According to Reuters, "For the first time since its launch in 1957, the National Health Interview Survey in 2013 and 2014 included a question about sexual orientation." Among many other things, the report reveals that there are "substantial health disparities for LGB adults in the United States." These "health disparities" include the facts that those engaging in homosexual behavior "were more likely to report impaired physical and mental health, heavy alcohol consumption, and heavy cigarette use."
Sadly, and foolishly, the researchers here make no effort to determine the reasons for these health disparities. With no science to back their conclusions, they merely declare that the revealed health disparities exist "potentially due to the stressors that LGB people experience as a result of interpersonal and structural discrimination." Also, foolishly, the survey did not ask about sexual transmitted diseases (STDs). The health outcomes examined were "chronic conditions (cancer, hypertension, coronary heart disease, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, diabetes, arthritis, hepatitis, and weak or failing kidneys."
Of course, as my "Dangers of Homosexuality" page reveals, homosexuals have "health disparities" because of their dangerous (and sinful) sexual behaviors. Additionally, once one abandons the eternal moral absolutes given by our Creator in the sexual realm, it becomes easier to abandon other moral absolutes. Thus the rampant drinking, smoking, and drug use among those engaging in homosexuality. Or, as is often speculated, homosexuals seek to numb themselves through drug and alcohol abuse in order to rid themselves of any guilt they feel due to their sinful behaviors. Of course, what those corrupted by a liberal worldview would have us do is lie and stop calling homosexuality sin.
Lastly, why would anything calling itself the "National Health Interview Survey" take so long (nearly 60 years!) to survey the health of homosexuals?! (Maybe they were afraid of what the answers would reveal?) And then when finally asking about the health of homosexuals, why would you NOT ask about STDs?!
Copyright 2016, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
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