This is why conservatives, especially Christian
conservatives, have a much more difficult time in the political arena,
especially with what I prefer to call the “moral
issues.” Of course, such issues, as we saw in Arizona , inflame passions and grab
headlines. As I recently noted in a conversation with a U.S. congressman, liberals have a
much easier time “playing politics” because their moral bar is so low
and easily adjusted to whatever is politically popular. Politics is much more
difficult when you are answerable to absolute truths.
Our politics is only a reflection of our culture at large.
Thus, Americans in general who find homosexual behavior, abortion, marriage
perversions (whether same-sex or otherwise), and the like, morally repulsive are
increasingly finding themselves at odds with a culture that is all too willing
to compromise. This is especially the case with so-called “Millennials.” (What
did we expect to be born out of the “Me” generation?)
These Millennials tell
us that the biggest reason that so many of them have turned from the
teachings of their faith or families and embraced same-sex marriage and
homosexuality is that they “really got to know a gay person.” Also, because of
a lack of sound teaching and equipping, and because of the willingness to
compromise with other sins (especially divorce and out-of-wedlock sexual
activity), even those who were raised in evangelical homes and churches have
been willing to accept same-sex marriage and homosexuality.
Christians, and others who know better, should no more
accept homosexuality based on getting to know a homosexual who seems a rather
likable chap, than we are to accept abortion because we know a friendly Planned
Parenthood worker. “Hate the sin and love the sinner” is much more than a
well-worn platitude of Christianity. It is exactly how Christ taught us to win
those who have turned from the truth.
In addition, those of us warring (in the spiritual realm)
against the rampant compromise with sin in our culture need well reasoned and
articulate answers when faced with the inevitable opposition that we will
encounter. This goes for the politician and the pastor, as well as the banker
and the baker, the policeman and the painter, and the waitress and the window
washer. We all better be ready to give a good defense for what we believe.
In spite of what is often portrayed in the media, many who
have gone their own way sexually are deeply hurting and looking for the truth.
This is inevitable, as any sin, but especially sexual sin, has dire
consequences with many hard lessons looming. Pornography, prostitution, abortion,
fornication, homosexuality, stripping, and the like, are all sexual sins from
which millions are seeking escape.
Make no mistake though; we will not win everyone over. We
probably won’t even win most. And we certainly may not find ourselves on the
winning side in elections. In fact, things may get worse. If through the courts
same-sex marriage becomes the law of the land in the U.S., public schools will
then be compelled to teach, not only the acceptance of same-sex marriage, but
that of homosexuality, transgenderism (California is showing the way here), and
any other similar sexual perversions.
Then tens-of-millions more Americans will “get to know” a
gay person. Also, in this scenario, homosexual “parents” will be portrayed as
normal and healthy in every way. The law will force compliance on, not only
small businesses such as bakers, photographers, florists, but churches and
para-church organizations (think Focus on the Family, Answers in Genesis, and
the like) as well. Gays adopting will become the norm in every state (as we see
now in several states).
However, it is possible to avoid such a moral collapse. Along with teaching and preaching the truth, just
as with abortion, and somewhat with man-made global warming, eventually science
and information will catch up with the liberal lies on marriage and
homosexuality. (It is already
there to some extent, but many are afraid to speak out.)
Ultrasound technology and other advancements have shed light
on the lie that abortion involves only one human being. Of course, this hasn’t
stopped abortions in the U.S. ,
but it has made the deception much more difficult. There are far more people in
that have experienced an abortion (mothers and fathers) than have participated
in homosexuality. This has not changed the truth when it comes to abortion, and
neither should it with marriage and homosexuality.
Copyright 2014, Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
Trevor and his wife Michelle are the authors of: Debt Free Living in a Debt Filled World
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