Authored by Drew Magary, the column is replete with dripping
sarcasm along with plenty of vulgar and foul language. In the very first
paragraph, referring to Mr. Robertson’s large crossbow, Magary says “It looks
like you could shoot through a god—mn mountain with it.” Of course, if one doesn’t believe what the
Bible says anyway, what harm is there in swearing with God’s name?
Just two sentences later, Magary writes, “The bow is cocked and loaded, just in
case a deer stumbles in front of us and we need to do a redneck drive-by on the
poor b-stard…” The f-bomb is dropped more than once, along with several other
foul words and crude references. Seemingly, none of this bothers the left. No,
they are offended by Scripture quotations that contradict their liberal
Matt Lewis of the Daily Caller points
out, such a worldview much prefers “Pajama
Boy” to the boys of Duck Dynasty. As Lewis noted in his column, “There is a huge schism between red state America and blue state America , and
these two stories seem to symbolize the yawning chasm.” However wide this
chasm, as a father of four, three of whom are boys (ages 5, 9, and 11), one
thing is clear to me: I’m raising “Duck Dynasty” boys, not “Pajama” boys.
Now, my boys love their cozy
pajamas and hot chocolate, but they are also learning to shoot (guns and bows),
hunt, and fish. Last Christmas I gave my two older boys junior compound bows.
This year they have fished for and caught crappie and trout. My two older boys
also won a “Turkey Shoot” with BB guns—the prize being a frozen turkey—at a
local fall festival this year. Below is a recent photo of our boys with our only
daughter Caroline, which my wife proudly posted on Facebook along with the
caption shown.
"You may come
calling boys, but you must meet my brothers first."
Don’t worry, libs, along with our
children’s outdoor exploits, our home has an extensive library of hundreds of
books. My wife, who is in charge of homeschooling our four children, has made
sure of that. Each of our three older children, including our daughter, also
takes karate and piano classes. So along with learning how to clean a trout,
this year Caleb, Jesse, and Caroline learned to play a “Mozart Themed” Sleigh-ride.
I have an undergraduate degree in
physics and two graduate degrees in mathematics education. I have taught
mathematics in public and private schools for 20 years. My wife has an
undergraduate degree in sociology, graduated summa cum laude, and was
valedictorian of her college class. She has also recently authored
a book. Our children will receive one of the best K-12 educations of any child
in the country.
I’m not nearly the outdoorsman that the Robertsons are, and my wife can’t stand camouflage, but whether my children prefer sipping hot chocolate (like Uncle Si, I prefer sweet tea) or shooting a gun, most importantly, our children are being taught from a Christian worldview.
Yes, that means that among other
things, they are learning that, along with adultery, fornication, and
bestiality, homosexual behavior is sin. They are also learning that they are
created in the image and likeness of God, and that all human life, from the
moment of conception, is especially precious. And they are learning that in the
world today, both abortion and homosexuality are uniquely heinous.
Why the focus on these two
particular issues? Because the greatest lie ever told is that there is
no God. The second greatest lie ever told is that the devil does not exist. The
third greatest lie ever told is that your sin (and mine) is not really sin, and
this is exactly what is happening with homosexuality and abortion.
For decades in the U.S. there has been a movement
spearheaded by many well-funded organizations devoted to preaching the value
and legitimacy of abortion, homosexuality, and a redefining of marriage. In
other words, tens of millions of Americans have been preached the lie that
homosexual behavior and killing a child in the womb are not sin. My children are
learning the truth in these grave matters.
As Joel Belz of World
Magazine noted
several years ago, it is time for conservative Christians to “stop apologizing”
for the attention we give the issues of homosexuality and abortion. Like Phil
Robertson, it is time for more Christian celebrities to take on these issues.
Time and again we see homosexuality portrayed in music, movies, and television
as nothing but normal, acceptable behavior.
There is virtually NOTHING in the secular media that
portrays the other side of homosexuality and similar issues. Such absence
impacts our culture. There is no doubt that public opinion on homosexuality and
same-sex marriage has been swayed toward a more liberal view of these matters
in no small part due to the media campaign that favors them.
If we stay silent, what happens? Television networks will
pull the Phil Robertsons (and the Craig
Jameses) from the air. Of course, supposedly networks such as Fox and
A&E have the “right” to make such decisions, but photographers,
and florists
with Christian views on homosexuality and marriage don’t. Such small businesses
are sued and even held liable by our courts for refusing services to same-sex
Even worse, once the homosexual agenda (which, we must not
forget includes those who are “transgendered”) has the full force of the law
behind it, public schools will teach that homosexual behavior and same-sex
marriage are good and right. In school systems like Los
Angeles, it’s already happening. Likewise, schools (certainly public,
probably private as well) will
be forced
to accommodate
“transgendered” children.
What’s more, state constitutions that have amendments defining
marriage as a union of one man and one woman are proving to be not enough to
stop the homosexual agenda from progressing on the marriage front. Just days
ago, a federal
judge ruled Utah ’s
ban on same-sex marriage unconstitutional. Like almost all of the 28 other
states with similar bans, in 2004 the citizens of Utah passed the ban by an overwhelming 66%
to 34% majority.
If America
wants to stop this madness where good is called evil and evil is called good,
we must change our culture. This fight begins with our families. Liberals know
this. This is why almost exclusively the “culture wars” being fought in the U.S. are an
attack on the family. In other words, if we want to change our culture, we
better start raising our kids with a worldview like that of the cast of Duck
Dynasty instead of the worldview that govern “Pajama Boy” and his big sister, Julia.
(See this column on American Thinker.)
Copyright 2013, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
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