For the most part, the articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the earliest.
- If Jesus Gave a Sermon on COVID...
- HHS, the Tip on Biden’s Spear Against Christians
- California Pushes Kids to Worship Aztec Gods
- Lack of True Worship is Killing the Church
- Perverse LGBT Agenda is Targeting the Pulpit
- We’re Already in a Civil War, But Only One Side Is Fighting
- Getting ‘Political’ — Vice or Christian Virtue?
- Bible’s Accuracy Vindicated … Again
- Christ in the Midst of COVID
- Atheists Reason Poorly
- Christianity Challenges the ‘Believe The Science’ Zealots
- Thousands of Churches Raise the Alarm on Canada's New "Conversion Therapy" Ban
- Church Must Not be Silent on the Vaccine Debates
- Jihadists Attack South Sudanese Christians; 57 Houses Burned, 28 People Murdered
- FBI, Joe Biden, & Willful Blindness About Islamic Terror
- Canada’s Crusade Against Christians
- Pretending to Care
- Jezebel Spirits Thrive When No One Willing To Stand
- Finnish Government Puts Christianity On Trial, Calls The Bible ‘Hate Speech’
- Christians, Stop Selling Other Christians Out To Get Pagan Elites’ Approval
- Theological Antisemitism at Home in the Presbyterian Church
- Homosexuality & Transgenderism, a Practical Ministry Explainer Series for Pastors
- The Criminalization of Christianity in Finland
- Freedom From Same-Sex Attraction and the Homosexual Lifestyle
- Pope Francis: A Wolf in Shepherd’s Clothing?
- Jordan Peterson: Bible is the Bedrock of Civilization
- In Defense of Stigma
- Biden Admn. is Going After Christian Schools
- Millennials and The Road to Vengeance
- Govt Used Evangelical Leaders to Spread Covid Propaganda
- Too Many Christian Men Are Steeped in Sexual Sin
- When Liberal 'Truths' Come Home to Roost, We Get Lia Thomas
- How to Hear God
- COVID-19 and the Failure of America's Major Religions
- David French Runs a Three Ring Circus Featuring “Christian Nationalist” Freaks
- The New York Times' Evangelicals
- A Canadian Pastor Is Imprisoned for Talking to Truckers
- Prodigal Church, Prodigal Nation
- The Left’s Nicene Creed
- How Pastors Can Begin Teaching Their Church the Truth About Homosexuality
- “Men Must Be Governed by God or They Will Be Ruled By Tyrants.”
- Christian Leaders Silent While Unvaccinated are Dehumanized
- Responding to: ‘I’m a Christian, But I Don’t Want to Force My Religion on Others’
- Failing to Understand Evil: Then and Now
- Russia Is Mordor, But the West Is Sodom
- When Evil is Called Good
- God’s Preferred Pronouns
- Christians: Be Wary of Christless Conservatives
- The Modern Mark of the Beast
- The Scandal at Christianity Today
- Christians Should Not Attend Same-Sex "Weddings"
- How Christians Discovered Resistance to Wicked Governments: Very Gradually, Then Suddenly
- In the End, God Will Be Fully Justified
- The False Gospel of the Enemies Within the Church
- No, God's Word Does NOT "Whisper on Sexual Sin"
- A Real Reset is Coming
- Biden Regime Targets Faithful Christians: A Deep State Database of Vaccine Skeptics
- The Democrat Party’s Systematic, Purposeful War on Christianity
- The Masks of Atheism: Scientism
- Today's Conflict between Two Systems of Morality
- The Demise of Disney & the Attack on Christians in America
- Why I Insist on Saying “LGBTQMYNAMEISLEGION” & You Should Too
- A Christian Heroine in Finland
- Christians: We Are at War with the LGBTQMYNAMEISLEGION Agenda (ACT LIKE IT!)
- The War on Lukewarm Christianity Has Begun: Will You Fight?
- Is the Pope Catholic?
- A Good Death
- Man of Sorrows, Carry Our Griefs
- “Our Witness to the Resurrection”
- This Easter, Remember: Jesus Is Who He Said He Is
- Satan’s Insidious Exchange
- Almighty God, Conqueror of the Grave
- The Greatest Anniversary
- Unholy Week
- Trust Matthew and Mark — not Marx and Muhammad
- Anthony Fauci, Francis Collins, & the Ecumenical Church of Moloch
- The Remorseless Tide of Reality
- American Churches are Killing Christianity
- Sex and the Silence of the Church
- Pastors: On LGBTQMYNAMEISLEGION, You Cannot Be Silent
- The Tyranny of the Atheistic Minority
- Hey Raphael Warnock: No Such Thing as a "Pro-Choice Pastor"
- Christianity and the Case of Francis Collins
- Why Abortion is a Gospel Issue
- Undermining Christianity is the Central Project of the Political Left
- Abortion as the Sacrament of Satan
- Jen Hatmaker’s Journey From Evangelical to Homosexual/Abortion Apologist
- Tim Keller is Wrong About Abortion
- "Progressive Christianity" Has Nothing to do with Christ
- Compromised Preaching Contributes to Cultural Rot
- People Like Jesus Until They Discover His ‘Exclusive' Claims
- Finding a Path in a Plague of Evil
- The Tragic Consequences of Removing God From American Life
- Defeating the Culture of Death
- Church of Cowards in America?!
- Uvalde & the Problem of Evil
- Run, Christian, RUN!
- Church Men or Church Mice?
- Paganism Casts Its Spell Over Methodist Seminary
- Christians: Be a Torch!
- Congressional Ignorance on Homosexuality and Scripture
- The Meaninglessness of Modern Art
- The Father’s Heart of Forgiveness and Compassion
- Propaganda Wars: The Raging Battle Over the Christian Mind
- Fools Are Just Killing Us
- It's Time For a New Reformation
- Cowardly, Unloving Christians in Roe's Wake
- Another Mass Shooting, and the Devil Laughs
- Are Southern Baptists Ready for a World That Despises Christians?
- The Church of England Refuses to Define "Woman"
- The Power of Truth and Reality
- Satanic Secularism
- The Demonic in Contemporary Culture
- After Roe v. Wade: Pastors and Leaders — Your Silence Speaks Volumes
- Why Your 'Christian' Friends Have Become LGBT Allies
- Raising the Banner of Christianity's Decline
- Are the Democrats Ruled Now by Demons?
- Will Southern Baptists Survive the Secular Storm?
- Woke "Churches": “God Is Pro-Choice,” Pro-Life Movement a “Demonic Agenda”
- A Nation of Fools
- The Language War is Corrupting the Church
- The Root Cause of the American Crisis is the Moral Depravity of ‘Woke’ Progressives
- Democrats Target Christian School that Won’t Cave to LGBT Mandates
- The Fake ‘Christian Nationalism’ Label & Attempted Social Restraint
- What's the Real Reason the DOJ is Investigating the Southern Baptist Convention?
- The Moral Difference Between the Christian and Muslim Worlds
- The Parable of the Prodigal Student Loan Borrower
- Great Debate: Christianity & the Age of the Earth
- Skanderbeg: The Scourge of Islam
- Yes: Beheading Fathers and Daughters is Islamic
- Why I Am an "Extremist"
- Christian Teacher in Ireland Chooses Prison Over Telling Hellish Lies to Children
- Our Enemies Are Insane, or Worse. But They Wither in Daylight.
- The Left’s War On History is a War On the God of the Bible
- Muslims to Danes: "We Are Taking Over Your Country!"
- Christians: The Bible Says We Have Enemies. Why Don't We Act Like It?
- Never Apologize For Telling the Truth
- Is it Unfaithful for Christians to Vote for Democrats?
- The Left, Like Its Father the Devil, Projects Its Sins Onto Us
- If You're a Christian Leader, You Should Have a Target on Your Back
- If Abortion Is Your Thing, the Satanic Temple Might Be Your "Church"
- How God Delivered Me From Porn and Perversion
- The Church's Silence on the Evil LGBT Agenda is Hurting Young People
- Florida United Methodist "Church" Hosts "Drag Queen" in the Pulpit
- When Christianity Became "Extreme"
- G.K. Chesterton on the Book of Job
- Black Pastors Have Miserably Failed the Black Family; How Do We Plan to Restore It?
- Woe to Those Who Call Evil Good and Good Evil
- Distracted by Politics, Consumed by Truth
- Ruthless LGBT Attacks Against Christians
- Christianity Today is Tragically Wrong on "Respect for Marriage Act"
- Thanksgiving: Fear Fades in the Light of Gratitude and Hope
- God Blessed America
- The Black Lives That Don't Seem to Matter: The Unspoken Genocide of Christians in Nigeria
- Wisconsin Children’s Hospital Is Stacking Its Bench Of Chaplains With Trans Activists
- Hey Fauci: Good Without God Creates a Frankenstein
- "Stochastic Terror": Truth is Not Violence
- "Homosexual" in the Bible NOT a "Mistranslation"
- Anti-Christian Sentiment Is at the Heart of LGBT Activism Targeted at Children
- Library Story Hour: Drag Queens? Yes. Christians? No.
- The War on Christianity Within Christianity
- The Islamic War on Christmas
- Frank Pavone, in a "Battle for the Soul of the Catholic Church," Says Many Bishops Are Merely "Democrat Loyalists"
- How to Spot the Religion of Antichrist When "Christians" Start Preaching It
- Amy Grant Continues to Ignore the Truth on Marriage and Sex
- Without Christmas, There Would Be No United States
- The War on Christmas is a War on America
- The Story of the Christmas Truce of 1914 — and Its Eternal Message
- Muslim Children Murdering Their Parents
2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
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