On his Fox show, "Life, Liberty, & Levin," Mark Levin says what I've been saying privately for some time: The Democrat Party, as it currently exists, must be destroyed. It must cease to have power and influence in this nation. As I have also said (though more publicly) often in the last few years: The modern Democrat Party is one of the greatest tools of Satan in the world today. Their whole existence is rooted in a mountain of lies, and these lies have infected and corrupted most every institution in America, including, but not limited to: government, education, law enforcement, the military, science (especially medical and climate science), corporations, and the like. Most importantly, the widespread corruption of the Democrat Party has even infected our families and the church. No right-minded voter should ever do anything that would allow Democrats to continue with power and influence in America. This especially means that, for lovers of truth, no one with the privilege of voting in America should ever cast their ballot for a Democrat.
Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America
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