This is truly a historic moment in American political history. Donald Trump has rewritten the electoral map. He won states that the GOP hasn't won in a presidential election since the Reagan era (Wisconsin). On the other hand, many reliably conservative states that were won easily by Mitt Romney and John McCain, were much closer victories for Trump.
Don't get me wrong, as I've often pointed out, there are many things about Mr. Trump that give me great pause. However, as I posted somewhere else earlier tonight:
As a Christian conservative, I voted for him (Trump) knowing what I would get from her (Hillary), and hoping what I would get from him.In other words, though Mr. Trump has given me little reason to be hopeful, I'm stunned (pleasantly) and hopeful. If Donald Trump is a conservative, he's not shown himself to be my kind of a conservative. If Donald Trump is a Christian, he's not shown himself to be my kind of Christian. (Though, that is not the standard he has to meet, is it?) Nevertheless, I'm hopeful, and I'm glad to give him the opportunity to prove me wrong.
I'm also anxious. I'm very anxious to see if he holds to what he led us to believe about the Supreme Court. I'm anxious to see if he, and his republican Congress, repeal and replace the abomination that is Obamacare. His presidency will be fascinating to watch.
Speaking of Congress, in addition to winning the presidency, electorally, the GOP has done well across the board. The democrats fell far short of their necessary margins to overtake the U.S. House or Senate. In addition, the GOP was able to hold on to--even picking off a couple of states from democrats--its large majority of state governors. A good summary of results are here:
As it became more and more clear that Mr. Trump was going to win, liberals across the media expressed their aghast at what they were watching. Juan Williams said the moment was (unpleasantly) "surreal." Liberals who expressed no shock or surprise at a community organizer becoming U.S. president, somehow find it amazing that a billionaire businessman could achieve the same.
As I pointed out in 2008, when Barack Obama won his historic election:
Writing in The Light and the Glory, Peter Marshall and David Manuel note that in hoping for America to be on the right path many Christians have “hoped that electing a Christian President would do the job. But as Dwight Eisenhower once said, ‘Never let yourself be persuaded that any one Great Man, any one leader, is necessary to the salvation of America. When America consists of one leader and 158 million followers, it will no longer be America.’”
Marshall and Manuel continue, “It is the most dangerous kind of corporate self-delusion to think that a President, regardless of how much he heeds God, can reverse the bent of the national will, once it is set in a certain direction…which seems to put the responsibility directly upon each of us who has a personal relationship with our Savior—much as we might like to blame the immorality of others for the precipitous rate of decline. But the responsibility is ours, and it always has been.”Update: Results of the "battleground states" some of which were not considered such before last night:
Update 2: Another thing to keep an eye on here (for years to come): Watch the donations to the Clinton Foundation plummet. What reason is there now to support the "work" of Bill and Hillary Clinton?
Trevor Thomas
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