That’s right. America ’s favorite duck hunting
uncle better understands what really plagues our nation than the editorial
writers of the nation’s “newspaper of record.” Yeah, I know, Silas was talking
about guns, but you get the idea—unless you’re a liberal.
Blow thinks that the problem of out-of-wedlock births is not
as “black-and-white” as many claim. Of course he would think this, because
“black-and-white” sounds too much like sin, and for a liberal, things simply
can’t be about sin.
Blow declares that “We can’t look longingly at the halcyon
ideals of yore, where marriage held more primacy and premarital sex was
considered more depraved. Those days are gone.” By “halcyon ideals of yore” Blow
means ideals rooted in Christian morality. They are disappearing as a result of
the efforts of Blow and his liberal friends.
Certainly in much of the U.S. —especially in the circles
where Blow and his ilk run—the days of where sin is called sin are gone. Most
of today’s liberals, at least those who craft and coach modern progressivism,
are little more than present-day pagans. They are fulfilling well what
occultist, bisexual, and habitual drug user Aleister Crowley described as the creed of modern paganism:
“Do What Thou Wilt.”
Much to the thrill of today’s liberal, the great lure of
paganism is that the moral demands are few. Such demands are decided by each
individual, and thus we have the chaos that stems from moral relativism. What
was once deemed
shameful is now celebrated. Tragically, the secularism that is the fruit of
modern liberalism has given us a culture that is bereft of shame.
In addition, what was once immoral and even illegal is
redefined as a "right." Thus, abortion is declared a “right;”
marriage is a “right” defined by the two (or more) people claiming it; pornography
is a matter of “rights;” and, of course, sex between consenting adults is
always “right.”
Speaking of sex and sounding like a good (and articulate)
pagan, Blow writes that, “Most think
young people should delay sexual activity until they are mentally and
emotionally capable of reasonably consenting and comprehending the
consequences.” He later adds that, “We could…begin teaching young people to value themselves in a way that
contextualizes the initiation of sexual activity as a thing fully within their
control and not so easily manipulated by peer and societal pressures.”
Finally Blow
declares, “Everyone can be affirmed, though, in the fact that they must love
themselves enough emotionally to be in control of whom they allow to love them
physically, and when.” In other words, as long as one is mentally and
emotionally mature, and if we value and love ourselves enough, “Do What Thou
Of course, Blow
would not be a very good modern liberal, if, as part of his solution to the
significant number of out-of-wedlock births, he failed to mention abortion. He
doesn’t disappoint. He laments that “more abortion restrictions were enacted in
the last three years than in the previous decade.” And just as reliable as rain
in a hurricane, Blow offers up “prophylactics and contraceptives” as a way to
curb out-of-wedlock births.
Also, the home
and our schools must provide “thorough and unimpeded sex education…about how to
engage in sex safely and responsibly.” And don’t worry, today’s liberalism will
provide us with the necessary curriculum to accomplish this.
Isn’t it
comforting when liberals start telling us what we “must provide” in our
homes—especially when it concerns our children? I mean, it’s almost as if
liberals are telling us what doctors we have to use, and when we can use them.
After all, it’s not as if liberals are going to be data
mining our children in the public schools to find out what is going on at
home, right?
Continuing his pagan ramblings, Blow goes on to say that we “must respect all family structures (but not polygamy, right libs?)” and that we should avoid “sex shaming” that “inflames the pathology of patriarchy in our culture.” Because, you know, calling sex outside of (biblical—how sad it is that I must clarify here!) marriage sin is all about men oppressing women.
Like so many
liberals who peddle their supposed “wisdom” in the pages of the NYT, Blow is a
fool. And I mean a fool in the Old Testament book of Proverbs sense of the word.
In this sense, liberals like Blow are not feebleminded idiots; instead, they
are morally corrupt and despise true wisdom. Being wise in their own eyes, they
have rebelled against God and His Word.
Such liberals have knowledge, and they crave power to put it
into practice. Sadly, too many Americans have given them this opportunity. Thus,
many of us have learned the hard way that, “Knowledge is a deadly friend, when
no one sets the rules. The fate of all mankind I see is in the hands of fools.”
Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
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