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Monday, January 20, 2025

On "Preemptive Pardons:" Remember When They Were Evidence of "Guilt" and "Corruption?"

What a fitting end to a corrupt and inept presidency! On his way out the door, Joe Biden added to his list of, at best questionable, but more likely, corrupt pardons. The pardons issued yesterday and today were "preemptive" in nature, meaning that those pardoned have yet to stand trial, or even be officially charged with any crime. It will be quite interesting to watch the Democrat Party and their lackeys in the drive-by media try and defend this. ESPECIALLY given what they said in late 2020 and early 2021 when the topic was Trump perhaps issuing "preemptive pardons."

Back then, democrats in D.C. and the media were VERY quick to pontificate that "preemptive pardons" were proof of "guilt" and "corruption." Watch: 

More details here: 

And guess who was on Biden's pardon list? That's right! Adam Schiff!!!

And lastly, here: 

It should come as no surprise that the Democrats and their media apologists will be twisting themselves in hypocritical knots trying to defend Biden's pardons when they so soundly condemned Trump for the very same thing. What is most disappointing is that much of our country still supports these corrupt fools!

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

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