For the most part, the
articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the
- Robert Gates Pulls No Punches
- Gates: Memoirs of a Secretary at War
- Obama Scandals vs. Christie Scandal
- Flawed Christie, Unlike Obama, Takes Responsibility
- A Tale of Two Scandals
- Democrats Midterm Blues
- The Imperial Presidency of Barack Obama
- Obama's "Embarrassing" SOTU
- Full Transcript of Obama's SOTU
- Progressivism Kills
- Obama's Work Trap
- Why Democrats Hate Work
- Are Liberals Less Selfish?
- Black Pastors Seek 1 mil. Signatures to Impeach Holder
- Why Won't Lois Lerner Talk?
- Blue State Dems Feel the Heat
- How the Ukraine Crisis Ends
- Huckabee Warns CPAC of God's "Fiery Judgment"
- A Poor Way to Reduce Poverty
- Dems and the Panic Button
- How Does a President Rewrite the Constitution?
- Dems Continue Race-Baiting
- Millennials Abandon Obamacare
- Impossible to Enforce Obamacare
- Dems Killing New England
- Black Senior Forced to Choose: Obama or Jesus
- The Hidden Rot in the Jobs Numbers
- The Party of Work
- Hate Crime Trojan Horse
- Your EPA Thugs at Work
- It's the Economy Stupid
- Dems Should Bail on Obamacare
- A Special Prosecutor for the IRS
- GOP Alternatives to Obamacare
- Ryan, Obama, and Racism
- Climate Policy Benefits Dem Donors
- Connecting With Millennials
- Liberals Turn on Their Own
- Democrats Campaign Finance Delusions
- Obamacare vs. Religious Liberty
- Faith and Work
- The Gospel According to Liberals
- Scandals Rock Democrats
- Poverty Fighting Myth vs. Reality
- Why Texas is Booming
- Democrat Hypocrisy
- Socialism and Electric Cars
- Leland Yee (Democrat), the Kochs, and the Press
- Obama to Military Leaders: Accept Gays or Step Down
- The Church of Leftism
- Top 10 States Americans are Fleeing
- Why Are Military Bases "Gun-Free" Zones?
- Is God Now on Russia's Side?
- Obama's Routine is Laughable Indeed
- The Left's Evolving Hierarchy of Rights
- More Benghazi Confusion
- Dick Durbin Refused Communion
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