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Thursday, October 22, 2009

Darwinian Evolution is not compatible with Scripture

Darwinian evolution is in direct contradiction to what the Bible reveals about creation. An atheist who completely denies God and the Bible and holds molecules to man evolution up as absolute truth has a more logically defensible position than the Christian who wants to mix evolution and Scripture. 

Given that we have had decades of Darwinian evolution and millions/billions of years preached in the public (as well as the private) school system, it is not surprising that even spiritually mature Christians want to compromise Scripture with evolution in this sense. Many sincere and well-meaning believers (including me at one time) have taken this erroneous approach to God’s Word. 

I’m afraid many people, on both sides of the issue, are making the same mistake in this debate: believing that evolution is only about science and that creation is only about religion. This is nonsense. The information in this debate is the same for all of us; what is different is the framework through which the information is interpreted. One way to frame this is not as “science-versus-religion” debate, but rather a “religion-versus-religion” debate. 

I can see why nonbelievers would totally disregard what the Bible has to say about creation, so let me speak to those who call themselves Christians. Try, for a moment, reading Genesis chapter 1, putting aside any outside influences. Looking at it in this way, one would have to admit that we cannot deduce millions/billions of years from a straightforward reading of this passage. 

The Hebrew word for day used in Genesis chapter 1 is yom.” A number and the phrase “evening and morning” are used for each of the six Days of Creation. In Scripture outside Genesis 1, yom is used with a number 410 times. Each time it means an ordinary day. In Scripture outside Genesis 1, yom is used with the word “evening” or “morning” 23 times. “Evening” and “morning” appear in association, but without yom, 38 times. All 61 times the text refers to an ordinary day. Why would Genesis 1 be the exception for the use of yom

Also, Darwinian evolution declares that all life, including mankind, came into being after billions of years of death and struggle. However, the Bible teaches us that “in the beginning” God made everything “good,” and there was no death. Death did not come into the world until mankind sinned and God cursed all of His perfect creation. 

Many Christians want to declare Genesis, or at least parts of it, as allegory. Those who claim to be champions for science and reason seem to want to abandon it when it comes to interpreting Scripture. There is nothing within Genesis, the other books of the Bible, or the universe itself that would logically allow for the first book of the Bible to be allegorical. 

If Genesis is a “metaphor,” then all the rest of Scripture is in question. There is much evidence throughout all the rest of Scripture to support the fact that Genesis is literal history. Many other books directly refer to Genesis and its characters in a way that shows they were regarded as nothing but historical people and events. Consider how often the New Testament refers to Genesis and its characters. Dozens of times Adam, Eve, the Serpent (Satan), Cain, Abel, Noah, the Flood, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Lot, and so on, are directly (and indirectly) referenced. They are spoken of as real historical characters, not mythological beings. 

In Romans chapter 5 Paul refers directly to Adam and compares him to Christ as “a pattern of the one to come.” First Corinthians 15:22 states, “For as in Adam all die, so as in Christ all will be made alive.” This refers to all of humanity being under the same curse of death that was placed on Adam, because we all are his descendents. Second Corinthians 11:2 says, “…just as Eve was deceived by the serpent’s cunning…” thus making a direct reference to Eve, Satan, and The Fall. 

The gospel message of Jesus has its roots firmly planted in Genesis. Consider what is said in Romans chapter 5: “Therefore, just as sin entered the world through one man (Adam), and death through sin, and in this way death came to all men…Consequently, just as the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men, so also the result of one act of righteousness (Jesus’ atoning death) was justification that brings life to all men.” Jesus came to save all people. Save from what? From sin and death. How did sin and death come to all people? By what is revealed in Genesis. 

If we don’t have a literal Creator, a literal creation, a literal Adam, a literal Eve, a literal serpent, a literal garden, a literal tree, a literal fruit, and a literal fall, why did Jesus have to come and die for our sins? It all goes back to Genesis! 

Copyright 2009, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World

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