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Tuesday, August 8, 2017

My Interview with Larry Pratt of "Gun Owners of America"

Last week I recorded an interview with Larry Pratt of Gun Owners of America (GOA). For the most part, the interview centered on The Miracle and Magnificence of America. It first aired last Saturday on the "Gun Owners News Hour," and the podcast can be heard here:


Mr. Pratt is the executive director of GOA, a position he's held for over 40 years. He's a long-time defender of the Second Amendment and a staunch advocate for the gun rights of Americans. Mr. Pratt has appeared on CNN's Piers Morgan, NBC's Today Show, CBS' Good Morning America, CNN's Crossfire and Larry King Live, Fox's Hannity and Colmes. Additionally, with more that 1.5 million members, Gun Owners of America is the second (to the NRA) largest gun advocacy organization in America. Their website is here: www.gunowners.org; their Facebook page is here: www.facebook.com/GunOwners, and their YouTube channel is here: www.youtube.com/user/GunOwnersofAmerica/featured.

Trevor Grant Thomas
At the Intersection of Politics, Science, Faith, and Reason.
Trevor is the author of the The Miracle and Magnificence of America

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