As voters in Ireland voted overwhelmingly to approve same-sex "marriage," predictably, liberals across the world, but especially in the U.S., took a "victory lap." Lost in their jubilation, it evidently escaped most liberals the manner by which Ireland hastened herself down the wide path of destruction.
Make no mistake about it, a nation that rejects the oldest institution in the history of humanity, that rejects the foundation upon which EVERY culture rests, that declares motherhood and fatherhood "absurd," is well on its way to an ugly end. However, if a nation, a state, a city, or a tribe, chooses to take such a path, it should do so in the manner of Ireland. The people, not a dictator, not a handful of judges, should decide.
Barely five years ago, marriage as the union of one man and one woman was on a 31 for 31 winning streak with U.S. electorates. The average vote was 67.5% in favor of marriage as God gave it to us. This result included the very liberal electorates of Maine, California, Oregon, and Hawaii. The vast majority of U.S. states which have legalized same-sex "marriage" have done so at the whims of a federal judge. To reverse the overwhelming will of an American electorate in such a manner is the very definition of judicial tyranny.
Also, it cannot be ignored that the same-sex "marriage" vote in Ireland provides further evidence for the continued sad legacy of the modern Catholic Church. As of 2011, over 84% of Ireland identified as Roman Catholic. The waning influence of the Catholic Church on the grave moral issues of our time is shocking. As I've noted, this is yet another tragic result of the rotten influence of modern liberalism.
Again: Marriage is the oldest institution in the history of humanity--older
than God's covenant with the nation of Israel, older than The Law, older
than the church. Marriage is one of the earliest truths revealed by
God. If ANYTHING is true, marriage as the union of one man and one woman
is true. On this, there can NEVER be compromise.
Copyright 2015, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
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ReplyDelete"Make no mistake about it, a nation that rejects the oldest institution in the history of humanity, that rejects the foundation upon which EVERY culture rests, that declares motherhood and fatherhood "absurd," is well on its way to an ugly end."
Speed reading can be a dangerous thing. I think there is a mistake in your perception of the context of your NYT citation. Specifically, the comment appears to suggest that affirmation of "the importance of biological ties" to proper dispensation of the duties of motherhood and fatherhood is absurd, -not that the duties or the definitions of each position are absurd.
In other words, an adoptive parent (one not biologically or genetically related) can potentially fulfill the role of father or mother as well as the direct biological parent. Of course, biological relation should allow a potential parent first choice to assume this duty unless he or she is deemed unworthy by a court.
Also, the tone and structure of your comment infers that Ireland and potentially the USA believe the citation as you have incorrectly interpreted it. That would be disingenuous, but I'm sure you picked that aspect up from the smear merchants at
"If ANYTHING is true, marriage as the union of one man and one woman is true."
Well, that definition is at least as true as marriage defined as a union between Adam's son Cain and his biological sister. Both happened, and both were ordained by God's design. Picking and choosing biblical truths are we?
Finally, it appears you have conflated moral positions of the Catholic Church with the social agenda of some really far left political liberals and progressives. I'm not sure that is fair to the church, and I doubt it will further your political ministry (only a political ministry would even attempt such).
I'm saying that the liberalism that has greatly influenced the modern Catholic Church is having a tragic effect on its witness against the social agenda of the far left.
ReplyDeleteI assume that would be "tragic" in your opinion, -and in the opinion of every conservative shill organization and web site you get your usual talking points from. Birds of a feather fly together, right?.
ReplyDeleteRemember that the Pope gets equal time for rebuttal of your position and criticism of your own political agenda. What do you suppose he would say?