Is there anything that liberalism can’t corrupt? From the
conscience to communities to corporations to families, churches, schools, and government,
its destruction seems to know no bounds. Tragically, the evidence is all around
Earlier this year the FBI published its crime statistics for
2013. As noted by a few in the
the ten most violent cities in the
U.S. are all led by democrats. As
most would deduce by the use of common sense, (but I’ll provide you
the data anyway) large
cities in general are significantly more violent that rural areas.
to CDC data, nearly 60% of gun homicides in the
U.S. occur in the 62 cities of the
country’s 50 largest metro areas.
Of course, the political machine in most every large
U.S. city is
dominated by democrats.
of the 12 largest
cities are led by democrats. Additionally, a report
last year by the real estate website revealed that
America’s 25 most dangerous neighborhoods all happen to be black—and we all
know which political party black Americans overwhelmingly prefer (in spite of
what liberalism has perpetrated upon the black community).
And what is the liberal answer to this violence? Make it
harder for law-abiding citizens to obtain the necessary means to defend
themselves. As the most recent
Hood shooting teaches us:
good guys—
girls—with guns stop bad guys with guns.
Not only does liberalism breed crime and violence, but also
debt and poverty. A
study from the
Mercatus Center at
Mason University
ranks the states according to their fiscal solvency. The top five states:
Alaska (#5), South Dakota, North Dakota, Nebraska, and Wyoming (#1)—all very
red states where much of the economic boom has been due to fiscal
responsibility and an increase in fossil fuel production, both despised by most
The bottom five states: California
(#5), Massachusetts, Connecticut,
Illinois, and New Jersey
(#1)—all deep blue states (yes, even with Chris Christie in New Jersey) plagued by high taxes and
enormous debt, which includes massive public pension liabilities.
What’s more, as Forbes Magazine
out in 2012, “the ten poorest
cities with a population of at least 250,000:
St. Louis,
El Paso,
Besides all having poverty rates between 24 percent and 32 percent, these
cities share a common political factor: Only two have had a Republican mayor
since 1961.”
As the author points out, this is due to the “Curley
effect,” which is a political strategy of “increasing the relative size of
one’s political base through distortionary, wealth-reducing policies.” In other
words, a politician or a political party can achieve long-term political dominance
“by tipping the balance of votes in their direction through the implementation
of policies that strangle and stifle economic growth. Counterintuitively,
making a city poorer leads to political success for the engineers of that
impoverishment.” Of course, lately democrats have had significant success with
this political strategy on a nation-wide scale.
Besides the ballot box, people can also vote with their
feet. Thus, as Obamanomics continues to stifle economies where state and city
democrats are eager to tow the liberal line, many residents are simply deciding
to uproot themselves and their families. The top ten states that
are fleeing:
New Mexico (#10),
New Jersey,
New York
Half of these states currently have republican (not necessarily
devoted conservative) governors, but with most, this is only a recent
phenomenon. Additionally, all of the states except for Kansas voted for Obama in the 2012
presidential election.
In addition to national, state, and city balance sheets and
arrest records, our government schools (K-12 along with colleges and universities)
are another place to take note of when looking at the rot produced by
liberalism. In fact, such rot is more prominent in the government schools, as
for decades the federal courts and the Department of Education have ensured
that liberal philosophy dominates these classrooms.
One need look no further than how government schools are
forced (or eagerly choose in many cases) to deal with the
issues to see the tragic effects of liberalism on so many of our youth.
From abortion to sexual promiscuity, homosexuality, same-sex marriage,
Darwinian evolution and the like, there are many examples of how liberalism in
the government schools is undermining traditional (biblical) American values.
However, currently there is nothing that better illustrates where liberal
philosophy will ultimately take our youth than the issue of “transgenderism.”
lie is infecting more and more school districts. Last year
California infamously
became the first state to pass a law giving special privileges to
“transgender” individuals. Thus, government school children in
California now have the
“right” to use whichever bathroom or locker room they choose, along with the
“right” to decide whether to participate in boy or girl sports activities.
Led by liberals, other states will follow. Inevitably the
courts will get involved, and just as we are perhaps staring at a redefinition
of marriage across all of the
gender redefinition could become a part of the legal code throughout
America. This
is madness that can come only from a mind and soul corrupted by liberalism. As
Kinks mildly put
it in 1970: “Girls will be boys and boys will be girls. It's a mixed up,
muddled up, shook up world.”
Even the church is not immune to the perverse effects of
liberalism. In 2012,
Douthat of
The New York Times
asked, “Can Liberal Christianity Be Saved?” Nothing exudes “Liberal
Christianity” like the Episcopal Church. As the
Times put it, “It still has priests and bishops, altars and
stained-glass windows. But it is flexible to the point of indifference on
dogma, friendly to sexual liberation in almost every form, willing to blend
Christianity with other faiths, and eager to downplay theology entirely in
favor of secular political causes.” In other words, it sounds a lot like the
Church in Thyatira (Revelation chapter 2) who “refuses to repent of her
immorality” and will thus be thrown onto “a bed of suffering.”
In 2012, while Episcopalians were voting to approve same-sex
unions, they also voted to make it illegal to “discriminate against anyone” (
is pure folly). The objective was to give an official recognition and
blessing to “transgenderism.”
As the “good” Reverend Susan Russell, a deputy from the
Diocese of Los Angeles, noted, “It is not just a good day for transgender
Episcopalians and their friends, families and allies. It is a good day for all
of us who are part of a church willing to take the risk to continue to draw the
circle wider as we work to live out our call to make God's inclusive love known
to the whole human family.”
The “human family” is where liberalism has wrought the most
destruction. Using legislation and the courts, liberal support of abortion,
pornography, homosexuality, the
state, and a redefinition of marriage, has “succeeded” in wreaking great
havoc with the institution upon which our whole culture rests. Like the “Curley
effect,” this social engineering has yielded significant political gains for
democrats. For once the family is destroyed, where else but Big Government will
tens-of-millions of Americans look for sustenance and salvation?
Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas