For the most part, the
articles/columns linked below appear in chronological order, beginning with the
- Happy New Year?
- Another Day, Another Hate-Crime Hoax
- The Purpose of Government
- 15 Stats that Destroy Liberal Narratives
- Democrats Assault the 2nd Amendment...Again
- Before Government Became Reviled
- The Case for Civil Disobedience in Oregon
- Hating the West, Inc.
- Obama's Legacy: Executive Abuse
- On Guns, You Know Less Than You Think
- Obama's Gun-Control Lies
- Obama's Gun Control Order is Dictatorial, and it Won't Work
- Obama's Theater of the Absurd
- The Constitution Anticipates Today
- When Black Lives Mattered
- The Sickening Obama "Legacy"
- Guns: Bad Journalism, Bad Politics
- Why Didn't Obama Cry for These?
- Benghazi Soldiers: "We Were Left Behind"
- ATF's Coming Nightmare with Obama
- A "Smoking Gun" in Clinton's Emails?
- Tears of a Clown
- 10 Gun Myths
- Guns & Violence: Exploring the Data
- Showman-in-Chief
- Political Pundit Stunningly Ignorant on the "Body of Christ"
- Fact Checking Obama's State of the Union
- U.S. Senator: Separation of Church and State is a "Myth"
- TEA Party Response to Obama's SOTU
- Obama's Way
- What the Nikki Haley Speech Means
- Obama's State of Delusion
- Churchill vs. Obama
- Obama and His Hall-of-Fame Straw Men
- Seeing Bigots Under Every Rock
- Beck: Maybe the Press Was Right About Palin
- Obama's Legacy of Red Ink
- This Time Conservative Crack-Up is Real
- Ferguson and the High Cost of Radicalized Lies
- The "Ferguson Effect" is Real
- Some Clinton Emails "Too Damaging" to Release
- The Ugly Race to be the Biggest Victim
- Clinton's Lame Email Excuses are Crumbling
- "The Treasons of the Democrats"
- A Felon By Any Other Name
- When Will Hillary Get Her Handcuffs?
- No Surprise: Obama Visits a Mosque
- The Failure of Multiculturalism
- Hillary's Email Crimes Don't Equate to Powell and Rice
- Clinton's Email Saga Continues to Worsen
- What Obama Said at the Mosque
- Rush: Feminists Sold Their Soul in the 90s
- D.C.'s Culture of Corruption Rots On
- The Collapse of New York
- Bush's "Treason" vs. Clinton's
- Black Lives Don't Matter to Dems, Only Black Votes
- Myths of Black Lives Matter
- How Republics Perish
- Dictatorship, American Style
- Liberals Rejoice: "The End of Marriage, Capitalism, and God. Finally."
- When the Left Profiles
- How the Dogma of the Left is Ruining Science
- The Strange Appeal of Socialism
- The Death of Capital Punishment?
- Culture Rot: Trump is the Effect, Not the Cause
- American Tyrant
- Clinton's Crimes Worse Than Petraeus'
- Waiting for Lefty
- Counting Hillary's Email Lies
- The Nazis of Illinois
- Widespread Ignorance Threatens Our Republic
- Progressive Brownshirts
- Remember Those Who Betrayed Conservatism for Trump
- Trump is Crude & Clueless--Like Obama, Clinton, & Sanders
- Socialism's Bloody History
- Let's Resurrect the Federalist Party
- Liberalism for Dummies
- Obama Begat Trump
- The Left's Never-Ending Witch Hunt
- Black & White, Left & Right
- Federal Judge Slams IRS
- No More Murder by Political Correctness
- Obama's Contempt for Liberty
- Governor Deal Cowardly Caves on Religious Liberty
- Nathan Deal's Craven Capitulation on Religious Liberty
- Clinton Email Investigation Intensifies
- Obama Administration Looks to Punish North Carolina Over Bathroom Bill
- Obama's Iran Scandal
- Mississippi Reveals How to Defend Religious Liberty
- The GOP Race and the Homosexual Agenda
- A Vast Email Conspiracy
- Bill Clinton Slams Black Lives Matter
- On Black Lives Matter, Bill Clinton Was Right
- Why Do the Clinton's Have 5 Shell Companies in Delaware?
- Those New York "State of Mind Values"
- Bubba in Trouble for Speaking Truth to Black Lives Matter
- Fairy Tales About Guns
- More Rotten Fruit of Liberalism: Empty Dorms, Empty Mansions
- A Time for Patriots
- The Biggest Threat Ever to the 2nd Amendment
- Dictatorship of the Dimwits
- IRS Contempt for the Rule of Law
- 5 Tips for "Social Justice" Hoaxsters
- U.S. Should Strive for Unity, Not Diversity
- Libs Corrupt the English Language
- Chicago's Crime Wave
- Bill Nye Epitomizes the Left's Authority Complex
- Fired for Preaching in Georgia
- Hillary Wants Your Guns
- Rights vs. Wishes
- San Francisco Slides Deeper Into Tolerance Hell
- The End of Democracy in America
- Moral Surrender is Not an Option
- Money Trail Reveals Hillary's Lies
- Debate Tactics to Battle the Left
- On Race, Facts Don't Care About Feelings
- Why the Left Hates Jews
- Why Are Black Americans Leaving Liberal Cities?
- Small Acts of Cowardice Are Destroying Our Culture
- A Dark Time in America
- The Many Ages of Adulthood in the Nanny State
- I Identify as Barack Obama
- Obama's Toilet Revolution
- Brilliant (Elite Liberal) Fools
- What Government Can't Do
- Watch: Hillary Surrogate Gets Tongue-Tied Over "One Nation Under God"
- Obama's Awful Message to Grads
- Impeachment of IRS Commish Moves Forward
- Clinton's Crimes and Comey's Choice
- The Pajama Boy White House
- Liberalism's Descent Into Madness
- New Poll: Native Americans Don't Mind "Redskins"
- Constitution is My Speech Permit
- The IRS's Ugly Business as Usual
- Why Donald Trump & the Redskins are Winning
- Redskins & Liberal Logic
- Obama vs. the Constitution
- Imagine No Possessions, Imagine Venezuela
- War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Men are Women
- 6 Questions to Ask Your Liberal Friends
- Welcome to the Church of Victimology
- Justice in Baltimore
- Yes, There's a Ferguson Effect
- Senator Cotton Blasts Harry Reid
- Hillary's Email Troubles Worsen
- 11 States Sue Obama Admn. Over Transgender Bathroom Directive
- Hillary Broke the Law
- Liberals Confess Their Intolerance
- Enforcing the Law Requires Indicting Hillary
- Obama Calls for "World Without" Nuclear Weapons
- Hillary Embodies Political Decadence
- Hiroshima and Nagasaki: A Moral Necessity
- America: Then vs. Now
- Troubling Ties: Clintons & the Nigerians
- What Makes America Strong
- Memorial Day & America
- Courage is Never Wasted
- The Morphing of America
- Hillary's Emails: Lying in Plain Sight
- Time for a Conservative Revival
- Bill Clinton Profits from World's Largest For-Profit University
- Anti-Capitalism, Bernie Sanders, and the Democrat Party
- It's the Server, Stupid
- The Shameless Obama Administration
- Slavery Still Exists
- Bernie Sanders' War Against the Jews
- Hillary Can't Admit Right to Bear Arms is Constitutional
- The Left's Culture War "Victory"
- Is Personal Responsibility Obsolete?
- Liberals & the Lemonade Menace
- Declaration of Independence: "Systematically Racist?"
- The Left Chose Islam Over Gays
- 3 Words Clinton, Obama Just Can't Say
- The Great Gun-Control Distraction
- Assault Weapons Ban: Stupid Idea by Stupid People
- Clinton's Global Initiative Scam is Crashing
- How Chicago's Streets Became the Wild West
- The War on Religious Contractors
- Obama's Endorsing Lawlessness
- Why Does the IRS Need Guns?
- Bizarro Morality of the Left's War on Guns
- Lies Fly Over the AR-15
- Liberal Insanity Endangers America
- Enough: After Orlando We Must Defund Planned Parenthood and Reverse Same-Sex "Marriage" Ruling
- Net Neutrality is Government Censorship
- Liberals Waging War on the Constitution
- Loretta Lynch: Islam's Finest PR Agent?
- The Irrelevant Crusade
- Logic-Free Zone
- On Guns, Democrats Have Lost Their Minds
- Mateen Was a Hillary Supporter
- Rep. Chaka Fattah (Dem-PA) Convicted on Multiple Counts
- AR-15 Speaks!
- A Mantra From Fauxcahontas
- Brits Vote to leave EU
- Vote Defies Obama, Hillary
- Global Markets Shaken
- The Curse of Hillary Clintonism
- Brexit Vote Was Just the Beginning
- Why "Leave" Won--And What Happens Next
- Britain's Welcome Revival of Nationhood
- Brexit: Another Massive Polling Failure
- Character in Leadership Matters
- America's Political Civil War
- We Don't Need Gun Control. We Need Quran Control.
- Ignoring the Realities of Radical Islam
- Brexit Reaction: Damn the People
- 5 Big Takeaways from the Benghazi Report
- Why the Left Hates Referendums
- The Denial of Europe's Christian Roots Led to Brexit
- Benghazi Report: Obama Admn. Pushed YouTube Video to Save Face
- Benghazi Lie in Black & White
- Dems Circle Wagons on Benghazi
- Hillary Can't Escape Benghazi Responsibility
- Benghazi Lies Standard Procedure Under Obama
- Hillary's History of Lying
- Multiculturalism: A Failed Concept
- Clinton Email Story Gets Harder and Harder to Believe
- The Evil at the Core of Modern Liberalism
- Bill Clinton and Loretta Lynch: It's Corruption
- AG Lynch to Step Aside in Hillary Email Probe
- Dems Circle Wagon of Lies Around Hillary
- Hillary to Meet With FBI
- Anti-Brexit Elites Don't Suffer from Their Policies
- Lose the Story, Lose the Culture
- The Roots of the Tree of Liberty in America
- The Fighting Spirit of the Declaration
- Gun-Control Activists Need a History Lesson
- FBI Interviews Hillary for 3.5 Hours
- The Last Twitchings of Flabby Liberalism
- Obama's For-Profit Government Industry
- Happy Independence Day!
- Nationalism, Patriotism, and July 4
- Liberal-Think Trends on Twitter: "America Was Never Great"
- The Bullies of Black Lives Matter
- FBI Rewrites the Law to Protect Hillary
- Trump: The System is Rigged
- Clinton's Conduct "Extremely Damning"
- Washington D.C.'s Hollow Men
- FBI Director Comey Drops Shocking Bombshells on Hillary's Email Server
- Hillary is Above the Law
- Even the AP Thinks Hillary's a Liar
- Did Comey Destroy Clinton by "Exonerating" Her?
- The FBI's Baffling Rescue of Hillary
- Why Comey Blinked
- Comey Comedy, Comey Comity
- Comey, Lynch Called Before Congress
- D.C. Obsessed With Punishing Secrecy Violators--Until Hillary Clinton
- Clinton Email Scandal Far From Over
- Trey Gowdy Eviscerates Comey's "No Intent" Claim
- Chicago on the Brink
- The False Narrative About Police Killing Blacks
- This Banana's Republic
- Police Across the U.S. Now Targeted
- Black, Blue: Yes, All Lives Matter
- Sharia vs. Freedom in America
- Blame Black Lives Matter for Dallas Carnage
- The Truth About Cops Killing Blacks
- How Many Have to Die because of #BlackLivesMatter?
- No Surprise: Liberal Hypocrisy in the Blame Game
- The Democrats Self-Serving Distractions
- Blacks Not Disproportionately Involved in Police Shootings
- The Obama Contamination
- Barack Obama, the Anti-Lincoln
- The Hillary Double Standard
- The Road to Dallas
- Unraveling Obama's False Narratives
- The Working Class vs. The Smirking Class
- The War on Cops
- Obama and the False Premises of Black Lives Matter
- Be Careful Reaching Conclusions Based on Cell Phone Video
- Why Multiculturalism Has Such a Bad Track Record
- If You Don't Want Cops to Shoot You, Don't Resist Arrest
- The Left's Big Racial Lie
- The "Ferguson Effect" is Real
- Congressional Black Corruption
- Obama's Lies About Police Violence is Dangerous
- Ignorance of the Facts Fuels Anti-Cop Movement
- Democrats Lives Matter...Most
- Race Relations Video Gone Viral
- Black Lives Matter Propaganda Debunked Case-by-Case
- Silencing Whitey
- MLK's Dream Turning Into a Nightmare?
- The Black Victims Who Remain in the Shadows
- The One-Sided War
- How Obama Divides Us
- Open Season on Cops
- Cop-Hate Spreads
- Shakedown Sharpton At It Again
- A Review: Hillary's America
- Progressivism is as Progressivism Does
- Black Lives Matter: Defund the Police
- Obama: The Anti-Cop President
- The Dumbest Idea
- Hillary and the NAACP Mob
- Who Gets Absolute Moral Authority?
- Hillary Lies, Cops Die
- Hillary's Story of Money-Grubbing and Sleaze
- Conservatism 2016
- The Ferguson Effect
- Trump is Right About Crime
- Obama's Dream of Muslim Outreach Now a Nightmare
- Wasserman-Schultz Resigns
- Email Hack Reveals Democrat Arrogance & Corruption
- Dems in Crisis
- A Chart the Racial Grievance Industry Won't Talk About
- The Clintons Got Rich Selling Influence While Decrying Greed
- The Hillary-Alinsky-Lucifer Connection
- "Crooked Hillary"
- Democrat Congressman: Jewish Settlers are "Termites"
- Clinton Cash
- The Democrat's Hack Attack
- When Do the Mothers of ISIS Speak?
- Only Hillary Has Made Corrupt Deals With Russia
- Since When Does the Left Think America is Great?
- 5 Ways Democrats Are Against Reason
- Baltimore Officers Sue AG Mosby
- What's the Problem with Socialism?
- The Clinton Foundation, State & Kremlin Connections
- Venezuelans Weep at the Sight of Food
- Less Activism, More Factivism
- The Real American Divide
- Clinton a Hypocrite on Women's Rights
- The Soul-Sick Leadership in Elite America
- Khizr Khan: Saudi Trained Scholar of Sharia
- Just Who is it That's "Unfit to be President"?
- Black Lives Matter: From a Lie to a Revolution
- Democrats Lie to Avoid the Economy
- Richard Sherman Matters
- Flawed Scientific Research is "Widespread"
- Clinton Foundation is Too Corrupt to Exist
- Fascists and Theocrats
- The Poverty of Progressivism
- Is the IRS Still Targeting Conservatives?
- Obama's Payment to Iran Broke the Law
- Jihadists & Progressives Together
- Benghazi Parents Sue Hillary
- Death and Hillary Clinton
- Socialist Sanders Buys His 3rd Home
- The Left Has Murdered Art
- Criminalizing Entrepreneurs
- Hillary's Neoliberals
- Vindication for Voter ID
- Scandinavia: Successful Socialism?
- Black Lies Cost Black Lives
- A Snapshot of Modern Madness
- Black Lies Burns Milwaukee
- Sheriff Clarke: Blame Milwaukee Unrest on "Ghetto Culture," Not Police
- Why Milwaukee Burns
- Does Black Success Matter?
- Liberal Lesbian Defends Islamic Law
- The Betrayal of the Intellectuals?
- Make America Small Again
- Nihilism in Milwaukee
- Social Justice or Revenge?
- "Honest Conversations" About Race
- Democrat Stooge George Soros Wages War on Islamic Truth-Tellers
- Democrats Explained
- Road to Urban Despair Paved by Democrats
- Comey's FBI Double Standard
- Uh Oh: FBI Finds 15k Emails Hillary Didn't Turn Over
- New Emails Reveal "Pay for Play" Schemes by Clinton Foundation
- The Bill and Hillary Slush Fund
- Clinton's Inescapable Cloud of Corruption
- Hillary's Corruption is Overwhelming
- Diversity: History's Path to Chaos
- Hillary's Cash for Access Diplomacy
- Hillary and Her Wheelbarrows
- Liar, Liar, Pantsuit on Fire
- Hillary: The Pioneer of the "Alt-Left"
- Shocked by Segregation
- Those KKK Republicans
- Hillary's McCarthyism
- Who Made America Hate Again?
- Fed. Govt. is Ill Equipped to Handle Natural Disasters
- It Pays to be a Liberal
- Hillary Clinton Would be Jailed if She Were a Doctor
- Clinton's Dubious Promise to Stop Taking Dictator's Cash
- Hillary's Plantation
- Hillary & "American Exceptionalism"
- Black Lives Matter Kills People
- Unprecedented Liberal Vileness Celebrated & Rewarded
- More Proof that Hillary Lied About Her Emails
- Let's Talk About the "Thug Culture" of Urban America
- Clinton Foundation Was Designed for Bribery
- Democrat Leaders Warned Their Candidates Against Saying "All Lives Matter"
- Hillary: Incompetent or Criminal?
- Yes, America First
- Hammer Used to Smash Hillary's Old Phones
- FBI Interview Catches Hillary in Multiple Lies
- Chicago's Carnage
- Mastermind Behind Clinton's Email Coverup
- Did Team Clinton Destroy Evidence Under Subpoena?
- Hillary's Mind-Boggling FBI Interview
- Crack Lives Matter
- The Virtue-Mongers
- Clinton Scandals: Who Can Keep Up?
- Even Worse Than Clinton's Emails: Her Enablers
- American Indians, the Awful Truth
- Killing Coal: One Promise Obama Has Kept
- Phyllis Schlafly's Death is Conservatism's Loss
- Idea of U.S. Sovereignty Drives Democrats Nuts
- Clinton the "Congenital Liar"
- FBI Managers Instructed to Exonerate Hillary
- Socialism Kills
- Delete This
- Escape from Detroit
- Congress Must Impeach IRS Chief
- Racism: Settled Science?
- Which is the Party of Hate?
- How to Destroy America from Within
- Deplorable Me and Disgusting Hillary
- What the Benghazi Attack Taught Me About Hillary
- The Obama Legacy: An Assault on the Bill of Rights
- 15 Years of Strategic Defeat, Dishonesty & Humiliation
- Hillary Clinton's Empty Moralism
- Diagnosis: Clinton Suffers From Reflexive Urge to Lie
- How is the Godless West Working Out?
- The Left is Weaponizing Sports
- How's That Fundamental Transformation Going?
- Who's Deplorable?
- How to Tell if You're a "Deplorable"
- A Liberal Dose of Hypocrisy
- What is the FBI Hiding?
- London's Muslim Mayor Tells America: Immigrants Shouldn't Have to Assimilate
- Greediest People in America are Liberal Democrats
- Black Cop Suing Black Lives Matter
- Murderous Chicago: The City That Doesn't Work
- Hillary, Who Tells Dreadful Lies
- The Delusional Ideologies of Obama and Clinton
- IRS Commissioner Belongs in Jail
- Thugs Ravage Charlotte
- The Lies of Black Lives Matter is Stirring Up Hate
- Charlotte Burning
- Charlotte Riots, Tulsa Doesn't
- Time for Conservatives to Boycott the NFL
- Our Dangerous Drift From Reason
- How's the Cover-Up Going Hillary?
- Anyone Surprised: Obama Lied About Hillary's Email Server
- IRS Still Attacking Conservatives
- Again: Charlotte Shooting Facts Support the Police
- When Ideology is More Important Than Truth
- Lasting Damage of the Left's "Favors" to Blacks
- Left's Obsession With Narrative Building
- Senator Sasse Grills FBI's Comey Over Hillary's Emails
- Liberals Have Nothing But Contempt for Women
- The Dark Heart of Progressivism
- America's Culture War Mercenaries
- "Diversity or (Career) Death!"
- Free People Own Guns. Slaves Don't.
- Hillary & the Democrats Continue Their War on Blacks
- Welfare State = No Death on the Streets?
- We Are the Third World
- When Facts, Logic, and History Don't Matter
- It's Time to Rebel Against "Diversity Training"
- FBI's Defense of Clinton Interview Full of Holes
- New York Times and Hillary Used Same Tax Provision as Trump
- Liberty is Security
- Clinton's Crime Has Compromised the FBI
- Toxic Feminism
- Diversity McCarthyism
- Black History Museum Whitewashes Clarence Thomas
- Clinton's Statist Solution
- FBI Agents Ready to Revolt Over Cozy Clinton Probe
- The Left's War on Grammar
- Is California a Lost Cause?
- Surprise!: Speeches Reveal Hillary is a Liar
- This Man Did What Hillary Did, and He's in Jail
- Blaspheming Black Lives Matter
- Did CNN Sit on a Crude Obama Video?
- What the Clinton's Wrought
- Subsidizing Disaster
- Stunning Hypocrisy of the Left on Trump and Sexual Immorality
- Miley Cyrus is a Greater Threat Than is Donald Trump
- Trump is Right: Prosecute Hillary
- Michelle Obama's Promotion of Misogyny & Date Rape
- What the Obama/Clinton Emails Reveal
- Stuff That Doesn't Outrage or Disgust Hillary
- FBI's Summary Proves Clinton Broke the Law
- The Faux "Toddler Gun Epidemic"
- FBI Docs Reveal: Hillary's Too Corrupt to be President
- NFL Ignorance
- "Fact Checking" America
- "Rigged" Was Hillary's FBI Case
- Laws are for the Little People
- Hillary's Gods
- Hillary Clinton: Architect of American Failure
- The Truth on Crime & Policing
- The Soul of the Clinton Machine
- Cult of the Elites & How it Happened
- Hillary Curses Those Who Keep Her Safe
- Truth vs. Social Justice
- Hillary: Queen of Corruption
- Conservatives in Denial
- Hillary's Climate of Hate
- The Year of the Nasty Woman
- C.S. Lewis on Politics
- Hillary's Email Crimes: Much Worse than a Double Standard
- Hillary's Email: Yes, "It's a Scandal"
- FBI Stuns D.C.: Reopens Hillary Email Investigation
- FBI's Oct. Surprise Devastating for Hillary
- Why Doesn't Hillary Embarrass Democrats?
- FBI's New Interest in Hillary Linked to Anthony Weiner
- Clinton Inc. is Dishonest, Above the Law, and On the Take
- Grifters-in-Chief
- Clinton's State Dept.: A RICO Enterprise
- Hillary's Piggy Bank: The Clinton Foundation
- Comey's Bombshell
- Report: Internal FBI Conflict Over Clinton Investigation
- Hillary's Hypocrisy
- Don't Blame Comey for this Mess
- The Clintons as Farce
- The Clintons — At the End of All Things
- The Democratic Elite Intentionally Inflicted Hillary Clinton’s Corruption on America
- Everyone Who Disagrees w/the SPLC is Hitler
- If Democrats Will Rig a Debate, What Won't They Do?
- Clinton, Nixon, Corruption & the Rule of Law
- Another Day, Another Case of Clinton Corruption
- Wikileaks: Hillary Will Be Arrested
- This is Not James Comey's Fault
- Trash-Mouth "Philosopher" Trashes Trump
- Comey Again Refuses to Indict Hillary
- FBI's Investigation of the Clinton Foundation Continues
- Standing Up to the Campus Left
- Obama Impedes the Clinton Probe
- Crumbling Clinton Criminal Enterprise
- Law, Order, & Trump
- John Bolton for Secretary of State
- No Democrats. We Don't Want to Treat You As Obama Has
- Dem Senator: Harry Reid "An Absolute Embarrassment to the Senate"
- A Pardon for Hillary?
- When Politics Becomes Your Religion
- What is Conservatism?
- NBA Joins NFL in Driving Trump Fans Away
- Left Needs to Abandon its Pursuit of Multiculturalism
- Univ. Prof. Forced to Resign Over Pro-Trump Comments
- America is Not a "Safe-Space"
- Ted Cruz Eyed for Attorney General
- Slacker Mandate & the Safety Pin Generation
- Liberals Now Want to Do Away with the States
- The Exhausted Epithets of the Left
- Jeff Sessions for Attorney General
- High Hypocrisy: Liberals Decry Our "Post-Truth" Culture
- Communists & Socialists Going Nuts Over Trump
- How Obama Wrecked the Democrat Party
- Is Hypocrisy a Character Trait of the Modern Left?
- The Fall of House Clinton
- Why Attorney General Jeff Sessions is a Democrat's Nightmare
- Me & Jeff Sessions
- The Crisis for Liberalism
- Thoughts vs. Feelings
- Why Liberals Lose Their Minds When They Lose Elections
- Democrat Insanity
- Mike Pence Didn't Need a "Safe-Space"
- War on Cops: Multiple Attacks Over the Weekend
- After Massive Losses, Democrats' Answer Still the Same: Move More Left
- The Obama "Legacy"
- Democrats Virtually Extinct in Appalachia
- The Return of Assassination Fascination
- Meet the Intolerant Vulgarians of the "Dirtbag Left"
- S.C. Gov. Nikki Haley for UN Ambassador
- National Conceal Carry Reciprocity a Possibility Under Trump
- The Borking Bullies of the Left
- Be Thankful You Have Something to Grumble At
- Progressives without Power
- Jeb Bush Calls for Convention of States
- Fidel Castro's Dead, but Tyranny Remains in Cuba
- Castro's Death Confirms Depravity of the Left
- The Truth About Fidel & Raul
- Fidel Castro & Dead Utopianism
- What Fidel Castro Taught Me About the Radical Left
- The Liberal Postmortem is Not Going Well
- The Real Castro Legacy
- Cruz & Rubio Provide Post-Castro Clarity
- Democrats Have Become a Party of Teeth-Gnashers
- Can Democrats Quit Identity Politics?
- Hillary's Hypocrisy on Election Results
- Democrats Have a Pelosi Problem
- The Tyrant is Dead, but the Tyranny Lingers
- Castro Reminds Us: Utopianism Always Fails
- The Totalitarian Lie
- Obama's Party and its Bitter Reckoning
- Democrats and the Definition of Insanity
- Trump's Carrier Coup and a Lesson From JFK
- Trollmaster Trump Driving Liberals to New Heights of Fury
- Mattis for Defense Secretary
- "Destroy Kelloggs"
- Defense Bill Stripped of Religious Liberty Protection
- 5 Reasons Obama Will be Viewed as One of the Worst U.S. Presidents
- The Left is More Scared of Trump than ISIS
- Fidel Castro: 60 Years of Fake News
- Keith Ellison: Islamic Radical
- Ben Carson for HUD Secretary
- Dems Dancing With Insanity
- Frightened by Trump, Inspired by Castro
- In America, a Thousand Little Castros
- Residents Fleeing Liberal States
- The Twin Pillars of Progressive Prejudice
- The Democrats' Days of Rage & Denial
- They Don't Burn Flags at Trade Schools
- Scott Pruitt Nominated to Head EPA--And Liberals Are Aghast
- Which Fake News?
- Assessing the Obama Legacy--Against His Own Mileposts
- More Smelling Salts for Liz Warren
- Real Fake News
- Democrats: From Temper Tantrum to Self-Delusion
- 10 Lows of Harry Reid's Poisonous Career
- The World Fears Trump's America. That's a Good Thing.
- Doubling-Down on "Deplorable"
- Trump's Transition: So Far, So Good
- Shock: Exxon-Mobil CEO Rex Tillerson Chosen as Sec. of State
- The Party of Workers
- The Great "Russia Hacked the Election" Con
- General John Kelly to Head Homeland Security
- Russian Hackers and American Hacks
- The Democrats' Nauseating Putin Hypocrisy
- Trying to Overturn a Free & Fair Election
- Free Advice for Dems
- Sec. of State Nominee Tiller Has Troubling Views on Moral Issues
- The Trouble With Tillerson
- Russian Hacking Claim is a Farce
- Democrats the Sorest Losers Since the Invention of Democracy
- "Serious" Obama Gives Exit Interviews to Late-Nite Comedians
- "Lock Her Up?"
- Trump Election Saves Us from the Evil Party
- Obama Scapegoats the Electoral College
- Title IX: "Bureaucratic Sex Creep" Gone Wild
- Bitter Bill Clinton
- Deranged & Dangerous Democratrats Trying to Steal the Election
- Note the Devout Christians in Trump's Cabinet
- Desperate Revisionism of the Left
- Happy Kwanza! (The Holiday Brought to You by the FBI)
- Fake Hate-Crimes Skyrocket Upon Trump's Election
- Liberals Are Intolerant
- Judge Roy Moore Interviews for Senate Seat
- People Who Hate Humanity
- A Rebirth of Hope
- Electoral Masterpiece
- Democrats Turn on Obama
- The Audacity of Hope
- Time to Defund and Withdraw from the UN
- The Ferguson Effect Lives On
- Obama Betrays Israel
- Obama's Last Betrayal
- UN Anti-Israel Resolution a "U.S. (Barack Obama) Operation"
- Barack Backhands Bibi
- Obama's Squalid Attack on Israel
- Socialism Shattered Venezuela; Useful Idiots Applauded
- Wages of Trump Derangement Syndrome
- The Audacity of Denial
- Kerry admits influence of US on UN resolution
- Resilience of Israel
- John Kerry's Fitting Ending
- Standing "Idly By"
- Chicago 2016 in One Picture
- The U.N. vs. Israel
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