vs. Ashley Madison
- Denali vs. McKinley
- Scary: Hillary Clinton's America
- Exposing "Black Lives Matter" for What It Is
- The Law Is Only Sacred When It Furthers Liberal Values
- My Old Kentucky Double Standard
- No Trumpian Movement Is Conservative
- Justice, Not Social Justice
- An Anti-American White House
- The Left's Twitter Hypocrites
- The Government vs. Uber
- GOP Only Pretends Not to Authorize Obama's Agenda
- What's Wrong With Socialism?
- Descent Into Lawlessness
- How Big is the Government?
- Hillary's Methodism
- Is Obamanism Correctable?
- Is Socialism on the Rise?
- Hillary Clinton Thinks You're Stupid
- Infiltrating the #BlackLivesMatter Cult
- Worship the State, or Else
- The Moral Issues Don't Hurt Republicans
- Obama's Ultimate Deception
- "Sinful:" Obama's Guest List for Papal Visit
- Why Let Women in Combat, but Not Sports?
- Obama: Islam or Christianity?
- What the Nobel Peace Prize President Has Wrought
- Surprise!: FBI Recovers Some Clinton Emails
- Tolerating Pederasty
- Obama Should've Been Behind Bars!
- Boehner Stepping Down as House Speaker
- Behind Boehner's Benediction
- McCarthy Seen as Successor
- The Dumbest Controversy Ever
- The GOP's Surrender Politics
- Obama Admn. Enables "Boy Play"
- Am I Still a Racist?
- Democrats are the Party of Abortion, Not Women
- Smoking Gun: Hillary's Server
- The War on America Turns 50
- Australia's Gun-Grab Didn't Work
- Don't Play the Shooter's Game
- Syria is Obama's Watergate
- Chaffetz Running for House Speaker
- Score One for the TEA Party
- Hillary's Gun-Control Proposal a Joke
- Hillary's Gun-Control Non Sequiturs
- President Obama Prefers to Provoke
- Yes, Obama Wants to Take Your Guns
- Elizabeth Warren's Wall Street Double Standard
- 7 Gun-Control Myths that Won't Die
- Impeach the IRS Director
- "A New Constitution or the Bullet?!"
- The Left's Phony War on Gun Violence
- McCarthy Exits Speaker's Race
- The Real Benghazi Investigation
- Another Massacre, Another Charade
- Paul Ryan Should Run
- Yes, the Right Does Have Answers on Guns
- A Liberal's Ten Commandments
- Jindal: We Need Revival, Not Gun Control
- Ben Carson is Right About Nazi Gun Control
- Obama's Sad Legacy for Black Americans
- Rename the Democrat Party?
- Liberals Always Seeking a "New Deal"
- Clinton's "Please Hack Me" Server
- Gallup and Guns
- The Evil of Gun-Free Zones
- Open Season on Police
- About Those Clinton Emails
- Stop Citing Sweden as a Socialist Success
- Why Doesn't Trump Blame Bill Clinton for 9/11?
- Ahmed's Clock: Obama Got Punked
- Benghazi Families: Hillary a "Serial Liar"
- Hillary's Stunning Mendacity
- Hearings Confirm Hillary's Status as a Liar
- Obama Fuels Anti-Cop Flames
- No Defense for Obama or Clinton
- Hillary's Big Benghazi Lie
- The Liberal Gun-Control Charade
- Clinton's Accidental Transparency
- House to Impeach IRS Chief
- The Decriminalization Delusion
- Liberal Zealots
- Paul Ryan Elected Speaker
- The Lies Behind "Black Lives Matter"
- Today in Liberal Tolerance
- Why Liberals Identify With Criminals
- Paul Ryan Calls for Prayer
- Lena Dunham: Culture War Double-Agent
- Who's Responsible?
- Fight Inequality: Abolish the Ivy League
- Impeaching IRS Chief a Good Start
- Academic Liberals: Shred the Constitution!
- Rev. Graham: Obama Standing Against God
- Ben Carson and the Dems "War on God"
- Why Lie? (Part 2)
- Who's Burning Black Churches? Oh Yeah.
- America's Crisis Isn't Political, It's Moral
- It's Not a Culture War, but a War on the Culture
- Liberalism Undermines Freedom
- FBI Closing in on Hillary?
- Liberty Requires Virtue
- The Obama Legacy
- Party of God vs. Party of Govt.
- Alarm Bells for Liberals
- The First Amendment is Dying
- Why Can't the Democrats Say "Radical Islam?"
- Francois Lied, Frenchmen Died
- Liberalism Commits Ritual Suicide on Campus
- "Obama has become Dangerous"
- From Missouri to Paris
- What Happened to Real Racism?
- The End of Obamaworld
- Bruce Jenner, ISIS, & Hillary's Hypocrisy
- Obama's Final, Dangerous Year
- Obama's Real War
- Be Afraid...of Obama
- The Myth of Enduring Millennial Liberalism
- Democrats Hate Thanksgiving: Here's How They Plan to Ruin It
- Cry-Bullies: Coming Age of the Abuser-Victim
- The Left's Diversity "Logic"
- Still Blaming Israel First Conservatives Must Save the Cities
- Free Speech
- Attacking a Message as Corrupt as its Messengers
- Chicago Deserves Its Riots
- Chicago Murder in Black & White
- Black Live Matter Doesn't Matter
- Evil Can't Be Ignored
- The Left Prays to Its God of Government
- Liberals Declare: "God's Not Fixing This"
- Barack Obama: Social Justice Warrior-in-Chief
- Gun Violence Erupts in a State of Gun-Control
- Why Liberals Condemn Prayer
- Rebuking Obama
- The Gun Debate in Two Charts
- Liberalism's Gun Problem
- LA Politics: Choosing Decline
- Barack Obama: Islamic Apologist
- The Democrat Party Is a Death Cult
- Trump's Rise is Obama's Political Legacy
- Liberal Theology of Gun Control
- Ken Ham's Response to President Obama
- The Gun Debate, Continued
- A "Fog" of Lying and Incompetence
- The Next President Will Have a Pen and a Phone Too
- The "Fascist" Left in America
- Socialism Kills More Than Terrorism
- Travesty in Baltimore
- President Obama's Legacy of Fakery
- Lying About Gitmo
- Democrats and the "FEAR!" Card
- Obama: "It's because I'm Black, Isn't It?"
- Big Government = Scrooge
- Liberals Attacking Liberals
- Immorality & Contempt for Liberty
- The Real Victims of Victimhood
- Racism: "White Men Must be Stopped"
- Obama's Delusions
- Democrat Monopoly on the Immoral High Ground
- The Year of Hysteria
- End the Anti-Cop Witch Hunt
- Police Stats Shred Black Lives Matter Narrative
- Long List of Obama's Pro-Muslim Bias
- Democrats in Congress Show Support for Sharia Law
- Equality Babble
- A Tale of Two Bills: Cosby vs. Clinton
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