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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Debate Night, 2024: Trump's Real Advantage is Biden's Incompetence

"You can't fix stupid," the saying goes, but, I would add, you sure can beat it in a debate! I don't mean to imply here that Trump is going to win tonight's debate merely because Joe Biden is a not-very-smart individual, though President Biden has never been widely regarded as a particularly smart man. Recall that his 1988 presidential campaign was derailed in-part because he lied about his academic prowess/credentials. Smart people don't need to lie to try and convince you they're smart. 

What's more, Biden has had a near five decade political career to prove himself smart. It's safe to say that he's failed in that effort. Though, with democrat voters, he has proven himself electable! 

Trump is almost certain to win tonight's CNN presidential debate, not only because of Biden's mental shortcomings, but rather because of Joe Biden's repeated incompetence as a politician. And repeated incompetence simply makes one appear not very smart. Add to that Biden's age, clear frailty, and poor speech habits, and it becomes even more clear that Joe Biden seems wildly overmatched when it comes to holding his own in a debate against most any capable politician. But, back to his incompetence.

The list of Joe Biden's political incompetence is quite long, especially from his time as U.S. President. On everything from the economy and inflation to immigration policy, energy policy, foreign policy, education policy, crime, and Title IX, Joe Biden has failed to produced competent results. Thankfully, the results he has produced are quite unpopular with the American people. 

As noted recently by Gallup, immigration and economic issues (the economy in general and inflation) are the top issues when it comes to the "most important problem" facing America today. Gallup pre-debate polling released just today reveals that, by a 12 point margin (49% to 37%) Americans say they agree with Trump over Biden on "issues that matter most" to them. A headline in today's released Gallup polling tellingly declares, "Six in 10 Americans Disagree With Biden on Key Issues." 

Gallup's polling piece released today is entitled "Age, Issues Working to Trump's Advantage Pre-Debate." The "issues" aren't merely working in Trump's advantage because of the current mood of Americans, but rather, the "issues" are to Trump's advantage because Joe Biden has simply shown himself unable to produce sound results when it comes to these "issues." 

Copyright 2024, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Saturday, June 22, 2024

Why Nutrition Science is Almost Entirely Unreliable

From coffee and eggs to milk and vitamin E, Dr. Vinay Prasad explains why you can trust virtually NOTHING your hear and read on nutrition science, ESPECIALLY what you hear and read from the mainstream media!

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Thursday, June 13, 2024

This is How You Handle "Transgender" Apologists in the Media

Florida Governor Ron DeSantis again demonstrates how one should handle the drive-by media. Recently, a liberal, activist judge--U.S. District Judge Robert L. Hinkle--ruled that the Florida law protecting children from "gender affirming care" (e.g., genital mutilation, dangerous hormone treatments, and the like) was "unconstitutional." At a press conference yesterday (6/12), DeSantis was asked about appealing the ruling. The reporter asking the question wanted to know why tax payer dollars should go towards such an effort. DeSantis' reply is masterful:

Some of the text of Gov. DeSantis' comments:

Because it's wrong to mutilate minors. It is wrong to perform a sex change on a 16-year-old. You're not allowed to get a tattoo, but somehow, you can have your privates cut off? Give me a break. This is wrong, and I would also say, this has already been decided by the 11th Circuit Court of Appeals. They upheld Alabama's law, which was almost identical to Florida's law. This will be reversed, there's no question it will be reversed.

Think about it. When the Founding Fathers were creating the Constitution, and when the First Congress passed the Bill of Rights, or even when they passed the reconstruction amendments in the 1860s, do you think a single person involved in that thought that there was a constitutional right to do this genital mutilation? It's ridiculous. Of course, a state can protect children.

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Again: “Pride” is Nothing to Celebrate

(This is a re-post of my "Pride" column from last year (2023).) 

In his seminal work Mere Christianity, the great Christian apologist C.S. Lewis describes “pride” as “the Great Sin,” “the essential vice,” “the utmost evil.” Lewis concludes,

Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere flea bites in comparison; it was through Pride that the devil became the devil; Pride leads to every other vice; it is the complete anti-God state of mind.

Thus, I suppose it is rather fitting that the “official” celebration of the evil LGBT agenda is called “Pride Month.” Few things today more encompass the wretched display of pride than what is exhibited when those under the throes of the LGBT agenda are unashamedly and boldly “out of the closet.”

Why was it—as this is typically no longer the case—that those with homosexual attractions had to come “out of the closet?” It was because to act on those attractions was often illegal, and—or at least—typically frowned upon by society at large. Why was homosexual behavior so stigmatized? Because it was once largely (and rightly) viewed as “unnatural” and immoral. 

It is important to note that things are not—or should not be—immoral because they are illegal, they are—or should be—illegal because they are immoral. And this is not to say that all immoral things should be illegal. The biggest achievement of the LGBT agenda has not been the reversal of U.S. laws that deemed homosexual behavior illegal, but rather a sea-change in the views on homosexuality in the American culture at-large. 

As was the case with all of the rotten and perverse fruit of the “sexual revolution,” this was largely accomplished by appealing to the pride of those who wanted to go their own way in the sexual realm. As C.S. Lewis noted, “pride leads to every other vice.” Homosexuality, pornography, promiscuity, and the like, are all born of the desire to ignore our Creator and write our own moral code.

It is telling that, before the LGBT agenda took root in America, pornography, promiscuity, sexually explicit displays throughout media, the “hook-up” culture, abortion (yes, abortion is a sexual issue), and so on, were being promoted and widely embraced across the U.S. Thus, no one should be surprised that once heterosexual immorality became entrenched in our culture, widespread acceptance of homosexuality would soon follow. Immorality breeds immorality.

It is also telling that, the sexual revolution that infected America flourished once those devoted to such a perverse agenda gained power. U.S. courts, politicians, academics, influential media personalities—and most tragically, even those within the church—alike all played a role in the pervasive spread of the sexual revolution. Power and pride go hand-in-hand, “For, of course, power is what Pride really enjoys,” writes Lewis. He adds,

There is nothing that makes a man feel so superior to others as being able to move them about like toy soldiers. What makes a pretty girl spread misery wherever she goes by collecting admirers? Certainly not her sexual instinct; that kind of girl is quite often sexually frigid. It is Pride. What is it that makes a political leader or a whole nation go on and on, demanding more and more? Pride again. Pride is competitive by its very nature; that is why it goes on and on.

Many were duped into believing that those promoting the LGBT agenda merely wanted to “live and let live.” However, as I’ve often noted, “live and let live” has never really been a trait of the LGBT agenda. Because of their desire to use their power to not only push their agenda, but to exact revenge upon those who stood in their way, the left’s Pride warriors have enthusiastically gone “on and on” targeting their opponents.

As Dennis Prager rightly noted, “pride is not about tolerance—it is totalitarian.” One only has to examine those targeted in the marriage debate for evidence of this. However, the “transing” of America provides most of the recent and most egregious examples of LGBT totalitarianism. (For a chronicling of these efforts, see here.) 

As I noted at the beginning of this piece, few things display the pride of humanity than unabashed displays of LGBT behavior. This is because, few things are further from the truth than the legal redefinition of marriage, and the absurd notion that one can change their sex. Again, almost nothing in the realm of truth is older than what is marriage, and what is a male and what is a female. This is because, “in the beginning” God revealed these foundational truths to us.

Of course, it is hard—if not impossible—to hear God when one is filled with pride. And if we’re not hearing God, then we are likely clueless as to what is sin. “Treason doth never prosper,” wrote English poet John Harington. He asks, “What’s the reason?” He concludes, “For if it prospers, none dare call it treason.” Likewise, sin “doth” never prosper. Why? Because if it prospers, none dare call it sin. This is where we are in America, instead of calling sin what it is, and dealing with it appropriately, we celebrate it, and misery ensues.

Again, C.S. Lewis was right:

The Christians are right: it is Pride which has been the chief cause of misery in every nation and every family since the world began…Pride always means enmity—it is enmity. And not only enmity between man and man, but enmity to God.

In God you come up against something which is in every respect immeasurably superior to yourself. Unless you know God as that—and, therefore, know yourself as nothing in comparison— you do not know God at all. As long as you are proud you cannot know God. A proud man is always looking down on things and people: and, of course, as long as you are looking down, you cannot see something that is above you.

The ultimate message of Pride Month is that God—if He exists at all—is a liar, and that you can do whatever you wish in the sexual realm without consequence. This is why no Christian should have any part of it. (This is especially the case when you are telling the world about The Chosen.)

(See this column at American Thinker.)

Copyright 2023, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America


Thursday, June 6, 2024

20 Minutes From 2020: Never Forget the Hunter Biden Laptop Deniers

The X-post below says it all: 

For clarity, the entire post reads:

The FBI just admitted in court that Hunter Biden's laptop is real. 

Here are 20 minutes of Joe Biden, U.S. intelligence officials, and the American media claiming that Hunter Biden's laptop was "Russian disinformation." 

The FBI has had possession of Hunter's laptop since December 2019. 

Leading up to the 2020 election, Twitter and Facebook censored the Biden laptop story because the FBI warned them of a potential hack-and-leak operation targeting Hunter Biden. 

The FBI knew that Hunter's laptop was real the entire time. In October 2022,  @MarcoPolo501c3 published a 640-page Report on the Biden Laptop that meticulously documents 459 crimes involving the Biden family and their associates. 

The report provides evidence of Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA) violations, money laundering, and tax fraud found on Hunter's laptop. 

It also exposes how federal law enforcement agencies, influenced by politics, protect the Biden family from prosecution while targeting President Biden's primary election opponent, Donald Trump. 

Shame on all of these people for lying to the American people, rigging our elections, and destroying the integrity of our nation.

Are the lying Democrats and their shills in the drive-by media capable of shame here? I doubt it. 

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

COVID Vaccine Truth Continues to Come Out

The video below is with Dr. Robert Redfield, CDC Director under President Trump, and Chris Cuomo. This is an excellent clip and well worth three-and-a-half minutes of your time.

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the 
The Miracle and Magnificence of America