- Law vs. the Human Heart
- Is Trump the De-Regulator-in-Chief?
- Deep State Dossier Disinformation
- Beating a Hasty Retreat from the Steele Dossier
- The Left is in the Grip of Insanity
- California: Lawless State
- FBI Launches New Investigation of Clinton Foundation
- Pot and the Rule of Law
- The Emptiness of "Impeachment Porn"
- The Clock Ticks for the Clinton Foundation
- Full-Service Gas, Like Full-Service Govt., Is Costly and Wasteful
- Marijuana: When the Rule of Law Goes to Pot
- You Have to Be High to Be Mad at Jeff Sessions for Enforcing Federal Pot Laws
- Judge Halts Fusion GPS' Attempt to Hide Information
- Session's Reefer Madness
- Who's Crazy?
- Next Coup Attempt: Trump's "Mental Health"
- Phantom of the Oprah
- Antifa Leader to Pay Thousands in Damages
- The Virtue-Signaling Anti-Virtue Crowd
- Beware President Oprah's Pseudoscience
- Social Justice Satanists
- The Trump Dossier's Credibility is Collapsing
- Who's Senile?
- Paul Manafort Has a Point
- Nothing Scadalizes a Leftist Like the Truth
- The World is Filled with Sh*tholes...Literally
- Top 10 Shi*holes Nobody Wants to Visit
- Blue State Hypocrisy
- Vulgar Left Condemns Trump & Corrupts the Nation
- Russia Collusion: Anatomy of a Farce
- Sh*thole Comment is Realism, Not Racism
- Democrats Keep Beclowning Themselves With Tax Reform Lies
- Soda-Tax Sticker Shock in Seattle
- Is Arab Democracy Possible?
- The Reflexive Racism of the American Left
- Sh*thole Politics
- The Peace Corp Taught Me: Trump is Right
- Why Leftists Hate Masculinity
- The Exhausted Racism Charge
- More Hate-Crime Hoaxes
- President Nobama
- Democrats Vote to Shut Govt. Down
- The Democrats' DACA Shutdown
- Shutdown Showdown
- The Voice of America
- Washington, D.C.: City of Hate
- Witness 2013 & the Democrats' Shutdown Hypocrisy
- Rand Paul's Shutdown Solution
- The Scourge of Multiculturalism
- Looking for Lost Texts
- Senate Votes to End Govt. "Shutdown"
- Schumer Listened to the "Resistance"--and Lost Badly
- A "Secret Society" in the FBI Targeted Trump?
- In Search of Lost Texts
- Evidence Suggests a Massive Scandal at the FBI
- Sessions Looking for the Missing FBI Texts
- What Do We Do About the FBI?
- Why Do Democrats Hate Israel?
- The Key to Why Hillary Wasn't Indicted
- What Right Not to be Offended?
- Crazy Leftist Reveals When It's Okay to Shut Opponents Down
- Who Was Actually Colluding With the Russians?
- Operation Sabotage the Memo
- "Journalist" Protected Candidate Obama from Farrakhan Photo
- Democrats: $1,000 is "Crumbs"
- It's Official: Liberals Hate Constitutional Govt.
- Trump Didn't Collude with Russia, Obama Did.
- Why Trust the FBI?
- Heritage Ranks Trump Ahead of Reagan
- From Conspiracy Theories to Conspiracies
- FBI's Dep. Director "Removed" from His Post
- Trump Wants FISA Memo Released
- Rosenstein -- Agent of the Deep State Coup?
- What Trump Got Right in His SOTU
- Sourpuss Dems Self Immolate at the SOTU
- "All of America is Applauding While They Are Sitting"
- Democracy’s Highest Crime & Misdemeanor
- Trump Restores the "We"
- "Americans Are Dreamers, Too"
- Democrats Boo America
- Hapless in Democratland
- Memo Freakout
- Memo reading for Non-Partisans
- House Intelligence Memo Released
- Corruption Confirmed in Obama's FBI/DOJ
- Steele Dossier Was Used to Obtain FISA Warrant
- Obamagate Confirmed
- FISA Memo Released: It's Official, It's a Scandal
- Dossier Author: "Desperate" that Trump "Not Get Elected"
- The FISA Memo: "What We Have Long Suspected Has Now Been Confirmed"
- Rush Limbaugh: The Memo Is More Damning Than I Expected
- Why Did Democrats Lie So Badly About the Memo?
- Comey Unhinged---for Good Reason
- The Ticking Memo
- Answering Three Key Questions About the Memo
- Memo Proves: Deep State is Real
- Memo Proves Need for 2nd Special Counsel
- Memo Shows Highest Levels of FBI & DOJ Went Rogue
- The Memo and the Madness
- The Obama Administration's Troubling Abuse of Power
- Reality Has a Voice
- SJWs Destroy Everything
- Steele Authored Another Anti-Trump Memo---Fed Info From Obama/Clinton Cronies
- The FISA-Gate Boomerangs
- James Comey: Connecting the Dots
- The Left's Big Lie
- In Defense of Hillary, Comey, Schumer, & Pelosi
- The Left's Wild Fantasies About Finding Crimes to Topple Trump
- Paging Carter Page
- Strzok Texts: Obama "Wants to Know Everything"
- For Trump, A Year of Achievement
- Criminal Referral Confirms Nunes' Memo
- FBI Scandal Getting Closer to Obama
- Clinton Crony Sid Blumenthal Fed Steele Dossier Info
- Hillary's Attempt to Steele the Election
- Unredacted Grassley/Graham Memo is More Damning of Obama's DOJ Than the Nunes Memo
- Why FISA-Gate is Scarier Than Watergate
- On the FBI's Trump Probe: Obama Knew
- The Memo Nobody is Talking About is More Damning
- Why Did the FBI Believe Steele?
- Missing the Point on Page's Obama Text
- Hillary's Uranium One Deal Reaching Critical Mass
- Grassley-Graham Memo Confirms the Nunes Memo
- Is the TEA Party Dead?
- Obama Admn. Spied On a Rival Political Campaign
- Did Hillary's "Go-to-Guys" on Dirty Tricks Produce the Dossier?
- Why is the Porter Resignation a Big Scandal?
- Clinton Fingerprints All Over FBI's Trump Investigation
- Scandal Deepens for Hillary & Obama
- Peeling Back the Layers of Hillary Clinton's Deceit
- California East
- On the Steele Dossier, Did Obama's CIA Director Commit Perjury?
- The Blue State to Red State Exodus
- Worse Than Watergate, Part 2
- Of Course: Democrat Hypocrisy on Spousal Abuse
- FBI-Gate Coming Into Focus
- FBI Agents: Michael Flynn Didn't Lie
- The Great Flynn Mystery
- Political Espionage, By the Book
- Why Susan Rice Wrote an Email to Herself
- Memo to Morons: "Anglo-American" a Common Legal Term
- Following the Clinton's Final Con
- Liberals Double-Down on Dumb
- Flashback 30 Years: Guns Were in Schools...and Nothing Happened
- How to Stop Mass Shootings
- Gun Truths
- Anatomy of a Coup
- Assault Behavior is Not a Weapon
- The Lie of "See Something, Say Something"
- Behind the Obama's Portraits
- We Can't Debate Guns if Liberals Keep Lying About Them
- Normalizing Democrat Violence
- Media Ignoring One Crucial Factor in FL School Shooting
- Is Robert Mueller Mad or a Russian Agent?
- Soros vs. America
- Where's the Obstruction Case Against Trump?
- A New Federal Crime: Russia Trolling
- A Silly Indictment
- It's Still Not Guns
- The Left is Reaping the Whirlwind of the Culture They Made
- Guns & Culture: Trump/Obama Reveal Our Divide
- Facebook VP: Ad Buys Don't Fit Media Narrative on Trump/Russia Collusion
- The Angry Liberal Mob
- Trump-Russia Collusion Narrative is Dead
- Rush: We Need Concealed-Carry in Schools
- It's the Culture, Not Guns
- Mueller Indicts the Cold War
- A Non-Alarmist Reading of the Russia Indictment
- Did the Progressive 'Broward County Solution' Cost 17 Student Lives?
- What Mueller Shares in Common With the Russians He Indicted
- The Anti-Religious Agenda Behind Gun-Control
- Kids Shouldn't Make Policy
- The Left's Scary Fascination with Killing Their Enemies
- Understanding the California Mind
- Left-Wing Collusion
- Russians Didn't Do Anything We Weren't Already Doing to Ourselves
- On Russia, Democrats Try to Rewrite History
- Children's Crusade, 2018
- Assault Weapons Preserve the Purpose of the 2nd Amendment
- Collusion-Mongers Hurt Us Worse Than the Russian Trolls
- Watch: Communist Manifesto or Democrat Party Platform?
- No Duh: Don't Let Children Lead on Guns
- California Suicide Watch, Part 2
- Gun Politics, Twitterized
- Protect Kids or Confiscate Guns?
- The Youth Massacre Outside of Florida
- Legislation by Lynch Mob
- CPAC, 2018
- Is "Collusion With Russia" Over?
- 20 Reasons Mass Killings Happen
- The Silence of Susan Rice
- FL School Massacre a Total Failure of the State
- Reading the Dems' Memo
- Democrat Memo a Weak Rebuttal
- Cowards Weren't the Real Problem in Broward County
- Schiff Memo's Gross Dishonesty
- Worse Than Watergate, Part 3: The Schiff Memo
- The Russians Colluded Massively--With the Democrats
- Progressive Politics Put Schools at Risk
- Let's Lower the Voting Age to Six
- It's Time to Return the Voting Age to 21
- Parkland Shooting the Result of "Garbage Government"
- Parkland Kids: Return of the Grieving Activist
- Frederick Douglas & Gun Control
- Arming Teachers Has a Lot of Merit
- Democrats Don't Care About Children Unless...
- Behind the FL Rampage: Obama's School-Leniency Policy
- Shooters, Schoolkids, Scapegoats and Showboats
- The School-To-Mass-Murder Pipeline
- Parkland and the Culture of Leniency
- Hate, Inc.: The SPLC is a Hyper-Partisan Scam
- The NRA Saves Lives. Ask My Family.
- Misinformation on Arming Teachers
- Obama's Scandal-Free Delusion
- The Weiner Laptop Revisited
- Did Obama-Era School-Discipline Policies Enable the Parkland Shooter?
- Parkland Shooting and Progressive Astroturfing
- Enemies of the People
- Sharyl Attkisson: The Plot Thickens
- A Nation of Children Wants a Nation of Gun Control
- On Tariffs, Hold the Hysteria
- Night Thoughts With Nunes
- Why the Left Won't Win the Gun-Control Debate
- The Left’s Farrakhan Problem
- A "Good Mom" Buys a Gun and the Left Goes Nuts
- American Stalinism Then and Now
- Gun-Grabbers Aren't Interested in Kid's Lives
- Sessions Sues California
- Why the Left Opposes Arming Teachers
- Racial Quotas Kill Kids
- Farrakhan & the Left
- Understanding Russiagate
- Mueller's Unending Investigation
- McDupes… International Women’s Day and Its Useful Idiots
- Only Fools Believe North Korea
- Gun Confiscation in Illinois
- NRA Sues FL Over New Gun Law
- Stormy Daniels and Ted Kennedy
- Stop Blaming Gun Owners for the Failures of Liberalism
- The Insidious Obama Administration
- California's Loony Behavior Getting Worse
- Scalpels Kill More Kids than Guns
- Hating Whitey at Stanford (i.e. Why Trump Won)
- Tillerson Out as Secretary of State
- House Intel Verdict on Russia Probe: No Collusion
- Tillerson Out, Pompeo in at State Dept.
- "Uneducated": The Left's Favorite Insult
- Democrats Protest Guns--Under Heavily Armed Guards
- Trump-Russia Collusion: A Conspiracy All Along
- So. Much. Stupid.
- Liberals' Misuse Students in 2nd Amendment Puppet Protests
- FL Knife Attack Reveals Why We Need Armed Citizens
- The Psychology of Liberal Hostility
- Guess Who Gets to Decide What is "Hate Speech"?
- Virginia Politician Nails It on Guns and Gun Violence
- Hillary's Hateful Harangue
- State Enforced Paganism in America
- "Anti-Violence" Students Embrace Murderous Che Guevara
- Pres. Trump: "Tremendous Leaking & Lying" at the FBI
- Stench of Urine & Feces, Rampant Crime: San Francisco Reaps the Rotten Fruit of Liberalism
- Germany Reaps the Rotten Fruit of Islam
- The Coming Collusion Bloodbath
- The Reckoning at the FBI Has Begun
- McCabe Statement Suggests Comey Lied to Congress
- McCabe and Mr. Mueller
- McCabe Just Made Life Tough for Comey and Mueller
- Gowdy Schools Trump Lawyer Over Mueller Statement
- On Data Gathering: What's Genius for Obama is Scandal for Trump
- School Discipline and Dog Whistles
- The Other Russia Investigation
- The Deep State Media Game
- Conservatives Should Reject Chai Feldblum Nomination
- McCabe’s Bogus Witch Hunt of Jeff Sessions Confirms Worst Fears About FBI/DOJ
- Left-Wing Hypocrisy
- Leftmedia Churn and the Cost of Trump's Affairs
- Get Serious About School Safety
- On the Budget, Trump Got Rolled
- The Real Andrew McCabe
- The Incoherent "March for Our Lives"
- Children's Crusade? No, It's Worse
- Trump-Russia, by the (Misleading) Numbers
- Fake Storm
- The Stupidity of the "March For Our Lives"
- Texas Provides a Proven Template to Combat School Shootings
- Our Camouflaged Elites
- Stormy, Lewinsky, and Hypocrisy
- What is John Brennan Hiding?
- Watch: Gun Control Facts Confuse Actors
- The "March for Our Lives" Moral Panic
- Government by Tantrum
- Teenage Demagogues
- Watch: Foolish Leftist Protesters Explain Anti-Gun Views
- Russia Collusion, Clinton $tyle
- David Hogg: Oracle, or Useful Idiot?
- What John Bolton Brings to the Table
- PC Rot at the FBI
- Liberal's Romance With Lawlessness
- New Evidence of Obama's Deep-State Collusion?
- Every Word Liberals Say About Guns is a Lie
- The Democrat Party Collusion Story Gets Worse
- The Never Trump Delusion
- Boycott vs. Boycott: Standing With Laura Ingraham
- Report: McCabe Lied Four Times
- How the Left Created Nikolas Cruz
- Reminder: The Left Hates Our Civilization
- On Guns & Violence
- The Grisly History of Chappaquiddick
- Amazon Isn't a Villain
- The Census Freak-Out
- California Commits Massive Medicaid Fraud
- Democrats: Party of the (Mostly White) Super-Rich Gazillionaires
- Stop the Political Child Abuse
- Liberals Just Can't Get Over 2016
- Study Reveals: It's Liberals Who Are Psychotic
- Yes, There is a Never-Trump Delusion
- Ban Knives Now!
- Hollywood and History Catches Up to Ted Kennedy
- When the Lie Becomes a Pillar of the State
- The Battle of Woke Island
- Why is the FBI is Dodging Nunes?
- What is the FBI Hiding?
- Chappaquiddick Wasn't the Only Scandal
- It's Still Foolish for Trump to Talk to Mueller
- The FBI Escalates Its War on the Trump Admn.
- The Cullen Raid and Mueller Madness
- The Raid on Trump's Lawyer: The Pretext
- What About Collusion?
- Targeting Trump's Lawyer Should Worry Us All
- A Couple of Things Trump Could Do
- Loretta Lynch is Lying
- The Death of the FBI and DOJ
- Guess Whose House Wasn't Raided by the FBI?
- Liberals Wage War on Science
- Shifting Tactics to Take Down Trump
- Advice to Trump: Make Mueller Defend His Raid
- Washington Lies in a Parallel Universe
- Democrats Ask Pompeo About "Gay Sex"
- Comey Lied About Spying on Trump Tower
- 5 Times Obama Wasn't Asked to Resign
- James Comey Confesses
- DOJ Report Slams McCabe
- What Scooter Libby's Pardon Means
- The De-Policing of America
- The Real Andrew McCabe
- The Perversion of America
- Colluders on the Loose
- The Left's Deadly Devotion
- Comey's "Higher Loyalty" Was to Hillary
- How To Destroy Western Civilization Without Spilling Your Latte
- The Outrageous Outing of Sean Hannity
- Investigate This
- The Real Victims of Starbucks
- Comey Debunks the Steele Dossier
- Collusion, Anyone?
- Comey Memos Indicate Dossier Briefing Was a Setup
- Today’s Sad Feminism — and Two Breaths of Fresh Air
- Sore Losers (STILL!): DNC to Sue Over Hillary's Loss
- Of Heroes & Whores
- The Fall of James Comey
- The Hateful Left vs. Mike Pompeo & Chick-fil-A
- No, America Is Not Racist: The Starbucks Story Is Trash
- McCabe: Leaking and Lying Obscure the Real Collusion
- The Injustice of 'Social Justice'
- DNC Delusions
- A Conspiracy of Dunces
- Deep State, or Democrat State?
- Defensive Gun Use Far More Frequent Than You Thought
- Candace Owens: I'm Not Far Right, I'm Free
- Remember When Starbucks Didn't Allow a Cop to Use Their Restroom?
- Is 'Can't Prove Untrue' the New Standard in Russia Probe?
- The Great Exodus Out of America's Blue Cities
- Best Prom Picture Ever--and the Left Goes Nuts
- Kansas GOP Fails Christians
- Baby Alfie Must Die so the Nanny State May Live
- Democrats' Latest Money Laundering Scam
- Mass Shootings: Lessons Since Columbine
- Yes We Kanye
- Leaving the Democrat Plantation
- New House Intel Report: No Collusion Between Russia & Trump
- The Church of Grievance
- Alphie Evans is Not Alone
- Comey, Clapper & Brennan Setup Trump From Beginning
- Comey Confirms: Clinton Email Fix Was In
- Crazed Haters Unbound
- Here Are the Questions Mueller Wants to Ask Trump
- A Prom Dress Provokes Incoherent Anger From the Left
- The Democrats' God Gap
- Lib Propaganda Operating "Upstream"
- Dem Congressman (Eric Swalwell-CA) Wants to Confiscate Rifles
- The Myth of American Racism
- Bill Clinton Warned the DNC Not to Let the Party Go to Sanders Supporters
- Trump Speaks to the NRA, Slams "Gun-Free Zones"
- Judge Accuses Mueller Team of Lying
- Today's Marxists
- Desperate to be Offended
- A Basket of Despicables
- Liberalism Must be Destroyed
- Judge Asks Mueller: Where's the Evidence?
- The Clinton Foundation is the Biggest Charity Fraud Ever
- Actress Attends Anti-NRA Rally with Armed Guards
- The Devil and John McCain
- Karl Marx, the Devil, and Socialist America
- The War on Wisdom
- The Left's Ruling Ideas
- Another Liberal Taken Down by #MeToo
- Many Died, Superintendent Lied
- Russia Probe Starts to Unwind--and Boomerang on Dems?
- Southern Poverty Law Center is a Hate-Mongering Scam
- Ban Knives Now!
- For Democrats, Identity Trumps Reality
- Schneiderman Scandal Should Be a Spiritual Crisis for Democrats
- The Obama Legacy Deserves to be Destroyed
- The Obamacare Food Cops Are (Still) Here
- Who's Paying for Stormy Daniels' lawyer?
- Israel Shows America How to Deal with Iran
- Dick's Sporting Goods Paying a Price for Caving on Guns
- Did the FBI Have a Spy in the Trump Campaign?
- Why Did the Obama Admn. Place a Spy in the Trump Campaign?
- Time for McCain to Resign
- The "Never Trump" Pundit Class Continues to Unravel
- The U.S. Embassy Move to Jerusalem Sends a Powerful Message
- Russia Investigation a Setup From the Start
- Origins of the Trump-Russia Investigation
- Nikki Haley Schools UN Over Gaza "Demonstrations"
- The Religion of Racism
- The Racism Treadmill
- "Progressivism" Bites Jeff Bezos
- #MeToo Undermines #Resist
- Suicide by Liberalism
- Trump's Porn Star Payoff Timeline
- "Crossfire Hurricane" Grudgingly Reveals the Real 2016 Election Crimes
- NY Times Confirms: Obama's FBI Spied on the Trump Campaign
- Democrats Are No Friend of Israel
- The Hate Agenda of the Left
- Crossfire Hurricane: Category 5 Political Espionage
- The Homeless Hole That Ate Los Angeles
- Trump's "Animals": The Leftmedia's Latest Lie
- Another School Shooting: "It's the Worldview, Stupid!"
- The Freud Fraud Underlies Political Correctness
- The Tribe's Useful Idiots
- DOJ Frets About Source Outing While Deliberately Outing Source
- FBI Blows Source: Why?
- Chaos & Demagoguery in the Oval Office?
- Obama's FBI Spied On Trump's Campaign--What Did Obama Know & When Did He Know It?
- Justice: The Democrats Double Standard
- Everyone the Left Hates is Hitler--For a While
- The Gun Lies of the Left Must Be Confronted
- H-A-L-P-E-R Spells Game-Over for Obama's Spies
- Trump Demands an Investigation
- DOJ Calls for Probe of FBI Surveillance of Trump Campaign
- Deep State Knows a Reckoning is Coming
- Absolute Red Line If Obama's DOJ/FBI Placed a Spy in the Trump Camp
- Texas Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Was Right About School Entrances
- Brennan's Plot to Infiltrate the Trump Campaign
- Trump: It's Time to Police the Police
- FBI Leadership Discussed (Fake) Trump Dossier w/CNN
- Deep-State-Gate
- When Did the Trump-Russia Probe Actually Begin?
- Starbucks Gets a Taste of Open Borders
- Meet the Real Collusion Conspirators
- The Trump-Russia Investigation Originated w/the Obama Admn.
- The Decriminalization Delusion
- Wynton Marsalis: Rap & Hip-Hop "More Damaging Than a Statue of Robert E. Lee"
- The Trump Rationale
- Tinker, Tailor, Clapper, Carter, Downer, Halper, Spy
- Of Course: NFL Accused of "Plantation Mentality"
- Trump: Making International Relations Great Again
- No, I Won't Check My Privilege
- The London-to-Langley Spy Ring
- New FBI Data Shows the Importance of Armed Citizens
- A History of the Democrat-Spy Collusion
- What Did Obama Know & When Did He Know It?
- "The Slow Uncovering of the Biggest Scandal in American Political History"
- A Conspiracy of Idiocy
- Publix Caves to Another Hogg Tantrum
- Intel Scandals Will Lead to a Reckoning for D.C.
- Why the 'Racist America' Meme Is Collapsing
- Guns Don't Kill People, But Gun Bans Do
- Obama's Scandals
- The Three Stooges of Spygate
- The Death of Britain
- Trump & "The Truth"
- Knife Control in the U.K.
- Hillary and Obama: The Co-Conspirators
- The Suicide of Europe
- Yes, FBI Was "Investigating" Trump's Campaign When it Spied
- D'Souza Pardoned
- The Menace of the Left Must be Defeated
- How the #TheResistance Lost Their Minds
- Reminder: Democrats Want to Raise Gas Prices
- The Real Reason the FBI Had a Spy in the Trump Campaign
- The Left Doesn't Know If We're Animals or Not
- Defending the Constitution Means Defending Biblical Morality
- Obama's Self-Indulgent Brooding After Trump's Win
- Trump Lawyers Reveal New Evidence in the Flynn Case
- New York vs. the NRA
- Conservatism: For God, Country & Main Street
- The Democrats Descend Into Farce
- Mueller's Illegal, Unethical Hunt for Trump's Scalp
- Deliver the IG Report NOW!
- As Russia Farce Unwinds, Spygate Unfolds
- Brennan Used Harry Reid to Smear Trump
- There is Nothing Liberalism Won't Ruin
- TAKE THAT TRUMP!--Democrat Ad Portrays Two Men Kissing
- How Obama's Intel Agencies Fabricated the Russia Story
- CrossFit Punishes Conservatives
- Obama Caught Lying...Again
- California: America's King of Poverty
- Another Obama Lie
- Deconstructing Young Minds
- The Left is Hoping for a Recession
- The FBI's Fractured Fairytale
- The Democrats IT Scandal Cover-Up
- "F--- Trump!"--The Left Has Run Out of Things to Say
- Rosenstein's Rot
- McCabe Stews
- Obama Silenced the Inspectors General
- IG Report Released Today
- IG Report: Comey "Insubordinate"
- Comey Broke FBI Procedures in Clinton Probe
- Strzok: "We'll Stop" Trump
- A Bad Report for the FBI
- The FBI Hates Trump--and His Voters Too
- Insubordination and Bias at the FBI
- Strzok's "We'll Stop" Trump Text Kept From Congress
- 11 Things to Know About the IG's Report
- Comey & His Corrupt Clinton Cronies
- The Right to Discriminate
- IG Report Ignores Common Sense
- From Comey to Strzok to Mueller
- U.S. State Religion is Leftism
- The DOJ/FBI Cover-Up Continues
- "Democracy Dies in Darkness"
- Why Are Liberals So Angry?
- SPLC Forced to Pay for It's Lies
- Evil Hates the Light: SPLC vs. Prager Univ.
- Clinton Emails: What the IG Report Refuses to Admit
- Is Peter Strzok About to be Fired?
- Liberals Attack Black Democrat & Former Obama DNC Delegate b/c of His Biblical Values
- Because of It's Anti-Israel Bias, Trump to Withdraw U.S. from U.N. Human Rights Council
- Desperately Seeking Supremacists
- DC's Bureaucratic Bias
- The Border (and Everything Else) is an "Outrage"
- Get "Woke" to the Outrage Scam
- War of the Worlds
- SPLC: A Reckoning
- Ben Carson: Govt. Incentives Perpetuate Poverty
- The Liberal Resistance Has Lost Its Mind
- The LEFT Has Declared War on America
- Venezuela's Future--And Ours
- Population Losses in Blue States Trouble for Democrats
- The SPLC is Not "Venerable" but Garbage
- Why Libs Are Losing It
- Liberals’ Hatred Will Inevitably Turn Into Violence
- Leftist Thugs Guarantee More Deadly Violence
- America's Real Fascists
- Mad Maxine
- The Rise of the Mob
- Rage-Filled Democrats Can't Be Trusted With Power
- The Democrats Go Full Venezuela
- A New Civil War is Already Upon Us
- If the (Brown) Shirt Fits...
- Libs Blame Pres. Trump for Capital Gazette Shooting
- In the Trump Era, the Constitution is Winning
- Back to the Constitution
- The Left's Mad Hysteria
- Mexico's Rising Communist Regime
- Lib's SCOTUS Freakout in 2 Minutes
- Incivility is Not Equal on Both Sides
- A Supreme Liberal Meltdown
- The Democratic Party Has a Death Wish
- It's Not Socialism, It's Racism
- The Glory of Timely Leftist Overreach
- The Toxic Race-Mongering of the Left
- Liberal Politics Leave San Francisco a Literal Cesspool
- The Left Can't Grasp Losing Power
- If #WalkAway is For Real, Democrats Are Done
- Sex, Lies and the Deep State
- Prominent NY Democrat Slams His Party's Direction
- The Democratic Party's Christian Problem
- Pruitt Out at the EPA
- A "Red Wave"?
- The Deep State Targets Jim Jordan...
- ...Using Shady Accusers
- The Party of Hate
- Liberal Outrage is All the Rage
- The Savaging of Laura Ingalls Wilder
- Campaign to Abandon Liberalism (#WalkAway) Goes Viral
- Collusion Real & Imagined
- Why Democrats Love Socialism
- Leftist Malice
- Trump's Colorblind Economy
- Red State Dems' Face a "Nightmare Decision" on Kavanaugh
- 'Air Clinton' Delivered Multiple Versions of Dossier to FBI
- Strzok's Arrogant Testimony
- Scared Democrats to Vote "No" on Their Own "Abolish ICE" Bill
- GOP Lawmakers to Impeach Rosenstein?
- Ob-Strzok-tion of Justice
- The Dishonesty of the Deep State
- Strzok by a Farce
- Why Leftists Become Thugs
- STILL No Evidence of Collusion
- The Racist Left
- Peter Strzok, A Cocky Liar All the Way to the End
- Trump in Helsinki
- Baltimore's Crime Confirms the "Ferguson Effect"
- Trump's Helsinki Discord
- Helsinki Hysteria
- Trump & Russia: Rhetoric vs. Policy
- U.S. & Russia: What's Next?
- John Brennan Misses Communist Russia
- In Chicago, the Police Are Not the Problem
- When in San Francisco, Consult the "Poop Map"
- Trump is Blessed with Stupid Enemies
- Ocasio-Cortez Makes "Enemies" of Fellow Democrats
- Moscow's Presidential Jackasses & Bootlickers
- Obama Loves Telling the Truth--Honest!
- Rand Paul: John Brennan is "Completely Unhinged"
- De Blasio's Dystopia (or: "New York City's Filth and Crime")
- Hypocrite Obama Decries the Habits that Drove His Career
- Ted Kennedy and the KGB
- The Real "Worst States to Live In"
- Lisa Page Under Oath: No Basis for Mueller's Appointment
- Get a Grip, Democrats
- Trump's Labor Sec. is Appeasing the Left
- The Left's Newest Star is None Too Bright
- Democrats Asked: How Are You Dealing w/the Anti-Semitism in Your Party?
- Democrats May Live to Regret Their Russia Obsession
- Liberals Finally Come Around on "Evil Empire"
- Liberals Get a Taste of Their Own Medicine
- FBI's Pathetic FISA Application for Carter Page
- Bernie and the Bolsheviks
- FISA Application Supports Nunes Memo
- It's Time to Admit It: The Obama Admn. Spied on Trump
- I Was Wrong: In Trump/Russia Investigation, the FBI Went Off the Rails
- The Liberal War on Work
- The Socialist Surge That's Not Coming
- The Audacity of Obama
- FISA Applications Confirm: FBI Relied on Unverified Steele Dossier
- FBI Goes Full Nixon
- Comrade Brennan's Security Clearance Benefits
- ACLU's "Values" vs. the Constitution
- Democrats: From "Ask Not..." to "Free Stuff!"
- The Greatest Hysteria in American History
- As the Swamp Turns
- House GOP Moves to Impeach Rosenstein
- A Tale of Two Killings
- Democrat Darling Can't Explain How to Pay for Socialism
- Democrat Socialists and the Supremacy of Stupidity
- Cory Booker: Love vs. Hate
- My Collusion Confusion
- Virtue Signaling vs. Real Virtue
- Why Didn't FBI Tell the Court About Steele's Bias?
- Liberalism Causes a Rise in the Murder Rate
- The FBI Has Long Collaborated With Liberal Propagandist SPLC
- Defining Modern Liberalism
- Lawless Washington
- Millennial Socialism: Stupid, Evil, or Both?
- FISA Documents Reveal FBI Collusion
- Trump Tower Meeting is Incriminating, but Not for Trump
- Ocasio-Cortez: The Great Young Hope Liberals Deserve
- Everyone Hates Trump
- Remember When Liberals Colluded with the Kremlin During a Presidential Election?
- The Left is Working Overtime to Normalize Fascism
- Like It or Not, We Are Now Debating Socialism
- On Employee Speech: The NFL Has the Same Rights as Disney
- 3D-Guns: Separating Truth from Fiction
- Will the DoJ Investigate the SPLC?
- LeBron James Doesn't Understand "Divisiveness"
- Identity Politics Fuels Hate
- 3 Reasons Why Millennials Love Socialism
- Trump: The Most "Pro-Black" President
- 12 Times the FBI Relied on Steele After the Election
- Double Standards Are the Only Standards Liberals Have
- Never Forget the Brennan-Brit Plot to Nail Trump
- Cohen Should Be Disbarred
- Democracy Dies in Dimwittedness
- The War on the Deplorables
- Socialist Apologists Still Pushing Poison
- The Utter Futility of Gun Control
- Trump Tower Meeting Mania
- CA Democrat: "We have to regulate every aspect of people's lives."
- Support Elizabeth Heng's Campaign
- Bernie Sanders: John the Baptist of the Left
- Dear LeBron: Democrats, Not Trump, Ruined America's Cities
- Shooting Up Chicago
- Elizabeth Warren's Racism Lie
- Who Hired Stefan Halper?
- The Left's War on Whiteness
- Is Collusion Criminal?
- The Great White Culture War
- More Evidence Liberals Hate Our Constitution
- The Democrats' Espionage Problem
- TEA Party Gets $3.5 Million from the IRS
- Of Course: Liars Lie About Israel
- A Tale of Three Cities
- Ocasio-Cortez Cornered
- Jim Jordan Accuser Recants
- This is How All Government "Works"
- Of Course There is Such a Thing as a "Perjury Trap"
- Antifa, the Real Fascists
- Death by Entitlement
- Exposed: The Deep State's Authorship and Publication of the Steele Dossier
- Yes, Opposing Voter ID is Un-American
- Mueller's Investigation: The Mechanics of Deception
- Will Mueller's Case Finally "Blow Up?"
- The Spy Who Loved Feinstein
- Minnesota Media Hides Perjury Charges Against Democrat
- The FBI Fires Peter Strzok
- What the Peter Strzok Firing Actually Means
- Castro-Loving Socialist to Lead UN "Human Rights" Bureaucracy
- The Turkish Hostage Crisis
- Feinstein, Strzok, and the Sinister Russia Probe
- America is Plagued by "Privilege"--but Not the Kind the Left is Preaching
- On Chicago's Violence: Enough is Enough
- Leading Liberal: America Was Never That Great
- John Brennan Was a Security Risk from the Start
- "Never That Great"
- Was the Infamous Trump Tower Meeting a Clinton Setup?
- Democrats' Are Too Scared to Define Their Agenda
- Why Silicon Valley is Trying to Kill Free Speech
- Deluded Libs Get a Deadly Lesson in the Existence of Evil
- Would You Ever Vote for a Democrat?
- A Case Study in Obama/Trump Double Standards
- Diversity: Uniformity of Destruction of America
- Mueller's Mistake
- Manafort Verdict Says Nothing on Trump/Russia
- 2016 Losers Seek to Void Trump's Victory
- The Foul Campaign to Foil the Decision of the American People
- Six Takeaways from Cohen & Manafort's Legal Woes
- The Demo Degradation of American Patriotism
- Moral Reflections on Manafort, Cohen, & Trump
- Ignore the Noise, Mueller Still Has Nothing
- Weiner's Laptop: Many Questions Still Linger
- What is "Q"?
- Yawn: It's "Worse Than Watergate"---Again
- The ‘Echo Chamber’ Isn’t A Conspiracy Theory, It’s A Fact
- Mueller Has Been About Impeachment All Along
- Democrats Now View Socialism More Favorably Than Capitalism
- The Steele Dossier is Fake. The Economic Boom is Real.
- The Establishment's Collective Meltdown Over Russia
- Impeachment Delusion
- The Exquisite Sensibilities of the Outrage Industry
- John McCain Dead at 81
- About John McCain
- John McCain: War Hero, Conservative Apostate
- It's Time For A Conservative Purge
- Two California Senators Declare War on Christianity
- Socialism is a Crime Against Humanity
- Socialism: The Great Destroyer
- Who Should Replace McCain?
- Suspended Pentagon Whistleblower: FBI's Russia Probe Was 'All a Set-Up'
- Obama DoJ Official (Ohr) Testifies
- Democrats vs. Reality
- Deep State Sabotage is the Real Threat
- Ohr Confirms the FBI Abused FISA
- The Left's Long War Against Conservative Speech
- Replacing McCain: The Options
- Liberals Destroy Everything
- Ten Inconvenient Facts
- Why We Need a Convention of States
- McCain's Funeral Turns Into a "Resistance" Meeting
- Leftists Use Funerals to Bash Trump
- Corporations Wage War on Guns
- Socialism Stinks, Literally
- Corporate Suicide Watch: Nike Edition
- More Evidence the Russia Probe Was a Setup
- Nike Takes a Knee
- Kyl to Succeed McCain
- Liberals Destroy Everything, Part 2
- Anonymous Speaks
- Donald Trump's Real Crime: Obstruction of Liberalism
- Democracy Dies in Subversion
- Senate Democrats Prove They're Unfit to Govern
- Anonymous Pushes Electoral Sabatoge
- Democrats & "Crazytown"
- The Coup Against Trump
- Things That Won't Fit in a Nike Ad
- Reality vs. Fantasy
- Mr. Rosenstein, What is the Crime?
- Meet Spartacus the Clown
- Nike: Just Blowing It
- Definitive Proof of NeverTrump Moral Idiocy
- Liberalism as Imperialism
- Anatomy of a Fusion Smear
- Kaepernick is No Hero
- None of You Idiots is Spartacus
- The Circus of Resistance
- Obama Reminds Us Why Trump Was Elected
- Return of the Hypocrite
- "Dividing America:" Obama vs. Trump
- The Party of Kaepernick
- Another Christian College (Truett-McConnell) Dumps Nike
- The FBI's Anti-Trump Leak Strategy
- Yes, Obama Was an Extremist
- The Man Nike Should've Celebrated
- The Mueller Charade Has Been Exposed
- Democrats: The Party of Resistance
- Democrats Again Trying to Politicize a Hurricane
- Rush: It's Becoming Clear Mueller's Probe is a Fraud
- Everyone's Urinating on the Dossier Now!
- The Attacks on Kavanaugh Will Forever Stain the Democrat Party
- New Strzok-Page Texts Shed More Light on the FBI's "Media Leak Strategy"
- Liberalism is a Social (Media) Disease
- Toxic Feminism
- Lisa Page: No Evidence of Collusion When Mueller Appointed
- Bob Woodward: No Evidence of Trump-Russia Collusion
- Why the Russia Hoax is a Constitutional Crisis
- Liberal Madness Abounds
- Democrats' Sleazy Attack Comes from an Old Playbook
- Dirty, Dirty Dirt
- Democrats, Kavanaugh, & "The End of Civilization"
- Trump Orders Page FISA Warrant Declassified
- "Believe Women" is Perilous Baloney
- Brett Kavanaugh, Keith Ellison, and the Presumption of Innocence
- Democrats Sweat FISA Declassification
- Fear and Loathing at the DOJ: Finale
- Shock Report: Rosenstein Plotted to Remove Trump
- Resisting a Lynch Mob
- Rosenstein to be Fired?
- Rod Rosenstein's Resistance
- We Are Living Nineteen Eighty-Four
- Mob Rule
- Kavanaugh Smears Validate Trumpian Politics
- Democrats Have a Gang Rape Fantasy
- Trump to the UN: America First
- Flood of Kooky, Anonymous Accusations Discredit Democrats
- Why Believe Women With No Evidence?
- After Kavanaugh’s Stand, Republicans Abandon Him at Their Peril
- Is There a Decent Democrat Left in America?
- Post-Kavanaugh: Democrats Will Reap the Whirlwind
- The Left's Rage
- Kavanaugh Character Assassins Must Pay in November
- Democrats Asked for the FBI--They'd Better Be Ready for the Consequences
- Life in a Gynocracy
- Don't Let the Liberal Mob Win!
- Grassley: Investigate Anti-Kavanaugh Liars
- Cotton: Investigate Ford's Lawyers & Feinstein's Staff
- FBI Must Investigate Christine Ford's Credibility
- Investigate the Senate Democrat's Smear Machine
- The Left's Contempt for Middle-Class Values
- SHOCK: DNC Lawyers Met w/FBI on Steele Dossier Prior to a Warrant
- The Righteous Rage of the Right
- Conservative Women Will Make Dems Pay in November
- Obama's America on Display at Kavanaugh Hearings
- Progressive Politics Permeate, Poison
- We're All Deplorables Now
- Shut Up, Mazie
- "Vile, Vicious, and Dangerous" Left Goes After Susan Collins
- When Christine Ford's Lawyer Needs a Lawyer...
- Seedpods From the Garden of Stupid
- Republicans Unite Against the Mob
- Democrats Overplayed Their Hand--and It Will Cost Them
- "Kavanope" Dopes Set Women Back 100 Years
- Nobody Believes All Women
- We'll Remember in November
- More Mueller Madness
- Women Who Lied About Sexual Assault
- A Dress Rehearsal for Impeachment
- FBI's Real Motives in Fighting Trump's Declassification
- Kavanaugh Smears & the Russia-Collusion Hoax: A Connection?
- Democrats Stoop to Blaming the Constitution
- 5 Lessons About the Left
- Democrats Have Become Dangerous
- Toxic Feminists
- Socialism Fails Every Time
- How to Fight the Left
- Democrats Can Only be "Civil" if They Win
- Democrats: The Constitution is Unconstitutional!
- "Toxic Femininity"
- If It Sounds Like a Mob, and Looks Like a Mob, It's a Mob
- Why the Left Won't Take Up Originalism
- Sorry Democrats, Progressive Mobs Are Real
- A Conspiracy So Vast...
- Hillary's Incivility
- Yes Democrats, It's a Mob
- The Left's Religious War Against America
- The Party of Evil
- How to Tell If You're Part of a Mob
- Now We Know What Was Strzok's "Insurance Policy"
- Of Course the Liberal Mob is Real
- Who Are the Real Partisans?
- Blacks' Loyalty to Democrats is Insane--Not Kanye West
- What's Wrong With Portland?
- Believe Emmett Till
- Black Conservatives Aren't Sellouts, Black Liberals Are Duped
- Godless Democrats?
- Elizabeth Warren Proves She's Not Native American
- How "Safe Spaces" Led to Liberal Mobs
- Fauxcahontas: The Movie
- Sinema's Sins
- Turkish Taffy
- Liberals Discover the Danger of a Powerful Supreme Court
- The Origins of Progressive Agony
- How Guns Made America & Made Us Great
- Leftism: The Art of the Mob
- Democrat Mobs, Then and Now
- The Blackface Party
- Embarrassing Spectacle of "Betomania"
- Democrats Produce Mobs, Republicans Produce Jobs
- Democrats' Lies Cost Mark Judge--Literally
- GOP Must Stop Coddling the Corn Belt
- AZ Democrat Kyrsten Sinema: Stay-at-Home Moms "Leeches"
- Feminist Against Women
- Authoritarianism Begets Leftist Violence
- Jobs Not Mobs
- Kavanaugh & Caravans
- The Nightmare of Democrats' Liberal Agenda
- The Democrat Platform: Foment Fear, Anger, Hatred, and Division
- The "Voter ID is Racist" Con
- Direct Democracy or Direct Chaos?
- Hurricane Trump
- The Perfect Campaign Ad for Democrats
- Bombgate and the New Species of Political Theater
- The Democrats Run on Hate
- Anti-Semitism is Rampant Among the Left
- The Left's Depraved Response to the Mass Shooting of Jews
- Did the Left's Anti-Israel Rhetoric Motivate Synagogue Shooter?
- Blexit: Black American's Exit from the Democrat Party is Real
- Democrats Embrace Anti-Semitism
- Ammo Supplier Sues Dick's Sporting Goods
- Rage Makes You Stupid
- It Seems Christine Ford Had Plenty to Gain
- Whatever Happened to Christine Ford?
- Socialism = Slavery
- Leftist Politicos Politicize and Profit from Hate
- The Audacity of Barack Obama's Lying
- Pittsburgh Synagogue, Anti-Semitism & Trump
- Finally, a Day of Reckoning for Michael Avenatti?
- If You Love America, Then Fight Anti-Semitism
- On Violence & Rhetoric, Democrats Are Hypocrites
- Collusiongate: What We've Learned So Far
- Is It "Hate Speech" to Tell the Truth?
- Why Did Dems Abandon Investigation Into Kavanaugh?
- Pelosi’s Top Legislative Priority Would Punish LGBT Dissenters
- Roaring Economy Is GOP's Best Election Pitch
- Stooges of Socialism
- As Election Looms, Dems Dirty Tricks Escalate
- Birthright and the Angry Election
- Totalitarianism In Our Time
- The Woke Go Broke
- Democrat Pal Farrakhan Leads "Death to America" Chant in Iran
- A Country Gone Half-Mad
- Sessions Out As Attorney General
- Who Will Replace Sessions?
- Democrats' Bag of Dirty Tricks Getting Very Old
- Progressives Lost
- Democrats Aren't Losing Faith, They Just Don't Like the System
- Democrats vs. the Constitution
- Why The Left Is Intellectually Bereft
- The Lonely Liberal Mob
- The Dangerously Unified States of America
- Democrats and the Rule of Lawyers
- No One is Safe From the Mob Chasing Tucker Carlson
- Democrats Are the Threat to Democracy
- Justice w/o Hyphens
- When Leftists Love Nationalism
- Trump Fights
- Nationalism is Despised--By Multinationalists
- Democracy Dies in a Leftist Coup
- Democrat Corruption is a Clear and Present Danger to America
- Democrats Divided Over Pelosi
- Dan Crenshaw Deflates Anti-Trump Hysteria
- The "White Privilege" Canard
- On Emails, Ivanka Did NOT Act Like Hillary
- Ungrateful Nation
- Modern Liberalism is Sick
- The Liberal Plantation
- The Social-Justice Injustice
- Russia Collusion the Biggest Canard in Political History
- Even Astronauts Fear the Left
- The Anti-America Americans
- The Snob Party
- Globalism vs. America
- About Those Fake "Right Wing Violence" Figures
- Again: Why Trump Won
- Eternal Darkness of the Leftist Mind
- How Obama Officials Invented the Trump-Russia Collusion Hoax
- Portland: Dystopia Now
- Latest Russia Conspiracy Nonsense
- More Mueller Madness
- Why Is Mueller Asking Witnesses to Lie?
- Socialism Begets Violence
- A Collusion Probe Still Without Any Collusion
- Latest Russia Collusion "Bombshells" Are Duds
- Trump Hints: Clinton Scandal About to Blow?
- Who Dispatched the FBI to Target Trump's Campaign in 2016?
- The Russia Probe Has Nothing to Do with Russia
- NeverTrumpers--Not Trump--Are Peddling Lies
- Rudolph is Racist?!
- "Protect Mueller" Bill is Blatantly Unconstitutional
- Clueless Ohio State Libtards Protest Conservative Speech
- They're Coming for Our Meat!
- Democrats Are Just Too Darned Smart
- White Like Her
- Anthem Kneelers and Wife Beaters
- 10 Questions for James Comey
- The Real "Beto" O'Rourke
- William Barr the Leading Candidate for AG
- Praising Trump's Pick for Attorney General
- Are Liberals Prepared for No Collusion?
- Yes, Voter Fraud is Real
- Release Comey's Emails
- Portland, Oregon: The Capitol of American Leftism
- Comey and the FISA Warrant Clinton Bought
- Comey Doesn't Know and Can't Recall
- William Barr for Attorney General : A Home Run by Trump
- Again: Gun Ownership Save Lives
- Mueller's Investigation is Missing One Thing: A Crime
- Comey, Careless & Corrupt
- The Jew-Hating Women's March
- Reveal the Congressional Hush Fund Hypocrites
- The "International Community" Isn't a Community
- The Mueller/Comey/Clinton Collusion to Take Down Trump
- Comey Continues to Display His Lack of Credibility
- Trump's Campaign-Finance Problems
- OIG Discovers: Mueller's Office Destroyed Thousands of Strzok-Page Texts
- Checking Robert Mueller
- Mueller's Collusion Hoax Collapses
- Mueller Team Destroyed Strzok/Page Texts Before Review
- Let's Investigate Bob Mueller
- Liberalism Bankrupts the Boy Scouts
- The Stupidity Of "Inclusivity"
- Hey FBI: Redact This
- The FBI's Whacking of Michael Flynn
- The Myth of a "Government Shutdown"
- Rep. Darrell Issa: Flynn Conviction Will be Overturned
- Time to Investigate the Investigators
- James Comey's Latest Charade
- What Happened to Strzok and Page's iPhones?
- Russia Hysteria and the Cost to America
- Trump's Important New Africa Strategy
- Communist Antifa Leader Unmasked
- As Collusion Narrative Collapses, the Left Shifts the Goalposts
- Shutdown Politics
- Only a Democratic Filibuster Would Force Government Shutdown
- Shutdown: Political Theater
- Hysteria From America-Last Liberals
- Obama's Christmas Genocide
- The Biggest Threat to America Comes From Within
- Liberalism Puts Seattle Under Siege
- Communists, Ocasio-Cortez and … Jesus?
- Democrats' Anti-Catholic Bigotry
- Are the Investigations the Cover-Up?
- Portland: "Angry White People With Money"
- The Anti-Fascist Fascists
- Democrats: A Plague on the Nation
- Anti-American, Anti-White, Anti-Semite, Anti-Women, Pro-Islamists Women's March
Previous Politics headline archives are contained in a post at the end of each year and linked below:
2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009, 2008
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