For the most part, the
articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the
- Washington Post Perpetuates Left-Wing Fraud
- Hundreds Missing in WA Mudslide
- Networks Promoting Gay Agenda
- Kudos to Kobe
- The War on Hobby Lobby
- Noah Film: "Unbiblical Fantasy"
- Much ado about Noah
- Another Fort Hood Shooting
- Mozilla CEO--Supporter of Biblical Marriage--Forced to Resign
- 71 Killed in Nigerian Bombing
- Bubba's Passions: Golf and The Gospel
- New Study on the Dangers of Pot Use
- A Nation of Narcissists
- Nigerian War on Women
- Deadly Tornadoes in AR and OK
- Data Journalism Detached From Reality
- HuffPo, PBS Ask: "What About Homophobic NBA Owners?"
- HGTV Drops Christian Brothers
- The Serial Killer Hollywood Won't Touch
- ESPN's Michael Sam Coverage Reveals Political Agenda
- Media Yawns at Hollywood Child Abuse
- NFL's Inexcusable Lack of Compassion for Michael Sam
- SunTrust Banks Drop Benham Brothers
- The Media's Abortion Problem
- SunTrust Reverses Decision
- "We Are at War with Christianity"
- The Irony of Today's Tolerance
- More Islamic Barbarism
- Killing Spree in CA
- Rejected by Women, Sought Revenge
- The 5 Bailey Brothers of W.W. II
- The Anti-E-Cigarette Conspiracy
- Is "Therapy Culture" to Blame for Elliot Rodger?
- Most Asinine things about #YesAllWomen
- Mass Hysteria After California Killings
- Challenging the "Rape Culture"
- Indoctrination in White Privilege
- Liberal Denounces Leftist "McCarthyism"
- HBO's Reagan Lie
- #HashtagIdiocy
- Reparations: A Hammer in search of a Nail
- Some Inconvenient Truths on Gun Control
- Real Origins of an Evangelical Hit Piece
- Govt. Union Wants Duck Dynasty Fans Fired
- Media's IRS Scandal Problem
- Liberal Columnists' Smear Job Exposed
- A Tale of Two Scandals
- Obama Regime Strips Redskins Trademark
- Real History of the word Redskins
- Liberals Wage War on the Redskins
- Offensive Words: A Patent Office Quandary
- IRS Scandal and Media Bias
- Review of D'Souza's "America"
- The Govt. Decided "Redskins" Bothers You
- Liberals Preoccupation with the Redskins
- Abdul-Jabbar: American Soccer Will Remain Second Class
- Independence Day: July 2 or 4?
- J.Q. Adams' July 4 Oration
- NY Times Runs Anti-Hobby Lobby Ad
- Google Bans Porn Ads
- Pot Bringing Devastation in Colorado
- The New York Times vs. Israel
- Media Ignores Boehner's Lawsuit
- Malaysian Plane Shot Down Over Ukraine
- Downed Malaysian Plane: Photos (dozens) and Videos
- Russian Missile Downed Plane
- Hundreds Dying in Gaza
- Gaza, Russia, and the Media
- Lerner Hard-Drive Only "Scratched"
- Premonition?: Young Boy Feared Crash of MH17
- Newspaper Editor Fired for Criticizing Gay Propaganda
- Israeli Ambassador Schools CNN
- NY Giants' David Tyree Supports Biblical Marriage
- NYT Reporter: Time to "Stamp...Out, Ruthlessly" Pro-Family Speech
- Stoned Crazy at the NY Times
- Tony Dungy "Worst Person in the World?!"
- Whatever Happened to Cynthia McKinney
- GA High School Battles Atheists
- Sharpton's Search for Relevance
- Stunning Death of Robin Williams
- Ferguson on Fire: Can We Add "Don't Loot" to "Don't Shoot?"
- Must We Have a Dead White Kid?
- Worship Singer/Songwriter Comes Out as Gay
- Rage in Ferguson Continues
- Michael Brown Was Shot Six Times
- Ferguson: Demilitarizing Cops Didn't Work
- Ferguson Facts and Factors
- The Media, Bullets, and Ear-Plugs
- What Black Men Really Have to Fear
- Black Men in the Crosshairs
- ISIS Beheads American
- The Race to be Wrong in Ferguson
- Ferguson Feeding Frenzy
- "No Justice, No Peace," then Riots
- It's Easy Not to Get Shot by Cops
- The Media and the Mob
- Israel Under Siege: A Diary
- Beaten to Death at McDonalds
- No Facts, No Peace
- Al Sharpton, Mr. Respectable
- Al Gore vs. Al Jazeera vs. the Truth
- Holder Fans Ferguson Flames
- ISIS Kills 5-Year Old Boy from Christian Family
- Barbarism Endures
- British Ex-Rapper Beheaded James Foley
- Why Comedians Shield Obama
- Be Careful With Your Ice Bucket Challenge Donations
- Memorial to Communism's 100 Million Dead
- Ferguson: Life in the Promised Land
- ISIS Waging Sexual Jihad
- The Hypocrisy of the Burger King Move
- Hypocrisy of Hollywood's Violence Profiteers
- Michael Sam Released
- Who Gets Shot in America
- Streets of San Francisco
- Irrefutable: Israel's Case for Legitimacy
- Ebola Outbreak Worsens
- Major Networks Sponsor Gay Journalists' Convention
- Truett Cathy Remembered
- 9/11: A Day to be Proud
- Indoctrination by ESPN
- ISIS Beheads Another
- After Incident, Ray Rice, Wife Reportedly Gave Their Lives to Christ
- Jim Wallis: America Created ISIS
- Two Cheers for Constitution Day!
- Don't Blame the NFL
- Media Ignores Lies on Obamacare and Abortion
- The NFL Doesn't Have a Domestic Violence Problem
- Media's Absurd NFL Hysteria
- Scots Reject Independence
- The Rape Epidemic is Fiction
- Dinesh D'Souza Sentenced to 5 Yrs. Probation
- When Journalists Commit Domestic Violence
- Waitress Donates Generous Tip from Rush Limbaugh to Abortion Group
- Sandy Hook Commission Blames Homeschooling
- Wikipedia Trying to Ban Conservative Site
- "Left Behind" Movie Review
- The Daily Show Lies "All the Time"
- MSNBC Politicizes Ebola
- Ben Affleck's Islam Problem
- Ben Affleck's Islamophilia
- T-Shirt Co. Refuses to Print Gay-Pride Shirts
- Rise of the Professional Slut
- Goodbye, Columbus
- Another Positive Ebola Test
- Anti-Cop Hysteria in St. Louis
- Homosexual Propaganda from CBS
- The Ferguson Farce
- Predatory Journalism
- Darren Wilson Likely Innocent
- ISIS Continues Murderous Spree
- The Media's Predictable Pivot
- High Cost of Freedom
- Behind the "Don't Shoot" Coalition in Ferguson
- Duck Dynasty Family "Homophobic?"
- Michael Moore Defends Islam
- Palestinian Terrorists Attack Synagogue
- Freezing In All 50 States
- Ken Ham on the Accuracy of "Exodus"
- Ferguson Needs Facts
- Tech: Best Black Friday Deals So Far
- Ferguson Officer Darren Wilson Not Indicted
- "Hands-Up, Don't Shoot" Narrative Dismantled
- 20 Ways Media Misreads Benghazi Report
- Ferguson Burns
- Gunfire, Looting Rampant
- Grand Jury Transcripts
- "Justice Was Served"
- We Have a Moral Divide, Not a Racial One
- Darren Wilson Speaks
- Ferguson Grand Jury Got It Right
- The Media and Lerner's Emails
- The Ferguson Fraud
- Alveda King: "America, We Are Better Than This!"
- Privileged Liberals (Like Ezra Klein) "Explain" the News
- New Black Panthers Plotted to Kill Ferguson Prosecutor
- "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" A Lie for the Ages
- Ferguson: A Culture of Lies
- Media Protects Gay Rapists
- NFL's (and UGA Bulldog) Ben Watson on Ferguson: "It's Not a Skin Problem. It's a Sin Problem."
- Ferguson Protests: The "Obama Riots"
- Myth: White Cops Kill Black Kids
- Pharrell Williams: Michael Brown "Asking For Trouble"
- CNN is Lying About Ferguson Protests
- Finding Meaning in Ferguson
- Opinions vs. Facts
- ISIS Beheads Christian Children
- The Ferguson Charade
- "Hands Up, Don't Shoot" Likened to Nazi Propaganda
- Media Ignores Homosexual Sex Predator
- Why So Many Hate the Media
- Eric Garner and Justice
- The Facts of the Eris Garner Case
- From Kiev to Ferguson: Living in Harmony
- Candy Crowley Out at CNN
- South Korea Builds Giant Christmas Tree on Border with the North
- White Cops Aren't Victimizing Black Youths
- Rolling Stone, Rape Apologists
- Who's Killing Black Americans?
- Dreaming of a "White Christmas?" That's Racist
- Medical Perspective on the Garner Tragedy
- Selective Outrage on Rape
- Lena Dunham's Assault on Humanity
- Rape and the Media
- Slaughtered "Sons of Anarchy"
- Islamists Slaughter School Children
- Black Protest Isn't Black Progress
- Sony Hack Just the Beginning?
- Sony Hack Fallout
- Hilarious: Bubba Watson's Christmas Rap
- Retaliation: 2 NYC Cops Executed
- Protesters Get Their Wish: Dead Cops
- Police Unions Declare War on de Blasio
- As Cops Die, Racism Narrative Unravels
- NY Cops Turn on Mayor
- Stop Demonizing the Police
- Slain Officer Was Chaplain in Training
- Media Now Pushing Polyamory
- De Blasio's Bloody Hands
- Anti-Cop Protesters Invoke Words of Cop Killer
- Tragic: Pastor Kills 14-Y-O Intruder
- Who's To Blame for NYPD Murders?
- Stop Lying About the Police
- AirAsia Flight Missing
- Surprise: CNN's Scandal Hypocrisy
- Newsweek Ignorant on Christianity
- Tylenol Uses Lesbians in "Family" Commercial
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