the regime issued its latest diktat Wednesday via a three-judge panel at
the Patent and Trademark Office, which ruled 2-1 to withdraw trademark
protection for the Washington Redskins, Rush
Limbaugh was pretty much spot-on when he noted, “This is Barack Obama.”
Actually, this goes beyond Obama (as the Patent and
Trademark Office has
tried this before). This is liberalism. This is what happens when liberals
have power. Take note of those who cheered the decision: “The writing is on the
wall,” said
a jubilant Harry Reid. He notably added that, “The name will change and justice
will be done…”
Democratic Senator Maria Cantwell said,
“We're so excited to know that finally people are recognizing that this issue
can no longer be a business case for the NFL to use this patent.” What the
Democrats should be excited about is that, for however brief a period of time,
they don’t have to answer questions about Iraq ,
Benghazi , the
IRS, an illegal immigrant invasion, and the like.
When it comes to public opinion on this issue, virtually
every poll
ever taken shows overwhelming support for the Redskins name. Even in the most
liberal place in the country, Washington
D.C. —which happens to be the home
city for the team—two-thirds
polled say the team’s name should not change.
What’s more, Native Americans in general support the name. Late
last year, CBS Sports in D.C. reported
on a poll that revealed 90% support for the Redskins name among Native
Americans. In addition, dozens
of American high schools use “Redskins” as their mascot. Most telling is
the fact that, in almost all of these high schools, the majority of the
students are Native American. Kingston
High School in Oklahoma —where about 58% of the student body
is Native American—has used the Redskins name for over a century. Speaking of Oklahoma , the word
itself is derived from
Choctaw words that translate “red people.”
Yet liberals, as they so often do, insist that this is a
shameless act of racism by one of the most prominent sports teams in the U.S. As is
typical with so many things liberal, the cries of “racism” defy common sense.
What racist (or supposed racist) would want to use a derisive term of a people
they despise as their mascot or symbol for something in which they take great
pride? Eighty years ago can you imagine the KKK organizing a softball team and
using the n-word for their team name?
As the Wall Street Journal smartly pointed
out, “If names were meant to convey dislike—of, say, Vikings, Yankees or
the Irish—then Redskins owner Dan Snyder would have converted to the Washington
Harry Reids years ago.”
My high school alma mater uses “Warriors” as our mascot. I
have more than a few yearbooks that are adorned with a handsome and regal Native
American “Warrior.” My 27-year-old letterman’s jacket has the following patch
on the shoulder of the right sleeve:
For years I wore it proudly, never imagining that the
Warrior stood for anything other than something mighty, fierce, and brave. I
suppose I must now pay reparations for the harm that my faux leather sleeves have
inflicted on our culture.
The most telling thing about this brazen act of
authoritarianism is that liberals actually perceive this as a moral issue. USA
Today reported
on the patent ruling and made reference to the Mid-Atlantic Church of Christ’s decision
to boycott the Redskins as a “moral issue.” After the ruling, the “Change the
Mascot” campaign issued a statement saying “If the most basic sense of
morality, decency and civility has not yet convinced the Washington team and
the NFL to stop using this hateful slur, then hopefully today’s patent ruling
this year Think Progress, a liberal blog, reported on a poll by Public
Policy Polling, a liberal polling organization, which revealed that 71% of
Americans don’t want the Redskins to change their name. Unable to argue with
such support, Think Progress decided to lecture its readers rhetorically, asking,
“Does it really matter that a majority of Americans don’t consider the name
offensive? Given our country’s history, is public opinion really the way we
want to settle questions of offense or injustice on racial and ethnic grounds?”
April of this year, Harry Reid took to the Senate floor and told Redskins
owner Daniel Snyder that he should “do what is morally right” and change the
name. All of a sudden the Democrats actually want to appeal to justice and a
moral standard on an issue rather than public opinion, or the courts, or a
board of liberal lackeys.
All one needs to know is that the moral code employed by
liberals in this matter is the same one that has allowed for the slaughter of
tens-of-millions of Americans in their mothers’ wombs, that tells us that
homosexual sex is good and right, that a redefinition of the sacred institution
of marriage is necessary and just, that it is immoral to refer
to someone born with testicles as a man, that guns are immoral, and that it
is “compassionate” to confiscate forcibly the wealth of one and give it to
another. So yes, please, let us actually debate the morality and the justness
of “Redskins” and all of these matters. Let us each clearly cast our moral
standards before the American people, the courts, and most importantly, the
Creator and see where we stand.
(See this column on American Thinker.)
(See this column on American Thinker.)
Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt
Free Living in a Debt Filled World