- Christians: Speak Up and Speak Out in 2019
- The Left's Strange Alliance With Islam
- How to Minister to the LGBT Community
- Democrats and the Absence of God
- "Bruce Jenner is Still a Man. Homosexuality is Still a Sin."
- Beware the "Popularity Gospel"
- Spiritual Illness is Crippling America
- U.S. Episcopal Church Punishes Bishop Who Rejects Same-Sex "Marriage"
- Lord, Execute Judgment Against New Pharaohs & Their Pagan gods
- The Folly of "Live Your Truth"
- The New, New Anti-Semitism
- Video: The Dangerous Tragedy that is Cultural Relativism
- "But Jesus Never Mentioned Homosexuality!"
- Most Dangerous Countries for Christians
- Anti-Christian Ideology Is an Emerging Aspect of White Progressive Populism
- Liberal "Christianity" & the Antichrist
- The War on Christians (Cont.)
- How You Can Change an Evil World
- MAGA: Make America Godly Again
- Fake Catholics Unite Behind Radical Abortion Agenda
- Christians Need to Spell Out the Terrifying Reality of Hell
- Christianity & Culture War
- Do You Desire a Savior or a Santa?
- 4 Reasons Christianity is True
- Phil Robertson: 10 Lies the Devil is Using to Destroy America
- Science is No Enemy of Christianity
- Ilhan Omar's Anti-Semitism is CAIR's Anti-Semitism
- I Admit It: I Am a Hater
- ‘God’s Voice’ Conference Aims to Stop LGBT Agenda in Churches
- United Methodists to Vote: The Bible or the LGBT Agenda
- Anti-Biblical--& Pro-LGBT--Methodist Delegates Threaten General Conference
- Good News From the Methodist General Conference
- Leftists Bow to Allah
- United Methodists Reject LGBT Agenda on Marriage
- Warning: LGBT Activists Will Target Churches that Tell the Truth on Homosexuality
- Liberal Christians: The Life of the Infanticide Party
- Liberal Methodist Bishops Denounced as Racists
- CPAC Panel: Liberals Are Using the False "Religion of Social Justice" to Attack Christianity
- When Government Declared the Bible to be the "Word of God" and the "Rock" of America
- Your Next Defining Moment Will Be Sooner Than You Think
- Caesar or God?
- Five Interesting Facts About Lent
- Judeo-Christian Group Sues Michigan for 'Orwellian' Witch Hunt Based on SPLC Labels
- Pastors, You Must Preach on Current Controversies
- My Thoughts & Prayers
- Anti-Christian Bigotry the Last Acceptable Prejudice
- The Prison of Purity
- African Islamic Militants Destroy Homes, Kill Christians
- Islamophilia: A Neurotic Reaction Against Truth
- Google vs God's Word
- Methodist Bishop Tim Whitaker on Christianity & Liberalism
- Normalizing Sin
- ACLU Sues Catholic Hospital for Refusing to Perform Transgender Surgery
- What You Believe About Tomorrow Will Affect How You Live Today
- Anti-Christian Bigots Continue Their War on Chick-Fil-A
- The Myth of Muslim Innocence
- God, the Father Almighty
- A Homosexual Episcopalian Calls Trump’s Christianity ‘Hypocritical’
- Dr. Tony Evans Warns: Satan Attacking Biblical Manhood; Society On 'Precipice' of Disaster
- The West Will Die, Warns African Cardinal
- The Problem of "Cultural Christianity"
- Love the Sinner--by Hating His Sin
- Killing Catholicism: An Inside Job
- True Christians Believe Every Word of the Apostles' Creed
- Mourning Notre Dame
- Notre Dame: An Omen
- Notre Dame Fire: A Sign For Our Time
- Mayor Pete and the Crackup of Christianity
- Notre Dame Burns, as the God-Haters Triumph in Europe
- Islam vs. LGBT
- A Revived Church is Our Only Hope
- Socialism Is Not a Substitute For Loving Your Neighbor
- ‘Great Awokening’: A New Religious War
- Louis Farrakhan on the Crescent and the Crucifixion
- Understanding Jesus's Mission
- The Resurrection and the Truth
- He is Risen!
- Christians Slaughtered in Sri Lanka
- Christ or Prometheus? Choose Carefully
- Islamists Behind Sri Lanka Attacks
- Sri Lanka, New Zealand, & the Cult of Islamism
- Islamists Persecute Christians Worldwide
- Islamism Strikes Again
- No Christian Should be Surprised by Buttigieg’s Depraved Abortion Comments
- Morality in an Age of Materialism
- Flat-Earth Christianity
- Pete Buttigieg’s Pro-Homosexuality "Christianity": The False god of Feelings
- Methodist Court Affirms Traditional Plan
- Anti-Semites Common Motive: Hatred of Israel
- Countercultural Methodism
- "The Woke Church" is More Informed by Leftistism than Gospel Truth
- No, Christianity Doesn’t Need To Endorse Homosexuality To Grow
- Beth Moore’s “White Supremacy” Problem
- The Purpose of Life is Intimacy with God
- Why the Left Mocks the Bible
- The Religion of Feeling
- Dis-United Methodists, Dis-United States
- Can Islam be Rescued From Islamism?
- Beware of These Five False Gospels in the Evangelical Church
- Mike Pence: Easy Christianity in the U.S. is Gone
- The Violent &Tragic Results of the 'Christians Hate Gays' Lie
- What Kind of Sacrifice Will You Make?
- United Methodist Heretics Rally for the "Equality" Act
- Ex-Lesbian: Christianity is the Source of True Love
- Weak Christianity & the Demise of Europe
- American Pastors: Wake Up!
- Trump Admn. Launches Investigation into Religious Discrimination Against Chick-fil-A
- Christianity is Europe's Only Hope
- It's Far More Than a "Culture War" That Rages in America
- The Cultural White Walkers Have Descended
- The History of Muslim Persecution of Christians
- Pres. Trump Goes to Church
- Former Lesbian on How God Transformed Her
- Which Should Be Illegal: Sodomy or Christianity?
- Francis Chan: The Church Must Stop Apologizing for God's Word
- The West's Revolution Against God
- Toronto Pastor Arrested for Preaching the Truth
- The Jihad on Christianity
- Muslim Lies
- Christians Suffer Genocide in Nigeria
- Suicide Rises in a Culture of Despair
- Out of Homosexuality: How These Men Discovered the Truth of Who They Are In Christ
- Southern Baptist Convention Adopts Anti-Christian Racial Identity Politics
- California Pastors Must Stand Against Govt. Tyranny
- Christianity's Inspiring Role in Hong Kong Protests
- America's Choice: Peace Crosses or Satanic "Prayers"
- Europe's Apostate Churches
- Socialism in Any Form is Anti-Christian
- Hip-Hop vs. Hymnals
- Christian Univ. Caves to the LGBT Crowd
- God's Already Rebuked Globalism
- Witches, Witches Everywhere
- Armed With the Truth: The Bible & the Constitution
- The Truth About So-Called ‘Conversion Therapy’
- Mayor Pete: Get to Know Your Creator
- Recovering the Rainbow
- The Truth is What Makes Christians "Troublemakers"
- God, Sex, and the Far Country
- Has Your Church Abandoned You to Handle LGBT Dilemmas On Your Own?
- Josh Harris Kisses Christianity Goodbye
- Joshua Harris Won't be the Last Christian Defection
- The Real Root Causes of Mass Shootings
- Christians Must Hold the Standard
- No-One's Life Matters. That's Why There Are Mass Shootings
- A Hero Who Does Not Fail
- Moral Degeneration Has Consequences
- Are You and Your Church Buying the Homosexual Re-Write of the Bible?
- Leftist Worldview is Responsible for Epstein's Death
- The Church Can't (& Shouldn't) Avoid the "Culture Wars"
- The Morality of Jeffrey Epstein
- Islam & the Death of Britain
- Methodist Univ. Hires a Muslim Chaplain
- Anti-Zionism is Anti-Semetic
- Christian Insufferables Aim to Stop Christian "Deplorables"
- Archaeology Again Verifies the Bible
- To Inspire the Church, Engage Members' Minds
- 100's of Congregations Joining Conservative United Methodist Association
- 'Persecution of Christians Worldwide Close to Genocide'
- The Bible Is Good History. Bet Your Eternity On It.
- Appeals Court Sides With Christian Videographers
- Darryl Strawberry Shares How Prison Helped Him Find Christ
- Islam Will Never Let Me Be Free
- Preaching Race-Bait Hate
- Hundreds-of-Thousands of Africans Are Currently Enslaved in Muslim-Dominated Nations
- B/C of His Faith, the "Cancel Culture" Targets Drew Brees
- Family Member Says Pete Buttigieg Needs to Repent
- LGBT Activists: Drew Brees Promoting the Bible is "Homophobic"
- The Heart of Our Problems
- Is Drew Brees Backing Up on the Bible?
- If You Were Drew Brees, What Would You Say?
- The First Sexual Revolution: The Triumph of Christian Morality in the Roman Empire
- How the Dead Sea Scrolls Confirm the Gospels
- The Fool in the Vatican
- Christian Artists Win in AZ Court
- When Culture Captures the Church
- What Grows & Kills Churches?
- Christine Blasey Ford’s Lies, and the Father of Lies
- This United Methodist Bishop Doesn’t Understand the Bible
- Pope Francis Endorses Attack on Conservative Christians
- Today's Muslim Slave Trade
- We Shouldn't Abandon Syrian Christians
- Robert O'Rourke Vows to Strip Tax-Exempt Status From Churches That Oppose Same-Sex "Marriage"
- The Pope's Pitiful Reign of Error
- Bill Barr's Excellent Notre Dame Speech
- A Moral Citizenry Is Not a Theocracy
- The Strange gods of Pope Francis
- William Barr is Right: Secularists are Imposing Their Own Religion
- British Tribunal: "Belief in Genesis ... Incompatible With Human Dignity"
- Thoughts on Beth Moore & John MacArthur
- The Post-Christian Pope
- Kanye to Hillary: Discerning the Spirit of Jezebel
- Humanism: The Most Blood-Stained Religion Ever
- A Little Fire & Brimstone Please
- Joe Biden Denied Communion
- Catholic School Fires Lesbian Counselors, Lawsuits Filed
- How Muslims Expunged the Mid-East of Its Judeo-Christian Heritage
- Jesus Didn't Mind Being Unpopular
- Why be a Muslim?
- The Left Targets Nuns — Again
- What’s ‘Incredibly Damaging To The Gospel,’ Joshua Harris, Are Your Lies About It
- The Islamic Trojan Horse
- SPLC Targets Franklin Graham
- Liberal "Priestess" Personifies the Spirit of Jezebel
- Islamic Gangs Plague Scandinavia
- Mayor Pete Sits in Judgment of God
- To Appease Muslims, Pope Francis Compares Christianity to Islam
- Chick-fil-A Aborts Salvation Army in Favor of Gay Charity and Social-Justice Causes
- Cowardice and Capitulation: The Shocking Things Chick-fil-A Funds
- Move Along, No Demons to See Here
- Christian Trump Supporters Don’t Have A ‘Branding Problem,’ The Left Has A Lying Problem
- The Left Hates Salvation Army. That's All You Need to Know.
- A Christian Appeal to Chick-fil-A
- ‘Progressive’ Christianity Is Nothing but a Political Cult
- The End of Jews in Europe?
- Evangelical Leaders Confront Christianity Today
- A Response to the Editor of Christianity Today
- Jesus Was Not a Refugee and He Was Not Homeless
- Soldier’s Death is a Reminder of the Real ‘War on Christmas’
- The "New Atheism" is Old News
- In England, Muslims Turning Christmas Into Festivus
- The Question Anti-Trump Christians Need to Answer
- Pete Buttigieg Lies About Jesus to Politicize Christmas
Previous Apologetics/Religion headline archives are contained in a post at the end of each year and linked below:
2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
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